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Old February 2nd, 2006, 07:58   #16
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Originally Posted by HonestJohn
Originally Posted by lt_poncho
Are there any first time 22 year old or perhaps older persons in this world who are interested in Airsoft at all? Just *really* curious.....

Um, nope.
I've just started in airsoft last fall, at age 39. I think there are a number of folks over 30 at TAC3 that Brian has got hooked on the sport...

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Old February 2nd, 2006, 08:25   #17
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I would say that people from all walks of life and age are interested in airsoft. Its a very unique sport (game) that people can all respect and enjoy. Look at the career paths that we have people from, ethnicities, I mean, its awesome, airsoft here can be very much the ultimate in multi culturism in Canada, as well as age range. I've seen players from say.. 12-16 (my lil cousins all play out in the bush at my place in the summer with small springers.. with goggles/eye protection.. in my own private forested 20 acre land.. with an airstrip and hanger btw. :P ), Right up to say.. 40 years old if not older. Just about every guy in the world likes guns, and if he doesn't, you gotta question if he is really just a post-op tranny hahah.

I don't get it, whats with all the underager bashing and ripping them up. Why can't we try to help them get into airsoft nicely? I starting hearing and getting interested in airsoft when I was about 15.. I had been in aircadets since 12 years old, been on the rifle team, my father an officer in Canadian forces (allowed me to goto base and shoot c9's, c7's etc. ) look at me now? Turning 21 and right into it. Sure, I couldn't afford any guns but I did get a springer and then a mini electric, and now I have several AEG's, gbb's... and play at as many games as my financial situation allows. I never got in trouble with the law with airsoft, and I did start as young as these people did. Sometimes I am appauled at the way new people are treated. I know that I was treated like crap when I was new and only through the help of a few particular people on ASC when I started out did I learn lots and finally get out to games.

I think instead of telling people to "stfu noob, wait till your 18.. BYE!!" we should atleast be telling them to come to games. And when I host games at Wasaga Beach, to be quite frank, I don't care how young they are.. I have had 15-16 year olds playing at the games I host and I have yet to have a problem with them playing, their parents come, sign the waiver, take off and boom were in a game.

I can understand where this is all coming from, I HAVE also seen some younger people who you wouldn't trust to be on their own with a stick, much less and airsoft gun, for more then 30 seconds alone.. but that doesn't nesecarly mean that they can't be taught through a good example how to do things. Look at Conscript! jk man, but seriously, he was a horrid noob, and now he is getting better through a good example and getting out to games, I don't think any amount of bashing helped.

Sorry bout my rant, its just me. Off topic too I guess, but all of you are off topic.

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Old February 3rd, 2006, 02:33   #18
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What do you expect? Flaming newbs (even or especially when they deserve it) just makes them bitter towards the community, they'll want to hurt airsoft in canada any way they can.

Of course it's all just steam to be blown off, I doubt many of them would go through with it, but more damage can be done by calling them stupid than by answering their questions.

Verm, Army Cadets is a good program but (at least in my experience) didn't go too in depth for actual gun use. The C7 portion consisted of kneel and shoot, here's the safey here's the clip, it won't help *too* much. Instead I'd say stick around a bit and chairsoft for a while, learn about the guns and the fields and such in your area, play a little (if you're allowed by the field/parents/local police, you're going to need all three, lose one and the other two count for NOTHING) and then find out if you're mature enough. Don't do stupid things like shoot random people on the street, walk around with the gun exposed and the such, you sound smart enough not to do that. Sounds like you could really enjoy airsoft, but just wait a little bit. Don't let it discourage you that you shouldn't play immediately, just learn a lot before you play, ask plenty of questions (find somebody nice you can PM constantly) and when you know enough enjoy! Maturity is decided by willingness to learn and ask.
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 03:03   #19
PTE. Pyle
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Originally Posted by yanhchan
There was this 19 year old that threatened to buy a cheapo springer and go around shooting people to end airsoft just because ASC people have been mean to him...LOL..
that would go over good. what motivatid you to shoot random people with a bb gun. some fucker on asc flamed me and now i want to ruin airsoft for everyone.

of corse he is the guy that tried to "escape" and the cops had to bead sensless. lol
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 14:27   #20
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho
Are there any first time 22 year old or perhaps older persons in this world who are interested in Airsoft at all? Just *really* curious.....
36 and just starting to get into it. Hoping I'm not the only "old man" out there
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 14:51   #21
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Don't worry guys, it was just joking board sarcasm...
aka the fully recovered airsoft addict formerly known as HonestJohn

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Old February 3rd, 2006, 15:43   #22
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Originally Posted by Lawdog
Originally Posted by HonestJohn
Originally Posted by lt_poncho
Are there any first time 22 year old or perhaps older persons in this world who are interested in Airsoft at all? Just *really* curious.....

Um, nope.
I've just started in airsoft last fall, at age 39. I think there are a number of folks over 30 at TAC3 that Brian has got hooked on the sport...

Heck, my Girlfriend's mother wants to try it, I am just too embarassed to bring her to a game :P
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 16:22   #23
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Originally Posted by sammy
Originally Posted by lt_poncho
Are there any first time 22 year old or perhaps older persons in this world who are interested in Airsoft at all? Just *really* curious.....
36 and just starting to get into it. Hoping I'm not the only "old man" out there
You're far from being the only old man, but we are few and far between (to the great relief of many, I'm sure).
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