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Airsoft as a teaching instrument



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Old August 2nd, 2006, 15:18   #16
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When I was in junior high we had ENVOE, environmental outdoor education iirc. One part of the class was a multi-day expedition to the forest near Rocky Mountain House, in mid January. You built and lived in lean-to's for a couple days, lived over your fire, and the Rangers held classes in firearms training (skeet shooting and .22 marksmanship) and we practiced the curriculum's outdoor survival skills. This is juniour high, so we're all well below 18. But in the REAL world, it's a good idea to teach children proper firearms handling and safety skills, because you have to be taught these things, the only other way to learn is by making mistakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Liberal hippie-fantasy world guns are all bad, and no-one should ever have them, and no-one should know anything about them, and then we'll live in a happy sugarcane universe where criminals and predatory animals and totalitarian gov'ts suddenly dissapear.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 15:23   #17
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Originally Posted by quiggers
I had a hard time when i was in high school trying to be snake plissken for halloween, apparently my orange cap gun was a weapon. So i doubt many school boards will be interested in this instrument of teaching due to the fact of the zero tolerance policies many schools have on weapons of any kind.
When I was in elementary school a kid brought a plastic butter knife to school in order to put butter on his bread (I know people are going to say why didnt he do this prior to going to school, but I think bread needs to be freshly buttered for the full affect). Anyways, he ended getting suspended for bringing a weapon to school. Guess where he got caught with this WMD? In the caf, putting butter on his bread. WTF?!
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 22:44   #18
deep in the bush
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my neice had paintball for part of her phys ed program this year.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 23:01   #19
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What does Milsim have to do with educating kids? Make them join the boy/girl scout, cadets, stuff like that..... What happened to the good old camping trip? Making the kids setup their own tent, collect their own wood, start their own fire, cook their own food, make them go on 1-2hrs hike, and make them clean it all up after.

If you want them to experience the life of a soldier, ie fear, split them in 2 groups, make them dig trenches, then make them wait in it for an hr or two, then cover up the trenches. Then make them dig it again 3 ft away from the old trenchies, and make them wait again. Give them the impression the other team is about to attack. Weapons? Give them waterguns. Giving kids under 18 each an airsoft is just plain dangerous since 1-2 teachers simply isn't enough to really safely supervize them
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 23:33   #20
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Knowing the kids in my school this would end badly, vary badly. The camping trip would be a good idea; I am leaving for 3 weeks of mountaineering and ocean kayaking on Saturday
And Lo! Jacob saideth unto him.. "Look mate, I hit you in the elbow, right."
And Zachiria looked on with terrible aspect and replied:
"Bollocks, it was a ricochet."
And then Jacob looked up and called upon the mighty power of the Lord, who descended from heaven on a golden chariot with a Vulcan minigun stuck on the front and smote Zacharia with a sustained full-auto burst. And Lo! Jacob proclaimed:
"God is indeed MIGHTY!!"
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 23:45   #21
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thephenom -Though I dont think having them participating in an airsoft MILSIM may be the best way to go, somehow I don't think sending them to scouts, or using waterguns will get the point accross. If anything, they'll just end up having fun with their waterguns and messing around and miss the point of feeling what it's like to be in a war type situation altogether.

I'm with Groombug on this one.

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Old August 3rd, 2006, 12:50   #22
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Why cant the teacher take them to CFB Comox. I'm sure that he can arrange something. I know some people who have taken overnight "field trips" to Comox.

If he can, try to arrange something with one of the Units in the area (72nd, 15th, and the Armoured Cav)(if it's in Vancouver). Or the medical company, engineering company, or the Dragoons or something.

And try paintball. But make it more interesting and try to make them not want to get shot and keep it more realistic. Ie. If you get "killed" then you must go to the teacher and he assigns some sort of boring assignment.
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Old August 3rd, 2006, 21:23   #23
deep in the bush
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best example yet

Originally Posted by thephenom
What does Milsim have to do with educating kids? Make them join the boy/girl scout, cadets, stuff like that..... What happened to the good old camping trip? Making the kids setup their own tent, collect their own wood, start their own fire, cook their own food, make them go on 1-2hrs hike, and make them clean it all up after.

If you want them to experience the life of a soldier, ie fear, split them in 2 groups, make them dig trenches, then make them wait in it for an hr or two, then cover up the trenches. Then make them dig it again 3 ft away from the old trenchies, and make them wait again. Give them the impression the other team is about to attack. Weapons? Give them waterguns. Giving kids under 18 each an airsoft is just plain dangerous since 1-2 teachers simply isn't enough to really safely supervize them

lol..that works great!!!
"Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices."
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Old August 3rd, 2006, 22:15   #24
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Would someone (mods, Pte. Pyle, anyone?) please edit the first post to spell "instrument" right? Please?
Remember kids, go down the road, not across the street!

Here's a sharp knife, have fun!

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Old August 3rd, 2006, 22:22   #25
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I remember reading about a Hong Kong school teacher letting kids do capture the flag at school using LEPGs to build teamwork...
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Old August 3rd, 2006, 22:45   #26
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Originally Posted by Treadstone71
Would someone (mods, Pte. Pyle, anyone?) please edit the first post to spell "instrument" right? Please?
Bah! Pr0p3r 3ng1$h $p311ing i5 4 7eh n()()b$.
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