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Old September 1st, 2006, 23:36   #16
Captain Awesome
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dont kid yourself. youll need a vest this year. what are you going to carry everything in? your pockets? right thatll go over well. "oh damn i lost 2 of my mags, they mustve fallen out of my pockets!" quote me on that.

here, some nice guy thought about this already for you....

oh and crown surplus has the replica helmet in your pick for $45.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old September 2nd, 2006, 00:29   #17
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Visually, the MICH / ACH is a bit smaller than the PASGT, doesn't have the brim on the front (better vis), a bit shorter on the sides (better hearing/situational awareness), and shorter in the back back (compatibility with body armor, specially when prone). The MICH actually comes in three flavors, too: the TC-2000 (which was just described and is most commonly seen), the TC-2001 which has an open ear design, and TC-2002 which is a half-ear design.

Slightly less visible, the MICH has a four point retention system, versus the two point one on the PASGT.

And not visible, but most important, the MICH does away with the strap suspension system and introduces a pad system, not unlike what you'd find in a bike or similar helmet, which is better at absorbing shock and impacts (exactly like a bike helmet). The foam pads used for the replicas are different from the real ones, but they're still more comfortable than the suspension straps. And last but not least, while the PASGT is credited with stopped bullets it wasn't designed to; the MICH is ballistic rated.


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Old September 2nd, 2006, 00:33   #18
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Knee pads are handy if you do a lot of crouching. Maybe not a must, but good to have if you suddenly need to drop down fast out in the bush.

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Old September 2nd, 2006, 07:59   #19
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Why do you want to purchase something that you will grow out of by the time you can legally play?
Dont buy anything until you are 18, it's not worth it, and in the case of clothes it makes zero sense.
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Old September 2nd, 2006, 11:45   #20
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If he is in Calgary he'll be able to play when 16.
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“We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.”
Thomas Jefferson

I hate Ghillie suits.

Socialism SUCKS
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Old September 2nd, 2006, 11:55   #21
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Originally Posted by Xero

Plus, I already... "Skillfully Aquired" (as the reserve units in our area put it) a real CADPAT boonie...

So what you are saying is you STOLE a military do realise that even as a cadet you can be subjected to military discipline as dictated by QR&O's and the NDA....

boy I would love to contact your CO....
Bad Karma (Pacific)

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Old September 2nd, 2006, 19:22   #22
Captain Awesome
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Originally Posted by Black_Orchid
Knee pads are handy if you do a lot of crouching. Maybe not a must, but good to have if you suddenly need to drop down fast out in the bush.

oh ya! forget it if you dont buy these. youll kneel in mud/ water or on a rock/ cactus... thatll ruin your day. knee pads are an absolute must. good one orchid

Originally Posted by Bigmatty
Originally Posted by Xero
Plus, I already... "Skillfully Aquired" (as the reserve units in our area put it) a real CADPAT boonie...
So what you are saying is you STOLE a military do realise that even as a cadet you can be subjected to military discipline as dictated by QR&O's and the NDA....
boy I would love to contact your CO....
come on bigmatty, all cadets steal gear, its not like hes a rebel or breaking some code, every cadet swipes stuff. a collegue was a cadet and has loads of gear, sleeping bags, utility pouches, misc pouches, i think he has a tent even. its part of being a cadet its "your" gear so why not keep it... with some reserve tho, not everything is "yours". lol.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old September 2nd, 2006, 20:07   #23
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it is not "your" kit. whilst a cadet cannot be charged under the NDA IF he/she is a CIL they can. quoted from the cadet Canada website..

"When cadets are alleged to have conducted themselves in such a manner that may bring discredit on their unit, they shall be brought before the unit CO. The CO shall determine whether the cadet's actions are sufficiently serious to warrant exclusion from training for a specified period of time, release from the unit, or referral to civilian authorities for offences under the Criminal Code or Young Offender's Act. Any termination of cadet membership, not with standing the reason, shall be administered IAW reference B."

its not a joke, and should be treated as such. Stuff gets acquired for sure I have seen it all in 18 years of come online as a serving cadet and joke about stealing an issue item is pathetic. Considering the person from whom the hat was stolen could be financially responsible for it.
Bad Karma (Pacific)

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Old September 2nd, 2006, 20:29   #24
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Originally Posted by Bigmatty
Originally Posted by Xero

Plus, I already... "Skillfully Aquired" (as the reserve units in our area put it) a real CADPAT boonie...

So what you are saying is you STOLE a military do realise that even as a cadet you can be subjected to military discipline as dictated by QR&O's and the NDA....

boy I would love to contact your CO....
More like some reserve guy lost his. Big deal its a tilly... Hell, theres a store on base that sells "misplaced" service items to cadets.

Anyways, i've talked to some of the JOC guys, they mostly said that at 16 im allowed to play.

And would you guys advise against playing in a ghillie suit if im not a sniper, I have one for hunting...
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Old September 2nd, 2006, 23:21   #25
Miserable Bastard
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I hate ghillie suits. They are hot, are no good if you plan on moving much as they get caught on everything and you will find alot of fingers pointed in your direction as you will not be calling all your hits ( the suit often is too thick to feel or hear the hit....).

I'd stay away from the damn things...
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“We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.”
Thomas Jefferson

I hate Ghillie suits.

Socialism SUCKS
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Old September 3rd, 2006, 22:43   #26
Captain Awesome
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no i agree with you matty, you shouldnt do it with serious stuff, like the saying goes "dont sweat the small stuff" its not worth your time to break his balls over the small stuff, wether the gear got lost or "aquired" its gone its not THAT big a deal... mind you im not a cadet or anything so my opinion is a little bias, but if i was, im sure id "aquire" gear too. abut yea, if it is habitual, thats a problem.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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