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New conversion kit from G&P


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Old June 20th, 2006, 15:40   #1
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New conversion kit from G&P

Yep just got this new baby up on their site the M249 for version 2 gearboxes!
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Old June 20th, 2006, 16:01   #2
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Version 2 gearboxes? Why? Why not something a lot stronger that can take high powered springs without having to be reinforced?

Why is it so many guns use the weak ver.2 gearbox? I'm guessing its because M4/16 and MP5 weapon systems are very popular so it was one of the earlier models that was produced by TM and thus used the early ver.2 gearbox. Since almost all the other companies just copy TM they all use ver.2 as well. Or is it something else?
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Old June 20th, 2006, 16:05   #3
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT
Version 2 gearboxes? Why? Why not something a lot stronger that can take high powered springs without having to be reinforced?

Why is it so many guns use the weak ver.2 gearbox? I'm guessing its because M4/16 and MP5 weapon systems are very popular so it was one of the earlier models that was produced by TM and thus used the early ver.2 gearbox and since almost all the other companies just copy TM they all use ver.2 as well. Or is it something else?
I've never had ONE problem with V2 gearboxes at all. I've ran them up to 430FPS reliably. Your comment makes me assume you have little to no experience with V2 gearboxes.......


That for sure is a conversion kit I'd sure as hell buy! Wonder how much it will go for.
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Old June 20th, 2006, 16:16   #4
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Originally Posted by BC_K
I've never had ONE problem with V2 gearboxes at all. I've ran them up to 430FPS reliably. Your comment makes me assume you have little to no experience with V2 gearboxes.......
Got my M733 upgraded by a guy that works almost exclusivly with armalites, he told me since it wasnt a reinforced mechbox it would start to crack after several thousand rounds. Only put in a prometheus M110.

I've heard of any other version of mechbox take 400-450fps upgrades and fire tens of thousands of rounds with absolutly no cracking. But yet I hear people all the time talking about broken ver.2 gearboxes. Yes they are the most common type of gearbox but every story I hear about broken mechboxes is with ver.2. I also hear people saying "well if your using that spring, better get a reinforced mechbox" and the spring in question is only an M120 or a 170% yet ver.6 can do 500-600fps with the stock TM gearbox no problem from what I've heard from several sources.
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Old June 22nd, 2006, 13:20   #5
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ther problem is that most of the people who breaks version dont know how to tweek them by overtighting the motor, bad shimming and uncompatible parts....
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Old June 22nd, 2006, 13:29   #6
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From my experience, the people that complain about the V2's breaking have little or no experience with them or are just passing on info that they heard. Granted they aren't the strongest, but they're not as weak as people make them out to be. I have put tens of thousands of rounds through my G3 SG-1 without problem, and it is shooting 410fps with a 170% spring.
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Old June 22nd, 2006, 13:53   #7
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Nice Conversion kit, the only thing will be the cost. Will it be afordable on the Canadian market, and how will that price compare to M249s such as STAR or CA.
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Old June 22nd, 2006, 14:08   #8
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Looks pretty amazing but I want to see the price tag first.
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The plush dogs were cool.

Don't let the dog haters and plushy haters get to you, man. ANYONE can post pictures of their guns, but it takes a special breed of man to post a picture of his guns with plushies!
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Old June 22nd, 2006, 15:21   #9
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT
Got my M733 upgraded by a guy that works almost exclusivly with armalites, he told me since it wasnt a reinforced mechbox it would start to crack after several thousand rounds.
Unless CNC'd, ver2 "reinforced" boxes are usually a crock and simply involve more metal where it isnt needed- around the gear wells. Stock TM is as good as any.
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Old June 22nd, 2006, 18:10   #10
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yep. it's just a matter of luck. sometimes they last a long time, sometimes they explode for no reason.
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Old June 22nd, 2006, 18:41   #11
well, its no secret that V2 are inferior to V3 or V6. IMHO, going with a V2 for a SAW is kinda a dumb idea when its size could allow for any mechbox...why not just use the monster of a mechbox that the CA M249 uses...its a tank
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Old June 24th, 2006, 01:57   #12
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Because by using a V2, G&P can later release their own complete M249 and not have to build a different set of mechboxes from their sucessful M4 line?

Plus think about it, the more it breaks, the more replacement gearboxes you'll sell.. Don't kid yourselves guys, these companies are in thebusiness of making money,thats all.
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Old June 24th, 2006, 15:50   #13
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I don't get the V2 bashing. "OMFG why did they go for V2, it's t3h suxX0rz unless you get a reinforced one!11"

So why don't you just put a reinforced mechbox in your M249.

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Old June 24th, 2006, 16:48   #14
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Originally Posted by Drake
I don't get the V2 bashing. "OMFG why did they go for V2, it's t3h suxX0rz unless you get a reinforced one!11"

So why don't you just put a reinforced mechbox in your M249.

Because like mentioned before a v2 reinforced mecbox is a marketing ploy. Its not any better then a standard v2 gearbox.

But that said I personally have had pretty good luck with the v2 gearboxes. Most the broken ones I have seen have been in the winter or lots of full auto with 400+ upgrades.

v2 won't dissuade me from thinking about the m249 from G&P if the price was good enough. I mean at least you could get decent parts for the mecbox unlike that STAR m249 which uses a very odd combination of things.
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Old June 25th, 2006, 00:24   #15
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Originally Posted by Blastyman
Originally Posted by Drake
I don't get the V2 bashing. "OMFG why did they go for V2, it's t3h suxX0rz unless you get a reinforced one!11"

So why don't you just put a reinforced mechbox in your M249.

Because like mentioned before a v2 reinforced mecbox is a marketing ploy. Its not any better then a standard v2 gearbox.

But that said I personally have had pretty good luck with the v2 gearboxes. Most the broken ones I have seen have been in the winter or lots of full auto with 400+ upgrades.

I have to disagree there, the Marui pot metal is pretty cheap compared to some of the aftermarket ones I've seen (Systema comes to mind). I've snapped a Marui one with a PDI150% spring in winter; the Progear/GP replacement seems to be holding up much better.
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