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Q: Night Vision Accessories?


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Old August 29th, 2006, 21:57   #1
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Q: Night Vision Accessories?

I've done my requisite searches here and on the night-vision forums. There hasn't been this particular question posted here or answered on the NV forum with respect to airsoft....

I am pretty well decided on picking up a D-300 Gen 2+ from OpticsHQ ($979) LINK HERE

My question is: I am thinking of getting the (commercial) headgear for it as well ($100) - should I also get the weapon mount ($279) for another usage option? Do any of the people here who have used NVG for airsoft have any experience with the headgear / weapon's mount accessories and can offer recommendations?

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Old August 29th, 2006, 23:04   #2
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id say personal preferance, but gun mounted is a little more convenient in my opinion. ive seen both and the head gear is a lttle much but alows you to constantly use it when moving, the gun mount you can use it with a scope for night scouting.
its a tough call, but i would say your more inclined to use it when its on your gun.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 01:12   #3
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You can't order the D-300 base model, it has no tube data sheet so its export from the US is restricted. You'll have to go for the "Milspec" model which DOES have a tube data sheet. Why that makes it exportable, I have no clue. Sucks because the Milspec model is more expensive. I've had many a conversation with Michael (the owner) about this as I was looking at the same unit but am waiting to see if I win a certain overseas eBay auction first.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 15:37   #4
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Also to take into concideration is using paintball/airsoft goggles going to obscure the use of the NVG? Any head gear I've seen looks like it might give you a hard time but I'm with SWAT on this one... personal preferance.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 21:13   #5
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A Brit told me that in Iraq they had NVDs similar to that, and how to wear them was up to personal preference. In theory if you had if over and eye you'd combine NV with regular vision, and see very nicely. But some people didn't care for it at all, so they'd mount on the weapon and just look around once in a while with it.

I've got a big Russian gen1 tube, and the problem with ESS Flight-Deck goggles is that they are a bit too deep, you really have to squish the rubber eye-cup up to the goggles, and even then you are slightly too far away for proper eye-relief.

Oh yea, you have to manually adjust focus, all the time, like breathing or blinking. Of course, the farther away the less important focus is. And IR illuminators are very useful. I'm glueing a piece of polycarbonate to replace the lens cover, because the lenses would be expensive to replace.

Oh, as well the new ACU camouflage pattern makes much more sense after you've seen camo patterns with black in them, through NV. It's like black things glow in the dark, but in reverse because they're absorbing everything. US woodland becomes 2 colours, green tan and beige all look the same, and the black stands out.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 21:45   #6
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Gun mounted is somewhat convenient... but damn heavy!
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Old August 30th, 2006, 23:32   #7
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I'm a big fan of monoculars. They're the most versatile unit. You can head mount it, hold it in your hand, attach it to your gun, attach a camera to it, affix it to a rifle scope, of course provided your model supports this. Can't really attach much to a binocular, and it's pretty akward to try to head mount or hand-hold a scope.

Also be careful when using IR illuminators. If anyone else you're playing with has NV, they'll see it too like a beacon saying "SHOOT HERE". A sacrificial lens is a wise investment if you have a higher end unit.
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Old September 9th, 2006, 17:49   #8
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Originally Posted by Gryphon
You can't order the D-300 base model, it has no tube data sheet so its export from the US is restricted. You'll have to go for the "Milspec" model which DOES have a tube data sheet. Why that makes it exportable, I have no clue. Sucks because the Milspec model is more expensive.
Your quite right- I ended up going for the mil-spec D-300 (additional $250). I decided to go for the commercial headgear as well as a weapon mount, although I was able to get a compatible weapon mount for $129.

There's an overnight milsim coming up next week when I get to test everything out. :-D I'll post my impressions.
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Old September 9th, 2006, 20:49   #9
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Oh thank god, your on my team... LOL. hope they work well now .
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Old September 10th, 2006, 01:04   #10
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he he he- I'll try not to shoot you in the ass 8)
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