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ideas for CQB primary


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Old July 8th, 2006, 18:17   #1
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ideas for CQB primary

Ok , first of all. I'm planning on buying a CQB primary this summer for the beginning of the airsoft off-season. What do you think would be best for the close quarters ? I don't want a MP5K , I just hate the looks. I was thinking of buying a TM MP7 but I was told it was about the same thing as a GBB in terms of range and accuracy. It also has a low FPS. I also thought about buying a sweet GBB since I love pistols so much ( TM P226 , TM Python ,
KWA G18c etc. )

What are your opinions guys ?

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Old July 8th, 2006, 18:20   #2
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Basically keep it short, and don't slap a supressor on it no matter how much you want to, I remember hitting walls when climbing through small openings, always go for the gun with a retractable stock.
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old July 8th, 2006, 18:24   #3
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ok so in this case all my ideas would be good ....not helpful :lol:

anyone here use a GBB as their CQB primary ?? how is it ?

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Old July 8th, 2006, 18:32   #4
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Dynomite69 on here's used one at TTAC3 in the past to good effect from what I saw.

Depending on your size, you could go with an AUG, or some other bullpup config. I know for myself, I'm 6'0" with long arms, so running around with an AUG is no prob, and I get the advantage of a long barrel, otherwise, probably a pistol, or an M4 or some such thing.
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Old July 8th, 2006, 18:38   #5
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well actually , I'm a real big guy. I'm about 6' 260 , I play football as a Defensive Lineman. I train everyday , I'm paid to do such things lol...
anyways , I don't really care about going with a very small gun , I want it to be small. The AUG is not the shape of a gun I want to have for CQB.
The MP7 seems perfect but the low FPS and same range as a GBB but for 200 $ more isn't really cool..

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Old July 8th, 2006, 19:38   #6
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maybe consider an mp5 or the UMP, or possibly even a g36c or sig552 or m4. Those are all fairly small guns with the mp5 series being the smallest of them.
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Old July 8th, 2006, 19:47   #7
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As it's only a CQB primary , I don't wanna spend lots of bling in it. I hate the design of MP5s , 552 and UMP. G36c and M4 are a bit too expensive for what I need now.

I really think of buying a TM P226 + some extra mags. What d'you think about that ?? Does the lack of full-auto has a real impact in CQB ?

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Old July 8th, 2006, 19:57   #8
the end
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if you want to get a good GBB for CQB and use it as a primary, your best bet would be the glock 18c and a couple long mags.

the 18c has great performance on both semi and auto and with a couple long mags you will have plenty of ammo.

but i would say get yourself a nice CQBR or M733/ M4 shorty
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Old July 8th, 2006, 20:09   #9
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D-lineman myself as well. Rock on for that...

A pistol should do nicely, and no, I don't find the lack of full auto to affect playing at all.... In fact, some indoor places (TTAC3 comes to mind) don't allow full auto... Glocks are a good option, as mentioned above, if you want a pistol and you want the full auto.... Check the used section, there's a bunch of good pistols for sale. Get yourself age verified and check that action out man.

Personally though, I'd agree with the above statements and go with some sort of rifle config.... M4 could work if, again, you check through the used section and find one for a good price...
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Old July 8th, 2006, 21:30   #10
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Have you checked AK line? AKS74U, a little expensive but looks really nice. G&G AK104 or maybe AK Spetz? I use AKSU for larger places and Glock or Beretta for TTAC3.
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Old July 8th, 2006, 21:35   #11
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Personally, I wouldnt go with an auto glock.. Full auto is fantastic if you have 8+ mags. Your 49rd glock hicaps at 90 bucks a piece are sweet, but only last you a couple bursts. If you want to go with a GBB, the TM P226 is a sweet gun, so is the hicapa series, of corse a glock is always a good option and having the extra long mags makes it that much better, even on semi.

I would also look at what your using on the field right now, if your running an M4 or an AK, chances are you already have an assload of mags, batteries, and gear ready for it. Save yourself some cash and pick up the smaller varients of these; M733, AK Beta.

Like some other people have pointed out, many CQB places are semi only, on our ferry many people just run a GBB. MP7's are amazingly well built guns, the range and ROF are impressive for a gun of its size. On an outdoor field using one can be a bit challenging as the BBs move quite slowly through the air, but in a CQB setting it would be awesome. Alternativly you could also look into an AEP, sort of a compermise between an AEG and a GBB. Still inexpensive yet battery powered, loads of accessories and cheap mags (also 100rd hicaps!).
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Old July 8th, 2006, 21:51   #12
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A pistol is OK in CQB but I think you will get made the entry man a lot if you use just a pistol. Which may or may not be a good thing. You can easily have a free hand to open doors, throw simulated distraction devices, etc.

I have both AEP's that Tokyo Mauri has out right now. One big plus to the AEP's is cheap mags, although they are a funny size that do not fit well in normal pistol mag pouches. They are pretty much just the front part of a GBB mag, a small skinny little thing that just holds BB's.

Although if you really want a 226 then you will have to go for a GBB.
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Old July 8th, 2006, 21:55   #13
Raw Deal
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Mp5a4 is probably the best standard set for cqb. The folding stock version is pretty useless unless you plan on fast roping/climbing ladders/boarding water vessels. I have played many many many hours indoors, the mp5a4 can hold its own in any circumstance. Although some may argue (me) that a pistol is king in tight spots.In that case look into the king of skirmish pistols, the TM hicapa series. The only problem that we have ran into with the aep series is the lack of power= not feeling hits. This is also in one of the only no "mercy" airsoft killhouses TTAC3.
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Old July 8th, 2006, 21:58   #14
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What about the P90?
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old July 8th, 2006, 22:30   #15
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Actually , those are real good ideas. If I can , I wouldn't wanna spend over
5-600 for my CQB primary ( that's why a pistol would be perfect ).
Raw Deal : why do you say the Hi-Capas are the kings of skirmish pistols ??
Why not the P226 ? If I order something like this :

TM P226 ( or other good pistol you'd recommend )
2 or 3 extra mags
( already have holster and propane adaptor ) = approx 450 $


10 STAR mags
extra battery = approx 600 $


TM B-Spetz ( or other small AEG )
10 STAR mags
good charger
large battery = approx. 670 $

the 2 last ones seems a bit over-priced for the utilisation I'll be doing,
don't you think ?

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