ICS M4 back in action
allmost a year ago my M4 went down badly, the electical contact switch burnt out to the point where one or the contacts had melted the plastic tab that held it onto the switch, well after a year of messing around, thinking of sending it to someone to get fixed or just doing it myself, I finally fixed the damn thing with parts from my CA15 gearbox (not in use since I got a systema complete for it) after two hours of moding the contacts to fit the ICS switch it was done, now for the fun part.
thanks to all the work that has been done to educate the masses on upgrades and modifications by people here and abroad I was able to put the mechbox back together and properly shimmed in less than half an hour (even though most of the data for this stuff refers to TM version 2 boxes)
and since it was down for so long it turned into one of my "project guns" with a new G&P CQB front end and crane stock this thing is bad ass, hiding its M4 length barrel with a GBtech silencer and sporting a new hurricanE 551 holo sight and ICS flip up rear sight.....its a work of AR art.....once I get my camera back from my brother I'll take pics.