Experience with Barska optics?
Hey all,
I recently bought a Marui M14; I'm new to the range game but I'd like to turn it into a fairly accurate-at-range piece. I'm not too concerned in internal upgrades as for the most part, I have that worked out already (thanks again for your help, ILLusion!) and will be acquiring everything I need... When I have cash.
What I am concerned about is some sort of magnifying scope. As I said, I'm new to longer ranges, but from reading around it's my understanding that most anything over 3x power is absolutely useless for airsoft purposes (other than spotting, I suppose).
In browsing around online (looking for inexpensive scopes because I'm a starving student...), I came across the Barska 1.5-6x42mm IR Huntmaster Pro scope. The fairly low power seems like it would suit me at even the lowest setting. What I'm wondering is if anybody has experience with Barska optics - essentially I just want to know if it'll prove to be a worthwhile purchase, or a piece of shit.
Also, I'm wondering about this particular scope's compatibility with other makes of accessories - for example, honeycomb or regular sunshades, flip-up covers, etc.
Any and all input is appreciated. Thanks for your time.