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Prototype grenade finnished



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Old September 14th, 2006, 09:19   #16
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Originally Posted by BBS
the quest to make a legal pyrotechnic BB gernade never ends...
There, fixed it for ya.
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Old September 15th, 2006, 09:57   #17
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Originally Posted by Vice
the hockey tape is just for testing purposes. i do agree that weight is a factor. and yes there is some metal on the inside (a washer and small copper tube that houses the Co2. also a puncture pin. the prototype is about the size of an areisol can but im sure i will be able to miniatureize future versions.
this should cut down on weight. the size of the claymore wont change as it is just right and it will speed up development to have it more than half made. it would be nice to have a limit to work within as far as weight goes. what is the maximum weight you would suggest for something such as this. keeping in mind propper use of this grenade is to be lobbed, not directly fastballed at someone. any grenade aside from the cork ones will break your face if whailed in the heat of battle. while this may eventually happen it would not be propper use under the instructions. thus limmiting liability and placing all ownace on the users head.

pvc will barely hold the Co2 pressure u need to use black ABS pipe.

i think there has got to be a compromisible weight that everybody should agree on. i am not too concerned with making a crappy ass joke grenade but i do want to keep playability in mind. the nerf look just doesnt do much for me.
WHAT?? ABS is NOT pressure rated! :smack: :smack: it can't handle repeated pressurization. You should never use ABS in pressurised device (like a CO2 hand grenade).

You need Sch40 or 80 PVC. Just look at what ABS is used for (Non Pressure rated Applications) so its not made to hold any pressure at all except of water under gravity. Pressure rated PVC is made to hold water pressure so it is suitable for pneumatics. Pressure rated pvc means that it has a pressure rating and "Schedule 40 or 80" printed onto the pipe.

2" PVC Schedule 40 pipe has a pressure rating of 280 PSI. Take a look at the 12gram CO2 chart, for your safety :

Take care and remember, safety first :salute: :wink:
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Old September 15th, 2006, 17:37   #18
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Originally Posted by Vice
Originally Posted by redhawk_six
Sounds like it will still be too heavy/hard. You'll need at least some metal parts to handle the pressure of the gas, over the long term, plastic wont cut it. And the weight of the CO2 cartridge alone is too much. PVC piping is pretty much the only easy to obtain, cheap to use plastic that i can think of that will handle the pressure of CO2, and it's too heavy and solid to be safe to throw at someone. Even a single pound of weight is too much to safely throw in someones direction. This is why madbull decided against using a gas to power their hand grenade design. Any gas system will be either too heavy, or wont last in the long term.

Hockey tape wont provide protection from injury either.

You need to consider the amount of force someone is likely to throw it with in the 'heat' of battle. A plastic pipe full of powder to the head could still easily cause damage.

the hockey tape is just for testing purposes. i do agree that weight is a factor. and yes there is some metal on the inside (a washer and small copper tube that houses the Co2. also a puncture pin. the prototype is about the size of an areisol can but im sure i will be able to miniatureize future versions.
this should cut down on weight. the size of the claymore wont change as it is just right and it will speed up development to have it more than half made. it would be nice to have a limit to work within as far as weight goes. what is the maximum weight you would suggest for something such as this. keeping in mind propper use of this grenade is to be lobbed, not directly fastballed at someone. any grenade aside from the cork ones will break your face if whailed in the heat of battle. while this may eventually happen it would not be propper use under the instructions. thus limmiting liability and placing all ownace on the users head.

pvc will barely hold the Co2 pressure u need to use black ABS pipe.

i think there has got to be a compromisible weight that everybody should agree on. i am not too concerned with making a crappy ass joke grenade but i do want to keep playability in mind. the nerf look just doesnt do much for me.

Some design help and notes make it interesting.

Step one make a pin ya pull(and an optional catch(I have a system I have desined and testedthat works with and with out catch)). Keep it in its aerosol can and make it disperse baking flower. Yes the stuff you cook with. The bottom of the grenades final put a ring of red tape about 1/4 inch from the bottom.

The problems going to be getting the flower to go the full 360. But in the end you get a grenade worthy look wise for an indoor arena like ttac3.

I use to make home made splatter bombs, when I was a paintball. I made a few "plastique" terrorist bombs as well. (not the kind that really go boom just looks real and fires a barrage of flower)

note: I have a few designs for dispersing flower in a 360 pattern. But never using an aerosol can like thing. and it gives a loud pop.(timer dependent on co2 cartage company so all brass eagles will give same time all copper heads will give same time and so on.) And a fair warning mine can be very messy in terms of detonation blast. They will get flower every where. Nice cloud.

I would love to help cause I cant seam to find any he grenades.
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Old September 15th, 2006, 21:57   #19
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Originally Posted by yanhchan
Willy Pete!!!!
sigh... good time good time

Me and some of my friend are working and have worked on some "dont throw that on someone" nades which some worked great. But like probably all pyro based nades, dosage is almost impossible to get right. Glad to see some one is making a step foward beside just blowing stuff up for shit & giggles.

P.S. : Each time I hear about airsoft mines I think one thing : WHAT ABOUT MY BALLS! I mean does every one think that having a device that throw bbs vertically at you when you step on it is safe. (if I'm completly wrong please tell me)
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Old September 15th, 2006, 22:09   #20
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Originally Posted by |-|ellfire
But like probably all pyro based nades, dosage is almost impossible to get right.
Not to mention dangerous and illegal.
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Old September 15th, 2006, 22:11   #21
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Heres Tha pics

heres the pics i have lots to say but im working all weekend so i may not be too chatty till monday

p.s. all help is always welcome.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Gnade1 001 resize.jpg (280.0 KB, 19 views)
File Type: jpg Gnade1 002 resize.jpg (199.0 KB, 8 views)
File Type: jpg Gnade1 003 resize.jpg (213.1 KB, 11 views)
File Type: jpg Gnade1 004 resize.jpg (214.5 KB, 9 views)
File Type: jpg Gnade1 005 resize.jpg (228.7 KB, 15 views)
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Old September 15th, 2006, 22:22   #22
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and video too

some video, could not put anything in it due to the fact that my wife would shit if I blasted white power all over the place.
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Old September 15th, 2006, 22:43   #23
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that metal cap on the end would definitly make an impression on anyone u use it on. I think it has potential, but the little puff of co2 didn't really demonstrate the effectivness of it. perhaps a demo vid when the wife isn't home and u have time to clean up?
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Old September 15th, 2006, 22:43   #24
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That was cool!
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Old September 15th, 2006, 22:44   #25
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oh yes, nicely done. :cheers:
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Old September 15th, 2006, 23:13   #26
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Originally Posted by Kuraitenshi
that metal cap on the end would definitly make an impression on anyone u use it on. I think it has potential, but the little puff of co2 didn't really demonstrate the effectivness of it. perhaps a demo vid when the wife isn't home and u have time to clean up?
yes, better vids will follow, i was just posting as i promised and to keep the discussions going. the metal cap will be replaced as soon as i can find a plastic one that fits. in its present state i cant just take it to home depot and size it up in the isles

i realize its a bit rough around the edges but everybody please keep in mind its still a 1st gen prototype. it will only get better from here.

as for the whole pvc/abs argument i am aware of the low ratings on abs pipe, fortunatly it has so far proven itself worthy after about 15 uses it still has shown no signs of stress. probably due to the fact that the pipe only holds the pressure for a short time, as i improve the compression cap to add more time to the lead up, i may need to change materials. for now... it will be fine, as u can see.
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Old September 15th, 2006, 23:34   #27
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You may be able to make it lighter and more reliable if you make it a "potato masher" type grenade... If you like I may be able to help you...

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Old September 15th, 2006, 23:51   #28
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looking forward to gen II
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Old September 16th, 2006, 00:05   #29
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my origional design was a potato masher but it seemed too excessive, the black pipe you see actually had at one point an adapter and a larger diameter pipe at the top and subsequently a much larger rubber cap too. i found the entire thing too large and too "un-grenade-like" so i simplified it by just taking the top off and getting a smaller cap. i wll make up some drawings of where i see this model going. this is where i will need most of the help. i defenitly want to make it smaller, much smaller. my intent is to have the whole thing inside a slim foam sleeve, when the cap pops off it will be attached to a sliding piece that will slide open and expose the payload. anybody can make a pipe go "pop". my intentions are to make a cheap, re-useable, throw-at-head and not get too hurt grenade that doesnt totally suck.

why? 2 reasons

1. i like grenades.... alot. i want to use them to add more fun to my games
2. i want to sell these so i can fund my uber expensive airsoft habbit
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Old September 16th, 2006, 00:11   #30
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Originally Posted by Kuraitenshi
looking forward to gen II

me too
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