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Are you under 18 years old? - Discussion Thread



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Old June 4th, 2006, 20:49   #136
^Hyperion^'s Avatar
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Je ne ressent aucune panique , je ne fais que trouver les posts de Ti-Gab abbérants , que ce soit de la façon qu'il écrit ou de ces idées. Je tiendrai en compte ce que tu m'as proposé , je vais attendre que Vondnik fasse le ménage. Tout ce que je voulais exprimer c'est que c'est les gars dans le genre de Ti-Gab qui vont faire que plus tard , les 'underage' ne pourront plus du tout jouer au airsoft. Déj* que les vétérans locaux font d'extremes efforts pour garder les 16-17.

Je suis désolé du trouble que j'aurais pu causer , première tache d'immaturité de ma part sur ce forum et ca n'arrivera plus.

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Old June 4th, 2006, 20:52   #137
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Lol... a voir ta panique et tes posts a repetition sur Ti-Gab... c'est pas ce que j'appelle etre mature... Pis tu me donne raison en plus, tu as 16 ans...donc pas très loin de l'age de l'autre, donc je n'ai aucunes raisons de m'excuser. Que tu sois parrainer sur ASM, c'est bien, arrete juste de paniquer... les choses vont se replacer et Vondnic va faire le ménage.

Lol… has to see your panic and your posts has repetition on Ti-Gab… it is not what I call mature being… Worse you reason gives me moreover, you are 16 years old… thus not very far from the age of the other, therefore I do not have aucunes reasons to excuse myself. That you would be to sponsor on ASM, it is well, just stopped panicking… the things will replace themselves and Vondnic will do the housework.

More french:
Je ne ressent aucune panique , je ne fais que trouver les posts de Ti-Gab abbérants , que ce soit de la façon qu'il écrit ou de ces idées. Je tiendrai en compte ce que tu m'as proposé , je vais attendre que Vondnik fasse le ménage. Tout ce que je voulais exprimer c'est que c'est les gars dans le genre de Ti-Gab qui vont faire que plus tard , les 'underage' ne pourront plus du tout jouer au airsoft. Déj* que les vétérans locaux font d'extremes efforts pour garder les 16-17.

Je suis désolé du trouble que j'aurais pu causer , première tache d'immaturité de ma part sur ce forum et ca n'arrivera plus.


I feels no panic, I do nothing but find the posts Ti-Gab abbérants, whether it is way which he writes or of these ideas. I will hold in account what you proposed to me, I will wait until Vondnik does the housework. All that I wanted to express it is that it is the guy in the kind of Ti-Gab which will make that later, the “underage” will not be able to play airsoft any more. Already that the local veterans make extreme efforts to keep 16-17. I am sorry disorder which I could have caused, first spot of immaturity of my share on this forum and Ca will not arrive any more.
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Old June 4th, 2006, 20:56   #138
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Bah fait toi en pas... ca arrive a tous le monde Je comprend quelque part qu'un gars comme ti-gab puisse faire peur au plus jeune... car il pensent qu'il va leurs faire un mauvais nom.

Je connais Red et fox et je sais qu'ils ont un bon jugement.
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Old June 4th, 2006, 20:57   #139
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excellent , j'espère donc te voir dans quelques-unes games cette saison. Au plaisir de faire ta connaissance !

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Old June 4th, 2006, 21:42   #140
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Originally Posted by mikeh0303
sorry, by gun i ment airsoft not real gun!!! lol
I am not crazy just a bit **** in the head
I kinda just guessed by saying gun u would all think airsoft. Sorry about that.
I also understand that it would be impossible to find out and seperate all the kids that are mature.
What you dont get; gun or airsoft, according to the LAW it's the SAME THING.
You MUST be 18 to legally own a gun that is seen by the LAW as a replica.

Now show some of that maturity you say you have, and GO READ!
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Old June 4th, 2006, 22:08   #141
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Just by coming in here and reading your posts on page 9 Mike, I see you may be fighting for the mature people under 18, and we sometimes do recognize people that show real maturity. But from reading your posts, doesn't matter if you are sticking up for the mature minors, you are deffinatley not one of them.

Go read the FAQ. Do some searching. Stop fighting with people, you are a minority here, so when you go to a place where you do not have the obvious upperhand, don't try to change it to fit you, you have to adjust. Not us.

I'm sorry, but by reading your current posts, in no way would I trust you with an airsoft gun. Not the gun alone but how you would conduct yourself on a field.

Oh and you can't drive around the streets with a car and get arrested or shot by police just because it's a car.

But you can with an airsoft gun, just because its an airsoft gun.
Especially if you have no idea about the laws.
The government doesn't give you your liscence to drive until you pass a test.

And see, airsoft, we don't have a test, but we try to make sure the guns don't fall into the wrong hands.

If you even want to bother coming to a game to watch, and gather the information you will need, I'd suggest fixing your attitude.

Just someone that says that us as a community of airsofters should f**k off, why would you think we would even side with you?

I think you should take some time, read a bit, and re-acess your situation.
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Old June 4th, 2006, 22:21   #142
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It's a legal thing for liabilty and meeting other laws, depending on the province. What is so Fing hard to understand about that?
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Old June 5th, 2006, 15:24   #143
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Originally Posted by quikstrike
Just by coming in here and reading your posts on page 9 Mike, I see you may be fighting for the mature people under 18, and we sometimes do recognize people that show real maturity. But from reading your posts, doesn't matter if you are sticking up for the mature minors, you are deffinatley not one of them.

Go read the FAQ. Do some searching. Stop fighting with people, you are a minority here, so when you go to a place where you do not have the obvious upperhand, don't try to change it to fit you, you have to adjust. Not us.

I'm sorry, but by reading your current posts, in no way would I trust you with an airsoft gun. Not the gun alone but how you would conduct yourself on a field.

Oh and you can't drive around the streets with a car and get arrested or shot by police just because it's a car.

But you can with an airsoft gun, just because its an airsoft gun.
Especially if you have no idea about the laws.
The government doesn't give you your liscence to drive until you pass a test.

And see, airsoft, we don't have a test, but we try to make sure the guns don't fall into the wrong hands.

If you even want to bother coming to a game to watch, and gather the information you will need, I'd suggest fixing your attitude.

Just someone that says that us as a community of airsofters should f**k off, why would you think we would even side with you?

I think you should take some time, read a bit, and re-acess your situation.
Ya, you guys are right. I have read stuff now. I thnk i am going to leave the airsoft canada forums. I am more into just playing airsoft with friends. C ya all! And sorry for being so stupid and un-mature. Have a good day!
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Old June 5th, 2006, 15:48   #144
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See you at your funeral... hah, if you must leave, then at least try to keep yourself out of trouble bud.
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Old June 5th, 2006, 16:18   #145
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Originally Posted by Combine
See you at your funeral... hah, if you must leave, then at least try to keep yourself out of trouble bud.
see you there. well i wont see you because i will be dead! I wont get in any trouble! and i DONT plan to ruin airsoft for all of you so no worries!
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Old June 5th, 2006, 16:58   #146
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doesn't really matter if you think you are playing safe...all it takes is one person to notice

check the following link
It doesn't seem much, to stir a man's soul. Just a moth eaten rag on a worm eaten pole. But 'tis the deeds that were done 'neath this moth eaten rag, when the pole was a staff, and the rag was a flag.

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Old June 5th, 2006, 17:13   #147
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What stuns me is that almost every day, a kid posts in here ranting without having read any part of it.
Then they whine that they are mature.
In this last case, he just indicated he would still go play airsoft with his friends...

Another stellar reason to make these entire boards 18+ to post.
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Old June 5th, 2006, 21:37   #148
Originally Posted by Arnisador
doesn't really matter if you think you are playing safe...all it takes is one person to notice

check the following link
That would be really scarry if the police came up to you with there guns drawn. I would piss my self!
Old June 9th, 2006, 17:23   #149
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
What stuns me is that almost every day, a kid posts in here ranting without having read any part of it.
Then they whine that they are mature.
In this last case, he just indicated he would still go play airsoft with his friends...

Another stellar reason to make these entire boards 18+ to post.
Verifyed Age?
Would lose alot of popularity.
I'm under 18, 15 to be exact.
Looking forward to enjoying these forums.
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Old June 9th, 2006, 20:42   #150
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
What stuns me is that almost every day, a kid posts in here ranting without having read any part of it.
Then they whine that they are mature.
In this last case, he just indicated he would still go play airsoft with his friends...

Another stellar reason to make these entire boards 18+ to post.
I mean seriusly i can see why you would want to do this (and i don't blame you ) but there ARE alot of us underagers who are responsible and while you do HEAR of us (as in underaged people) doing stupid things more often i have heard of 18+ people doing stupid things and somethimes these things are FAR stupider than anything i've heard of from underaged people but i'll be 17 on the 12th so i'de only have a year to wait to re-access these boards anyway.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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