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Yet Another Peice of Negative Airsoft Media



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Old April 24th, 2006, 09:46   #31
Looking for form T-whatev
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Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
What happened to the yesteryears when you could go out and have harmless fun. When I was a kid we all had somewhat realistic looking toy guns and ran around the neighborhood at night stalking one another and not once did any police show up. What happened to the days where kids were permitted to be kids? It's like most everyone here expects youngsters to be mature and responsible all the time. That's not what being a kid is about, or at least it never used to be. I find that to be the only real crime here.
Gone with the cowboys and replaced with the constant threat of terror... I swear america loves being in a state of fear and unfortunately the affect us with it.
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Old April 24th, 2006, 10:37   #32
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I wont call you anything for your opinion i guess this is where we differ champ. I think that any one running around at night with realistic or even semi realistic guns is a fucktard that deserves what ever end they get. My point is the cop who sees a "weapon" shoots first asks questions later should be treated as the hero they are.

So the idiot comment you can stick up your ass, but I do some what see where your coming from. This isnt 15-20 years ago when me and my friends used to rock the Entertech squirt guns around the naborhood and public park... This is a time when 2 kids can walk into a school with a small arsinal and kill and wound 30+ people. Kids, at 9 years old who should be playing tag shoot thier classmate....So... kids arent just kids anymore.
You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bo staff.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 21:58   #33
Cowabunga The Destroyer
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This is a time when 2 kids can walk into a school with a small arsinal and kill and wound 30+ people.
I'd like to know exactly why that can and does happen these days.

Is it just me, or does the rising occurrance of these things seem to be linked to the rising number of soccer moms?

Maybe if booboobababoo is allowed to have some form of contact with a non-sterile environment he would be better off?
Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty manner before a fall.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 22:03   #34
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I spent my childhood playing with toy guns on the street day and night. Not once did i get talked to by the cops or see them. You know why because people around knew we were playing with toys. Todays youth is tainted however. They are growing up at a scary rate and getting int things they shouldnt at there age.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 22:11   #35
Cowabunga The Destroyer
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It's that durned rap music!

Seriously though... it wouldn't suprise me at all if that was part of it. I mean just look at that unknownwsdm (or whatever they call it) forum. :smack:
Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty manner before a fall.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 22:13   #36
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The only time I saw the cops while playing with guns is when my buddy and I called them because we heard real gun shots.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 22:16   #37
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by Cowabunga The Destroyer
It's that durned rap music!
Now I wasn't one to buy into the whole Metal music makes your kid a satanist, especially since I love that music ... however ... todays entire rap scene IMO seems focused on a bunch of people fronting about how f-in bad they are. We shoot gats or what-the-fuck-ever (blah blah blah!), sling crack in the hood, pimp smack bitches ... fuck off with your fucking nonesense you fucking halfwits.

It's sad and you see a lot of young people today dressing and acting like they are living in some hardcore rap video. Those are the kids that need a good beating by mom and dad.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 22:22   #38
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I have come up with the idea for a show. It involves a professional boxer and a bunch of wannabe thugs. We shall call the show not thug enough. The ultimate goal is to beat up the boxer and prove your thug enough. If you manage to get to ultimate thugdom we launch the contestant into the sun along with the losers. Its a sort of cleansing thing. Then i shall kill a clown.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 22:45   #39
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Originally Posted by Cowabunga The Destroyer
It's that durned rap music!

Seriously though... it wouldn't suprise me at all if that was part of it. I mean just look at that unknownwsdm (or whatever they call it) forum. :smack:

Honestly, whats with the hate againts rap? Look at emo music; it can be suicidal and always being depressed. But have you ever heard a case where a suicide was blamed due to emo music?
But whatever, they are kids (even the adult, at heart atleast :???: ), and I remember when I was a kid, I ran around with a .45 cap gun and rifles and stuff. and there were like 20 of us. IMO, can't blame them for playing with toy guns (maybe the adult though =P)

And the mom is just over-over-reacting. i feel bad for the kid, i wonder if he is even allowed to watch Small Soldiers :salute:
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Old April 25th, 2006, 23:17   #40
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Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
Originally Posted by Cowabunga The Destroyer
It's that durned rap music!
Now I wasn't one to buy into the whole Metal music makes your kid a satanist, especially since I love that music ... however ... todays entire rap scene IMO seems focused on a bunch of people fronting about how f-in bad they are. We shoot gats or what-the-fuck-ever (blah blah blah!), sling crack in the hood, pimp smack bitches ... fuck off with your fucking nonesense you fucking halfwits.

It's sad and you see a lot of young people today dressing and acting like they are living in some hardcore rap video. Those are the kids that need a good beating by mom and dad.
And a good shit kicking would be fair.

So I pose a question:
- if those ones deserve a good beating, why do the naive but relatively harmless ones deserve to be shot by the cops?

On that note, I agree with you FF, and reiterate my initial stance.

Sockmonkey, you might not be an idiot, but it's a pretty stupid thing to say.

If you hadn't made it clear twice, I'd liken it to when someone cuts me off on the highway and I say "I hope you get hit by a truck". I don't actually desperately want them to get hit by a truck, it's just vented frustration.

But... you're basically saying that you genuinely want these people to die, like it would make you happy.

That's a little fucked up, and a tad scary.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 23:34   #41
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Heres some random GOOD airtsoft news I stumbled on to counter-act the bad news that gets posted here all the time.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 23:38   #42
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I recall wayyy back in the good-ol' days....

I had a tiny plastic AK that made a clicking sound, and I do recall waving to a cop car while i was holding it in my other hand. He just waved back. No harm done..

I also had a cap gun. it had a plastic red cover that was really pissing me off, so I ripped it off and spray painted it black. I went out on the street and just started ripping away at the caps I had bought with my allowance money, and again, no harm done.

We now live in a society of fear, when if you bring anything that resembles a gun into public property, lil' old bitch next door will call the SWAT team down on you.
:kill:Plz dont mess with me, I dont want a lawsuit:kill:

Op: Irene III (helmet cam)
Hey, CADPAT does work, have a look!stupid nubs
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Old May 8th, 2006, 22:01   #43
Observers bad for being a dumbshit or just being blind, their bad for doing it in the dark.
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Old May 8th, 2006, 23:02   #44
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Originally Posted by Prowler
Heres some random GOOD airtsoft news I stumbled on to counter-act the bad news that gets posted here all the time.
Finally, something good about this sport. Good find.

Waiting responsibly since early 2005.

Of course I've got all my ducks in a line, it's easier to shoot 'em that way! - me
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Old May 19th, 2006, 12:36   #45
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This is teaching kids how to load guns,'' she said
Playing with Crapsman Crap-Air guns is NOT going to teach you how to reload a gun. Games like CS and BF2 do (my two favourite games). IIRC, Crap-Air guns don't even have moving charging handles. Pretty much playing any game with guns in it or watching any TV show with guns in it will teach you how to load a REAL gun better than any Crap-Air gun (loading sequences are different anyways)
The grunt dies for 15,000 poorly placed rounds. The sniper dies for that one perfect shot. - Cpl. Anthony Swafford
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