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Seeking advice on opening an Airsoft field



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Old August 28th, 2006, 18:29   #16
ValkXB70's Avatar
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Ulfilas, once you sign up on the Mb forums, let me know (send me a PM). We are having an age verification session either this week or next and you can come out and I will try and help you out by answering any question I can.
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Old August 28th, 2006, 18:31   #17
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Winnipeg
Duly noted! Luckily the land isn't in Stonewall and it didn't cost millions. :razz: But I'm not going to reveal the locale because I'm still negotiating.

As for environment, that's why I'll need indoor facilities... the outbuildings need some work and they'd need heat too.

All good suggestions!



Originally Posted by Ducky
Not to sound rude here but have you actually looked at land cost within 15min of Winnipeg? Or do you already own it? I was looking before at the price peracre around Stonewall which is around 500 per acre. Thats about 30 min from Winnipeg, the closer you get it literally skyrockets. Usable farmland close to a major city is EXTREMELY expensive. Also the stuff near Winnipeg is almost all cleared or darn close to it making playing airsoft totally shitty as fields ruin the experience especially since we have no hills. Nothing worse than seeing your enemies at 10X your AEG's distance.

There are farms close to Winnipeg worth Millions all because of location. This increase in price means that airsofters wont be able to make up the price not with casual players. Also there is the fact outdoor airsoft doesnt last all that long we generally only play till -10 whereas XT does alot of business during the winter even with the more Veteran players who generally never play there during summer months.

There is one more point which I think is the real breaker of this plan. I get a good chance to see the new players come out to my field, and generally always play so I get to see if they come back. Unfortunately Manitoba isn't very friendly to us enviroment wise, I've seen people quit playing outdoors just because of the bugs. I've seen even more XT players literally say they arn't hardcore enough for outdoor games and stop coming out. XT doesnt have that issue the enviroment in there is controlable, and I've never seen someone covered in Ticks, layering on 100% deet or having to go to a doctor because of poison ivy thanks to XT. All those factors plus the crazy summer heat potential water of previous years (hopefully that wont return), and you'll find there are only a few very dedicated bunch who return, all of which most likely would rather play with the MAA who are more that type of players, and have free fields. Even outdoor paintball fields around Winnipeg dont have this issue as they generally play on cut grass with inflated boundaries and tires not the thick forests we are accustomed with.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 20:08   #18
Luckyorwhat's Avatar
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Ulfilas, i'd say go for it. There is no such thing as too many fields. Anyone who's against a new field opening, well they probably aren't the most credible sources of unbiased advice.

Originally Posted by thephenom
Just remember, you won't get a high volume of airsofters comparing to paintballers, so it's going to make it tougher for you to breakeven let alone making a profit.

On top of building regular facilities, you still have to take in consideration of insurance cost.
I'm not picking on you, but I'd like some comfirmation on this insurance thing. I don't really believe it, and suspect money charged for 'insurance' often is more of a hidden fee.

Not picking on you, just that I've heard the SAME 'insurance' rumours put out about car alarms lowering your insurance rates, and it's utter garbage - ie untrue. If I were betting, the best 'insurance' would probably be standard limited liability business stuff, mostly for slip&falls, and then waivers to convince everyone else that they have no case.

I actually rather like that set-up, but if it's as artificial as it seems, then it's an accident waiting to happen - and that could cause repurcussions across the country.

I'll try and give the AMA a call and ask if they've ever heard about this, if they'd ever consider offering it, and that sort of thing. I wonder if they'll laugh at me, or wait until I hang up...

"I want insurance for people to come to my house and shoot each other with my toy guns that break flesh and teeth, and run around in my forest...
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