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Need Help with a Seller



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Old December 8th, 2005, 08:14   #1
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Need Help with a Seller

Hey everyone,

I do not want to post the name of the user yet, as I still have some faith, but would like someone to PM me with some advice on what to do if things don't workout. Let's just say that I made the payment back on Nov.1, by EMT, which the seller deposited on the same day, but still have not recieved the items yet. Communication was great during the negotiations, but now, only once in awhile. I can give out more info if needed in PM's for more details. Thanks in advance.
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Old December 8th, 2005, 09:25   #2
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Put his name out for all to see and give negative feed back. Otherwise you're just buying him time to rip off some one else.
Nothing to see here
May you live in interesting times.
ASCMART, your smart choice
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Old December 8th, 2005, 10:22   #3
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i am in the same predicament.... somewhat, although i haven't been waiting as long as you have, I've only been waiting a little more than a week. But i've never been in a transaction where it took more than a few days to ship a package out. Even for myself, i ship packages out immediately upon payment. It's not that hard to get to the post office, and if you have to, have it shipped fedex or purolator, they will come pick it up from you and even drop off the envelope for you to ship it in.

At any time i can't ship a package immediately, i won't accept the actual EMT or PayPal payment until I'm sure it's going out within 24 hours from when i click the ACCEPT button. That way the buyer still has a chance to cancel the transaction or payment if they feel it's taking too long.

So if someone is going to accept my payment, you had better believe i'm going to expect the package shipped out within the next 24 hours.

And the other thing that ticks me off: Just cause you're on ASC and you don't read your PM's cause you know that i'm asking "where's my stuff?!" doesn't cut it either.\

I understand people are busy, but if you're going to sell something on ASC you had better take resposibility and try your hardest to get that product out when it's purchased. The post office is open from 9am to 9pm, during the week and open on the weekends.

Well, that's my rant. I guess you'd like some advice though...
I agree with Lisa. If you have tried all means to contact the seller within your power, including countless emails, PMs and even a phone call if you can get a number, than i'd say post up the name and the details of the transaction, and leave negative feedback for the seller.

Most of the time when you do that, the seller realizes how much shit they've gotten themselves into and is quick to rectify the situation.

If it's the money you're worried about, you can contact Paypal, if you were so lucky to pay through them, and if you paid via EMT, then you can talk to your bank about bank fraud and see if you can get your money back that way. Plus the bank will go after them for you.

EMT has a really strict policy when it comes to bank fraud over the internet and using EMT. And, well, Paypal is somewhat shitty on timing, will still resolve the situation. In your case if you were reporting it to paypal, you'd say you made a payment but the seller didn't provide you with a tracking number and is not responding to your messages.

hope it works out for you, hopefully i'm not making the same post as you in the next couple weeks.
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Old December 8th, 2005, 13:02   #4
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Buy & sell rating system ... what do you lads think its purpose is anyway?
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Old December 8th, 2005, 14:49   #5
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yah but, sometimes you come across a user with good ratings but suddenly makes a poor transaction with you, and it's out of the blue, either that or people honestly aren't giving the ratings people deserve.
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Old December 8th, 2005, 18:36   #6
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Well, I PM'd him saying that I better get a reply from him sometime tonight, saying he shipped the package, and with a tracking number as well, or he would be getting negative feedback and I would be talking to my bank as well. For me, I don't mind delays, as life happens, but when I don't get any communication as to what is going on, that is what eats at me. It doesn't take much to reply back.

As for seller/buyer ratings, he has a pretty good record, and I felt real comfortable making the deal, but unfortunately, it's still not a for sure thing.

Will keep everyone up to date on this.
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Old December 8th, 2005, 18:52   #7
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the guy prob thinks that cause your post count is low its ok to rip you off. i wouldnt give him another day, rate him and get to the bank.
post up his name befor he reads this and rips someone elts off
lisa and FF have been on the boards a long time they know
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
How long would it take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?.
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Old December 8th, 2005, 20:30   #8
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who is it?
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old December 8th, 2005, 20:43   #9
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It looks just like another one of those "I got scamed" threads. Buyer doesn't want to reveal seller's identity after almost 1.5 months of waiting while other people might start deals with him/her without knowing of what's going on.
That's not right...
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Old December 8th, 2005, 21:19   #10
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so who is it/what did you buy?
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

My Buy/Sell 1337ness rating
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Old December 8th, 2005, 22:11   #11
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looks like you were burnt before:

what was the resolution before?
If you've waited this long there's no point in trying to be nice, you were nice for a month. So start posting details so others can help.
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Old December 8th, 2005, 22:27   #12
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Sorry for not responding any sooner as I just finished a spongee game. Anyways, the user in question is Allstarr. Says on his profile that he is 18, from Montreal, Quebec. Now, should I post another thread about this or just continue with this one? Thanks for all the advice so far.
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Old December 9th, 2005, 00:31   #13
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Well, he's viewing this thread right now , so lets see what's going to happen.
Btw, I don't see any negative feedback left by you in acanachun's raiting. Rating system is there for us to see who we are dealing with...
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Old December 9th, 2005, 00:33   #14
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hey, everything work out fine, jester is a good guy and a great buyer

i appoligze again jester :angel:
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Old December 9th, 2005, 01:27   #15
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Btw, I don't see any negative feedback left by you in acanachun's raiting. Rating system is there for us to see who we are dealing with...
Didn't think it was necassary at the time as he never logged on after that. Anyways, sorry for the lack of judgement on that. I have finally left some negative feedback on him. A little late :banghead: , but it's there now.

As for Allstarr, I just finished talking to him on MSN and we have worked things out. I will be receiving my package either on Mon. or Tues. He has been through some tough goings, which I can sympathize with, and he is now doing his best to rectify things. Thanks for helping me out everyone.
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