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Old November 21st, 2005, 10:02   #16
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that sounds more correct. it's been a while...

i stand corrected.
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 00:41   #17
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Originally Posted by ILLusion
ohhh.. okay.

yeah, the angel one is definitely quieter. I can't give you a decibel value, but i'd say greater than 3db decrease (based on the fact that a 3dB difference equals a halving or doubling in perceived volume.)

Also, I was able to witness some empirical testing between the Angel and Systema silent head sets that showed the Angel was much softer on the gearbox.

I chose the Angel because... it really is quieter. and because it's safer on my gearbox. The build quality is close to Systema. It is also a simpler, but more effective design. I wonder how durable it is in the long run.
Can you offer any other reviews or comparrisons for other Angel products? I can see they have an entire line.

can anyone tell me why there is not a "toms hardware guide" to airsoft? I mean really, how would a person like me know which products to choose from without having to go throught he insane expsnese of purchaseing each and every product out there. Or anyone else for that matter. I'm sure if money was an issue there it tons of people who would donate $20 ea to have a chance to see these product tested side by side and showing real world results.
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 03:31   #18
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well that's pretty much the problem. Lack of funding and donations, which is why I limited all of my experiments to springs only. Anything beyond that would've been too expensive - and even still, it took me almost a year to unload all of the springs used in my tests.

Another reason is the number of variables involved when it comes to a physical system such as an AEG gearbox. Setting up accurate tests would be EXTREMELY time consuming. But hey, if someone is willing to put down the right number in cold hard cash, I'm sure there would be lots of ppl willing to do it.

Tom's hardware is subsidized fairly heavily by advertisers & sponsors as well as companies who are willing to give "samples" of their products for the purpose of review & testing. He's funded enough to make the site his full-time job. It would be cool if some of us could be paid a full-time salary to play with BB guns... but as far as North Americans goes, that's definitely NOT happening. The airsoft market isn't as large as the computer industry and frankly, I doubt airsoft companies in Asia could give a shit.

Unfortunately, I can't offer any other reviews or comparisons for Angel products. Their silent head set is the only item I've ever tested. I've handled their spring guides and pistons, but my gut just tells me not to spend not too much time on them. Don't ask me why, I just do. I can't see them being much better or worse than Systema products.

As a side note, I use Systema as my base-line for all comparisons.
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 08:33   #19
I use systema gears, though my gun is noticable louder....they dont seem to mesh 100% perfectly with the EG1000 so it kinda screams at me. I hope my new gaurder reinforced grip helps seat the motor better.
With all the back and forth about the systema piston, I decided to wait till my current TM one dies and go Prometheus.

IMHO, the mechbox shell is the most important. no matter whats in your mechbox, if the shell breaks, your inner parts are screwed.
I heard alot of bad about the systema mechboxes, so I got a hurricane and she works fine(and I put quite a beating on it).

I never heard of Phoenix before
"Features quoted from PHOENIX:
1)Shock absorbable construction makes Gears,Piston,and Bearing will last longer 10x more
2)No trouble on Over 300,000 BB's shooting test
3)Keeping an incredible durability without any modifications
4)Equipped automatic Shim adjustment it easily can be installed gears set in properly without mess of it
5)Reinforced Steel can be made extremely precise and Incredible long lasting durability gear set
6)Their teeth of Bevel gear are curved shape by cutting obliquely on the angular faces of the gears that make them spiral like helical gear mean gears rotates extremely smooth without unwanted noises in operation"

sounds good, will be on my next order
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Old November 29th, 2005, 23:05   #20
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Sorry to bring this thread, but I thought that is was better to revive a dead thread than creating a new one about the same matter...

Will a Angel silent piston head set will fit with:
Guarder airseal nozzel
Stock TM piston (and eventually Systema Area 1000 Poly Carbonate Piston (black))

Systema does have a different version of cylender head for the ver3 mechbox of the AUG and other AEGs. Angel doesn't seem to have a different version. Am I wrong? Will the Ver3 cylinder head from the silent kit of Angel will fit in an AUG?

Originally Posted by ILLusion
I chose the Angel because... it really is quieter. and because it's safer on my gearbox. The build quality is close to Systema. It is also a simpler, but more effective design. I wonder how durable it is in the long run.
From the look, or your intuition, could you say if one or the other would be more long lasting?

Thanks a lot

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Old November 30th, 2005, 00:24   #21
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Originally Posted by kymoz
Will a Angel silent piston head set will fit with:
Guarder airseal nozzel

Originally Posted by kymoz
Stock TM piston (and eventually Systema Area 1000 Poly Carbonate Piston (black))

Originally Posted by kymoz
Systema does have a different version of cylender head for the ver3 mechbox of the AUG and other AEGs. Angel doesn't seem to have a different version. Am I wrong? Will the Ver3 cylinder head from the silent kit of Angel will fit in an AUG?
I'd recommend asking a retailer that carries them such as UNCompany.
If I were to guess, I'd say it wouldn't be the right size to fit an AUG, G36C or Sig552.

Originally Posted by kymoz
Originally Posted by ILLusion
I chose the Angel because... it really is quieter. and because it's safer on my gearbox. The build quality is close to Systema. It is also a simpler, but more effective design. I wonder how durable it is in the long run.
From the look, or your intuition, could you say if one or the other would be more long lasting?
Honestly, I've NEVER seen or even heard of a piston head breaking. I think that would be the least of your worries.
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Old November 30th, 2005, 00:30   #22
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Thanks a lot Illusion for your answer.

I'll keep you updated on what UNCompany will answer me...

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Old November 30th, 2005, 01:00   #23
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Originally Posted by kymoz
Thanks a lot Illusion for your answer.

I'll keep you updated on what UNCompany will answer me...

no worries about bringing up this thread. I am also curious as to what uncompany says about teh angel silent head set.
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Old November 30th, 2005, 08:30   #24
Originally Posted by kymoz
Stock TM piston (and eventually Systema Area 1000 Poly Carbonate Piston (black))

"Area 1000 is Systema's "budget/economical" line. The build quality and feature sets are equivalent to Guarder. Standard Systema are usually built with better materials and finished a bit nicer."
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Old November 30th, 2005, 12:39   #25
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Originally Posted by Droc
"Area 1000 is Systema's "budget/economical" line. The build quality and feature sets are equivalent to Guarder. Standard Systema are usually built with better materials and finished a bit nicer."
Ok, thanks.
I needed a Polycarbonate Piston from systema, WGC had two models:
-Area 1000 blah blah blah (black)
-Systema Polycarb piston (Red)
I've read many time that the red ones had some faults. I then red that the problem was solved. I then read again that some old not good red were still flying on the market... I know this was already discussed here, but as I said, I've read many different things on this issue.
Didn't want to take any chance, so I bought the Area black one.

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Old November 30th, 2005, 15:32   #26
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If you're interested in purchasing the better quality red ones (compared to Area1000), just make sure you ask your retailer which one they have. If they have no idea what you're talking about, don't shop from them.

I have the new ones for sale. I have one of the old ones in my possession, but it's not for sale.
For reference, the "problem" with it wasn't a fault at all, and was a built-in "feature". Installers using improper spring/pistonhead combinations with this old piston ended up killing their gears/pistons and pointed fingers at Systema. As a result, a "dumbed down" version was made to reduce failure. I've yet to have any failures with this old piston and it's been 4 years.

But regardless, I won't carry the old ones either because I don't want to take blame either. I've confirmed that all of the pistons I have for sale are the new variety and I've confirmed this with all of my distributors. At least within this circle, they're clean.
It's easy to spot the old piston from the new piston.
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Old December 8th, 2005, 16:45   #27
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After more than a week of of waiting, UNCompany haven't replied about my question on the Angel silent piston head set.

I'll follow the wise advices from ILLusion:
Originally Posted by ILLusion
If I were to guess, I'd say it wouldn't be the right size to fit an AUG, G36C or Sig552.
So........... Systema it will be!

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Old December 9th, 2005, 00:45   #28
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thanks for the update
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Old May 31st, 2006, 04:08   #29
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im reiving this once again. i have an ics mp5 sd5 as well, and have a reinforced mechbox but haven't installed it yet, as i want to use it stock for a bit. other than the mechbox, what can i do to get the gun under but close to 350 fps as that is the limit of an indoor place i play at. just springs?
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Old May 31st, 2006, 04:25   #30
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-PDI 120% or Guarder SP90 spring
-upgrade spring guide (stock ones break with upgrade springs with bad consequences)
-aftermarket metal bushings (PDI, Guarder, Systema, Etc.)
Want nearly free GBB gas?

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