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MilSim input needed.....



View Poll Results: What type of MilSim do you prefer?
Force on Force, where the op-for is made up of other airsofters 127 67.91%
Intericate scenarios where you play against an unknown element (ie actors, extras) 60 32.09%
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Old August 15th, 2006, 18:12   #1
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Surrey, BC
MilSim input needed.....

Hey Guys,

I'm in the process of designing a serious MilSim for the BC crowd (although anyone is welcome from the rest of Canada and the US).

Need a bit of input from everyone. Which would you prefer:

1) Force on Force, where the op-for is made up of other airsofters, or

2) Intericate scenarios where you make your own teams (6-8 man fireteams) prior to game day, then play against and unknown element (ie actors, extras ect)

I've got some good back-stories and missions planned. This would be a weekend event, where you stay "in character" from start to finish. I like the idea of building your own teams because you can practice and get to know and rely on the guy covering your 6.

Next question, Season/Weather:

Do people mind playing in the fall/spring when its a bit cooler, maybe even a bit wet?

Well guys, any positive input would be greatly appreciated.


Marco P.
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Old August 15th, 2006, 18:41   #2
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I love not knowing what's in store for me. But I would prefer to keep everything dry if I were to play in the Fall.
Looking for an Age Verifier who passes through Renfrew area to contact me! PM me please!

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Old August 15th, 2006, 19:47   #3
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Talk to Sean (aka Bravo-One) from InCountry. He knows a thing or two about milsims...
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Old August 15th, 2006, 19:58   #4
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People will usually prefer the summer / autumn months when weather is better. Only the more hardcore airsofters will come rain or shine. Those are the type of airsofters you want at the milsim game - these crazy bunch of airsofters are a key ingredient to making the game something special.
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Old August 15th, 2006, 22:54   #5
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whats the point of playing against a force other than airsofters? Who would we fight against?
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Old August 15th, 2006, 23:12   #6
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Your typical grass-roots terroist is who? Just some mis-guided soul with an AK, right? Actors/extras can fill those rolls (with some guidance). Main characters would be tactically minded individuals, just not neccesarily "airsofters". Could be ex-SAS/Marine/ERT, get where I'm going with this?

Force on Force of airsofters is great, but it detracts from the realism of a MilSim.

Marco P.
Originally Posted by Myrrlyn
whats the point of playing against a force other than airsofters? Who would we fight against?
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Old August 15th, 2006, 23:12   #7
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Originally Posted by INCURSORI
Do people mind playing in the fall/spring when its a bit cooler, maybe even a bit wet?
I don't think weather should be a big factor in planning a milsim (unless it's part of the storyline). Though I find a lot of people prefer to play when it's nice out, I say it doesn't matter, it's a milsim. I believe part of playing a milsim is taking whatever the weather throws at you...unless there's a tornado or something :P

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Old August 15th, 2006, 23:15   #8
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I would say go for the force on force because if you get actors to hold the ak's and such, who says they want to get shot or would really give it there all?

As well I guess it would depend on the story behind the milsim. If it is two large organizations or countries fighting each other than it would make sense to have airsofters on both sides to represent all the training they had.
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Old August 16th, 2006, 07:35   #9
Dirty Deeds
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Originally Posted by Phalanix
People will usually prefer the summer / autumn months when weather is better. Only the more hardcore airsofters will come rain or shine. Those are the type of airsofters you want at the milsim game - these crazy bunch of airsofters are a key ingredient to making the game something special.

This man knows what he is talking about.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 11:23   #10
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Would need a little more info in the question to answer it properly, Myrrlyns answer is the first instinct that comes to mind.

I'm new to playing organised airsoft, but it would seem to me that without the emphasis being on an airsoft battle, newer players such as myself might be leery to venture out.

Based on your additional info however, it seems like you would be providing costumed extras. These would probably be great for things like VIPs or special interest third parties, but it would seem that the main op-fors should be airsofters, the core of the reason most people play. Anything extra should be considered for what it adds to the FUN of the game for everyone. What would be your rationale for adding these actors?
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Old August 17th, 2006, 12:09   #11
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This is where airsoft kind of splits into 2 groups; Players that like fast paced skirmishes, game-over, reset then go at it again, and then theres the MilSim players that want that real-world operation feel to the game complete with intel reports, recce patrols, consequences for blowing a mission ect.

This second group is what this game is designed for. Where in the real world, nowadays, is there ever incursions between 2 trained, organized military forces from different countries? Probably next to never? It is mostly geurilla warfare against insurgents and terrorists and the like. I want a level of realism thats seconds only to actually beings there (a FAAAAR second, I have great respect for the sacrifices the REAL soldiers are making for our country). This is why an "uknown" force will be used as the op-for. They may be airsofters, ex-mil, maybe even some real hard-line extremeists? HAHA, just kidding.....

Marco P.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 13:11   #12
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I see where this is going, and I like the idea, however you would need some EXTREMELY HARD CORE airsofters to pull it off.

Also, you would be better off looking into making it an invite only game, if you want to get even half of your senario completed.
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Old August 20th, 2006, 22:06   #13
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I would love to see the themed idea tried out. Whil the opposing team may be know nothing movie extras. You could run it multiple times with different teams. do something like time trials, with a prize for the best time with most surviving members.
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Old August 20th, 2006, 23:29   #14
formerly sstrunks
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Airsofter vs. Airsofter
Seriously... I think I don't have enough imagination to think against who I could play other than an other airsofter.

For the Weather, like it has been said before, it does not matter. But I'll admit, I prefer cloudy days with very light rain. As for time of the year, I prefer Autumn and early winter.
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 00:36   #15
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i kinda figured that it would always be airsofter V. airsofter (in both options of the poll question), just that the so called extras would not be an obvious enemy force, ie you have one force vs another force that might have hostages, or there may be 'civilians' wandering about who may or may not be the enemy force (terrorists) so then during the game you throw in rules of engagement such as not to fire unless fired upon etc.
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