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Dangerous conduct (friend)



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Old May 7th, 2006, 17:47   #31
Major Clay
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Exactly, lets quit the bullshit band waggoning, its really pathetic. Why the hell do you think they are made in clear plastic in the first place fer chrissakes........

Originally Posted by Lisa
Broad daylight is probably better then night.

If the cops won't do anything why do you think it's an issue? Do you think everyone should react like a soccer mom and go OMG SOME ONE COULD GET HURT!!11oone!!11!!eleventy million? SAVE TEH CHILEDRUN!!!!

Sure it's not the best place they could play but it's better then them playing in the streets.
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Old May 7th, 2006, 18:59   #32
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Okay, so if I misread you, I misread you. My beef is simple; your buddies think that playing airsoft in an area where it should not happen (clear guns or not) is just fine.

Even if it's clear CT softair crap, it managed to make someone worry. Right there, it's a big deal. You're not supposed to shoot ANYTHING within city limits, period. That's City Laws. Different cities, different bylaws. For some who replied, it's fine, but remember that what is fine where you live is not fine everywhere.

If the officer just laughed it off, then he did something wrong. If you choose to do nothing further about it, you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

One thing seems clear; for some reason your friends got softair guns and are using them irresponsibly. If their parents are not bright enough to act, and let their kids do whatever they want, that's tough. You cant do much about that; but you could talk to your parents about it.

What you can do is far more than just try to tell them (your friends) the right way; you can ream them a new asshole. If they dont know the laws, or their parents never tell them anything, then it falls to you to do it. Maybe they'll listen to a friend better. If they dont, then at least you did your part.

Want to know why I picked at you? Because 99% of the time, stories that start with "Friends of mine did..." really mean "I'm the idiot who did it but wont admit to it."
If that is not the case, then you fell into a trap of words, and I fell for a stereotype.

Using airsoft (any kind) in public is stupid. Period. And now there is something YOU can do about it, even in a small way.
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Old May 7th, 2006, 19:17   #33
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Wise words Greylocks. :cheers:

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Old May 7th, 2006, 19:47   #34
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Dracheous there is a big difference between the two situations. You're breaking a federal law by not having the trigger lock, the kid on the other hand may have broken a city bylaw but I doubt it as the cop did nothing. All you band wagoneers stop being a soccer mom and let kids be kids. If the kid's breaking no bylaw there's no fine to give out, there's no action required on the police. Personally I think this is a great response to the situation because it means that the cop is not doing some knee jerk reaction to a fairly harmless incident. Maybe we should make it illegal for kids to play and jump from the monkey bars because they could get hurt.
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Old May 7th, 2006, 19:59   #35
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Lisa, Aylmer is part of Gatineau... I know the bylaws all too well.
Fact; they broke a bylaw.
Fact; the cop decided to ignore it.

It does not make breaking that bylaw any more 'right'.
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Old May 7th, 2006, 21:42   #36
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So a man walks into a store and steals a candy bar. Another man walks into a store down the road and beats a guy on the head with a bat. Another man walks into a store even furthur down the road and shoots the clerk. Is the man who stole the candy bar now free of all guilt as per crime and punishment under out judicial system Lisa?

When are you people going to see what examples are? As Greylocks stated with in city limits of MOST Canadian citys there is a prohibition on the discharge of ANY fire-arm or air gun outside of designated areas.

And do you really think that a smack down and the removal of a persons fire arm for a simple mistake of forgetting the trigger lock versus the running around under the age of 18 or any any at all in a public park FIRING BB guns is really worse? I know more people who think trigger locks are retarded requirement because a simple finishing hammer WILL remove just about ALL makes and models of them.

I am displeased with these kids simply getting off with a cheer, hug, and reload of their BB guns! If the police REALLY wanted to show some discipline of the act in question they would have confinscated the bb guns and only release them back after the kids get their parents to go down to the local police station to sign the waiver or release form to reaquire the guns in question. Just like that federal law for the Trigger lock, if you really want to push it that way.
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Old May 7th, 2006, 21:51   #37
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Lisa, Aylmer is part of Gatineau... I know the bylaws all too well.
Fact; they broke a bylaw.
Fact; the cop decided to ignore it.

It does not make breaking that bylaw any more 'right'.
Greylocks is a soccer mom
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old May 7th, 2006, 22:38   #38
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Im glad you changed your opinion about me Grey, although it saddens me that people must resort to thinking that I am the problem starter because of general experience, like I would throw away the chance of playing airsoft so I could play with a cheap CT gun in a park. I am trying to be part of the solution, but this guy is not the type you just boss around. His dumbass counterpart will problably end up in a whole shit load of problems. But he is bigger, stronger and will problably pull the " Have you fired a gun? no so you know jack shit" trick on me. I am going to do what I can by telling him that he has broken the law, got off too easy and should not play anymore in the park or anywhere someone could see him (this isn' the omg perfect rules but still its better than endangering himself and the public by playing in a park)

He should know better, reading on forums, owning many firearms and haven taken a firearm safety course.
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Old May 8th, 2006, 06:19   #39
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Your buddy should try that "Have you fired a gun? no so you know jack shit" trick here.
And yes, my perspective is from the standpoint of someone who is more than old enough to be a father for 90% of the population here. There are consequences to breaking bylaws, severe ones.
Because pure luck was involved (and a lazy cop) is no reason to say it's okay.

Real gun knowledge? He would not reach far. If he's about your age, there are people here with more real experience with guns than he's had being simply alive.
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Old May 8th, 2006, 09:35   #40
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He still has more knowledge than me in handleling guns, since he has quite alot. I know he owns many types of hunting rifles, and a Lee Enfield. Im quite sure he will try that trick but nonetheless it wont matter since having fired weapons or not in this situation has no importance.

Anyways i'm off to a four hour game at tagzone for a friends birthday party, so tomorow I will school him.
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Old May 8th, 2006, 13:23   #41
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I'm kinda happy the cops didn't make a huge freaking deal about it like a soccer mom would. Because it would cause a huge problem for us. They should of at least confinscated the things, and embarrased them by telling thier parents haha.

Sucks you have IDIOTS playing in parks, but you know what, thats Canadian Tires problem with those damn clear things and kididiots playing in parks with them.

All the cops know where you can buy those stupid things from, so it's not like the first people they will go to is us.

Just thank God it wasn't with a 'real' airsoft gun.

Let the losers play with thier cheap toys, just look at them and see how stupid they look playing like children with clear guns in a park with ski goggles on shooting pop cans. Cause we all know that is cool :|
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Old May 8th, 2006, 16:27   #42
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If he has real guns, and lots of them, he should bloody well know better than to play in a park and/or break bylaws. Tell him that if he pulls the 'knows more than you' crap.

Ownership of firearms does not mean being bright, apparently. Actions like his can lead to his losing all his real guns and his PAL/POL. Let him think on that one.
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Old May 8th, 2006, 19:44   #43
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Thanks, thats a good argument.
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Old May 14th, 2006, 16:06   #44
formerly sstrunks
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Damn, I heard way worse things about guys doing stupidities with CT guns than those ones in the park.
One of my friends (not involved in any airsoft things) live in a far area of Val d'Or city. In that area there's a group of 11-12 years old children who play as gangster with their crosman springers. Those kids are walking along the roads, threatening people and shooting at them...
The worst in that is they really thrust themselves as gangsters...

As I'm writting right now, I just came back from his house and I saw many bbs on the roads while I was there.
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