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Front Cover Markham paper: Proposed Ban of Sale, Possession of replica firearms...



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Old September 17th, 2006, 10:14   #46
Schwag wannabe
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I bet that if they banned the crossman guns, or banned selling of airsoft, or soft air cheaply in any outdoors store, I bet that the people shooting cars on highways and out windows will stop. Noone is going to buy a $500 dollar AEG just to shoot at cars in the highway, and then probably face criminal charges, and seizure of the gun.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 11:17   #47
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Price is part of the problem with kids buying these, but parents have deep pockets. Just look at the prices for Xbox 360 and the new Sony ps3. The Sony is going to sell for $650 in Canada. I am willing to bet a lot of kids will get something that expensive under the tree this year. If some parents will fork out that amount of cash for a game system, some will do it for airsoft as well.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 11:47   #48
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by Jake
Price is part of the problem with kids buying these, but parents have deep pockets. Just look at the prices for Xbox 360 and the new Sony ps3. The Sony is going to sell for $650 in Canada. I am willing to bet a lot of kids will get something that expensive under the tree this year. If some parents will fork out that amount of cash for a game system, some will do it for airsoft as well.
I disagree. Most parents have no problem buying a video game system for their kids since it keeps them at home. Those same parents are less (that's less) likely to purchase a realistic looking gun knowing that their child will most likely not be playing with it at home ... althought there will always be the few exceptions.

I would gamble that most of the trouble makers do not go through their parents to get airsoft/BB guns but through their peers.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 12:28   #49
Amazing KG3
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Greylocks is right, the best solution is too put age limits on it, everything should be 18+ by law, (if it isnt already, im not sure) But seeing how its all online, is there any really secured way? I guess if the government makes it a law, thatll be enough for them. Anyways, im not sure, but does this have to do with the big raid? If so, why would that lead to a ban, there just airsoft guns? Nevermind just read the article.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 12:33   #50
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I hear about crimes commited with replica guns....but have yet to see a statistic. Anyone find one floating around? I'm betting the occurance of this is blown WAY out of proportion.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 12:35   #51
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Originally Posted by Cortexburn
I hear about crimes commited with replica guns....but have yet to see a statistic. Anyone find one floating around? I'm betting the occurance of this is blown WAY out of proportion.
Politicians would do no such thing ... you can trust them, totally.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 12:54   #52
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Originally Posted by Cortexburn
I hear about crimes commited with replica guns....but have yet to see a statistic. Anyone find one floating around? I'm betting the occurance of this is blown WAY out of proportion.
I could only find a statistic from 1997, but from what it said, the only listed offense from replicas was robbery. And replica firearms accounted for 6 crimes. I lost the site address, but if you google it, it's on the Canadian Justice site.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 12:57   #53
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For sale: load of airsoft guns, come to my place in Ottawa to see the collection and make bids [/sarcasm]

Anyone up for a group trip to get our PAL's? (<-- thats not sarcasm, really, anyone in Ottawa wanna go as a group to get em?)

I'd like to get a headshot on Harper too, you know, bring my SLR and get some good headshots, maybe throw in some dynamic poses, could be the start of an interested photography collection plus I get to say I met one of the biggest ass holes in Canada (I generally dislike ANY politics or politicians.)
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Old September 17th, 2006, 13:11   #54
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The incident in the article, which is about the groups of youths shooting at cars at Yonge and Bloomington probalbly has nothing to do with airsoft guns, but with the crossman airguns. I am pretty sure about this because i know that area pretty well, and there is a Canadian Tire right there, where they can go and purchase these airguns.

And about banning replica guns, i think only airguns and Canadian guns should be banned. My reason to this is: those guns are probably what most parents are buying their kids, or what kids are buying the most. I am from hong kong and have known about airsoft guns throughout mylife. When i started to get into airsoft, which was around 6 years ago (when i was in Canada), none of my friends or their parents knew what an airsoft gun was. My point is not many parents or kids that are raised in Canada know what an airsoft gun is, all they know about are the guns they see when they go to Canadian tire, and since those are the closest to real guns they can get, they buy them and be idiots with them. Not like airsofting, where there are forums telling people what is wrong and what not to do; there aren't any forums for those airguns; so the people who buy them don't know about the responsibilites when owning one of those airguns.

So my proposal to this issue it to ban all Canadian tire (or walmart, etc) guns, and have a age limit on buying airsoft guns (what greylocks said), or even have to have a license to play with airsoft guns.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 14:11   #55
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No matter what we do as responsible airsofters, the policing of ourselves and the safety issues we all adhere to, there are always going to be people who for whatever reason, feel they dont need to follow the rules. Whatever way you look at is those persons who are giving our sport the publicity that is not beneficial to any of us.

Setting an age to purchase and use airsoft as Greylocks has mentioned I would totally agree with. Maybe not a popular thing to do but are we here to get voted into office, or are we here to keep the sport we play and enjoy going?.....if we dont police the sport ourselves.....when it comes to the law makers, maybe they wont be as sympathetic and look at it from the side of public safety, banning all of it outright.

Another aspect of all of this is the media. Stories can be pretty much spun in anyway they see fit, in order to get "ratings" and/or to sell more issues. "The sky is falling" and airsoft is the cause.

One thing I do want to do in the future is invite a representative from the local paper to do an article of what airsoft really is, showing them especially how seriously we take issues concerning safety and gun ownership. Given where our club's new home ground will be located, it should send a positive message to the public how serious we are.

I have personally tried to sit down with the local Police to educate them of what the responsible airsoft players do. They didnt want to know so far. I am sure in the future I will have better luck. It will just take time.

I feel education is the key, while backing that with laws that would work for the benefit of us as players and the public as a whole.

While not reading/having seen the article from the Markham paper, has any local responsible airsoft groups contacted the paper and talked with them regarding airsoft???
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Old September 17th, 2006, 14:20   #56
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If only we could get a video similar to the one that the australians made.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 14:23   #57
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i agree too with the 18+ only and stop parents from buying airsoft for kids.
i agree to ban Ctire and walmart soft air / crosssman guns.
i suggest to have a "18+Airsoft Safety Program" which tells you how to responsibly handle airsoft, goggles, barrel plugs, gun cases etc. and people who passed should get a certificate or card. its not a firearms safety course its a airsoft safety course. one needs to pass before they can buy airsoft guns. this will stop kids for sure in buying these guns as it will be a hassle for them.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 14:32   #58
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by BBS
i agree too with the 18+ only and stop parents from buying airsoft for kids.
i agree to ban Ctire and walmart soft air / crosssman guns.
i suggest to have a "18+Airsoft Safety Program" which tells you how to responsibly handle airsoft, goggles, barrel plugs, gun cases etc. and people who passed should get a certificate or card. its not a firearms safety course its a airsoft safety course. one needs to pass before they can buy airsoft guns. this will stop kids for sure in buying these guns as it will be a hassle for them.
18+ is already in place at stores (at least they have signs saying so) and by most retailers (again some say they won't but do sell to minors) and there is no way to stop someone that is hell bent on getting one.

Canadian Tire will not stop selling anything that makes them a buck (or any other large franchise for that matter). If the government were to ban sales of airguns and softair and stores you can bet airsoft will be gone long before.

The 18+ Airsoft Safety program is completely rediculous. Why? I'm not trying to cut you down and be rude, but the safe handling of an airsoft gun is just plain common sense, same with knives, bows, baseball bats, the handling of your fork (could take someone's eye out) or your car, etc: etc: etc: ... Some people are stupid, and stupid is as stupid does. You cannot teach common sense and good judgement. It just can't be done.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 14:32   #59
Amazing KG3
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We are the biggest airsoft community in canada, and we represent the whole country. If we proposed a 18+ rule our selves, would that show responsibility on our behalf, and possibly show how serious we are about this? just a suggestion, i dont know what kind of complications would arise.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 14:54   #60
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Originally Posted by Amazing KG3
we represent the whole country.
Not a chance, but nice try. There is a substantial airsoft population, much larger than the online community, which has never heard of ASC.

If we proposed a 18+ rule our selves, would that show responsibility on our behalf, and possibly show how serious we are about this?
Well, it's an issue of what you're trying to accomplish. You say, "show responsibility on our behalf." Who are you trying to show responsibility to? To what end?

Whatever agenda you might be trying to articulate, the fact is that changes to the laws we deal with ultimately require a legislative amendment, which isn't really feasible at this time. I had articulated my thoughts on this in another thread.

Although certainly well-meaning in your intent, I don't see enough here to bring forward to anyone.

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