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Ooh crap... (Specarms hacked again)



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Old November 5th, 2005, 14:33   #31
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Hey Guys,

Thank you all for the concern! I didn't even realize it until one of you MSN'd me

Anyways, I have my web guy looking into it. Maybe it's time for me to not be a cheapo and upgrade the forums

ETA is Monday for the forums to be back up and running.

We do not keep any customer info on that server. It's only used for the web forum.

Stupid kids and their l33t skillz
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Old November 5th, 2005, 14:56   #32
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by Lisa
Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
Damn, memories flooding back, I remember the first christmas when the Atari was released 8-O
Damn you're old
I had an old computer from the 60's awhile back. There were no harddrives, just 4, count them, 4 60lb floopy drives that took the 12" (yes one foot) floppy diskettes. It also had the 8" single color green pixel monitor that was about the same weight as the diskette drives and had an attached keyboard.

The whole computer weighted in at just over 300lbs. When you started it up the huge fans in the diskette drives sounded like a cesna preparing for take off.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old November 5th, 2005, 14:58   #33
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lmao That's so awesome man!
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Alternatively, I could just light you on fire. - Me
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Old November 5th, 2005, 15:24   #34
Rumpel Felt
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Wow, what a pathetic piece of shit.

When I see this kind of moronic, nerdtactular, pointless shit, I pictue myself sneeking up behind him with a butcher knife as he giggles. I then spin his chair around, point the knife to his face and scream in a loud, scary ass voice "the devil is yourrrrrrrrrrr house, bitch!!" I would then procede to slice his hands off and as he crys and said it was just a joke, kick him in the stomach.....with one of those James Bond style poison tipped shoes.

I fucking hate nerds!
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Old November 5th, 2005, 15:40   #35
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
Wow, what a pathetic piece of shit.

When I see this kind of moronic, nerdtactular, pointless shit, I pictue myself sneeking up behind him with a butcher knife as he giggles. I then spin his chair around, point the knife to his face and scream in a loud, scary ass voice "the devil is yourrrrrrrrrrr house, bitch!!" I would then procede to slice his hands off and as he crys and said it was just a joke, kick him in the stomach.....with one of those James Bond style poison tipped shoes.

I fucking hate nerds!
Okay ... I think they have medication for that. Please, for the good of society please give it a try.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old November 6th, 2005, 12:42   #36
Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
Wow, what a pathetic piece of shit.

When I see this kind of moronic, nerdtactular, pointless shit, I pictue myself sneeking up behind him with a butcher knife as he giggles. I then spin his chair around, point the knife to his face and scream in a loud, scary ass voice "the devil is yourrrrrrrrrrr house, bitch!!" I would then procede to slice his hands off and as he crys and said it was just a joke, kick him in the stomach.....with one of those James Bond style poison tipped shoes.

I fucking hate nerds!
Yeah, the world would be a much better place if there were no intelligent people around to provide the idiots with technology that helps them stay alive day in and day out.

Like all those "nerds" who invented things like penecillin, the Polio vaccine, computers, the Internet, nuclear science, etc.

Yeah, I hate them. Things were much better back in the caves before that pesky nerd Thog invented fire and the wheel.
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Old November 6th, 2005, 12:51   #37
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I invented the Bulldozer.
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Old November 6th, 2005, 12:53   #38
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Originally Posted by Dozer_01
I invented the Bulldozer.
no you didn't. Considering it was invented over a hundred years ago.
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Old November 6th, 2005, 13:09   #39
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Originally Posted by Dozer_01
I invented the Bulldozer.
Bulldozer (Special thanks to Mr. Deas Plant for the research)
Some history books give credit to an American named Benjamin Holt for inventing the first "bulldozer" in 1904, and originally calling it a "caterpillar" or a crawler tractor. However, this would be both misleading and not true. To clear up the facts, Deas Plant from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia wrote us with this to say:

Air Force Red Horse bulldozer"Benjamin Holt developed an endless chain tread for his steam traction engine at the end of 1904. At around the same time, the Hornsby company of England converted one of its wheeled steam traction engine to a tracklayer [crawler] format based on a patent granted to their chief engineer. Neither of these developments was a bulldozer, both were purely and simply track-laying traction engines. However, the Hornsby's version was closer to the bulldozers we know today in that it was steered by controlling power to each track instead of having a tiller wheel out in front of the tracks as Holt's machines did. Hornsby sold their patents to Benjamin Holt around 1913-14.

It is not certain who invented the first bulldozer, however, the bulldozer blade was in use before the invention of any tractor. It consisted of a frame with a blade at the front into which were harnessed two mules. The mules would push the blade into a heap of dirt dumped by a cart and spread the dirt or push it over a bank to fill a hole or gully. The fun part came when you wanted the mules to back up for the next push."

The term 'bulldozer' technically refers only to a shovel-like blade, over the years people have come to associate the term 'bulldozer' to the entire vehicle both blade and crawler tractor combined. Deas Plant goes on to say:

"There is also some debate about who first fitted a bulldozer blade to a track-laying tractor, perhaps the La Plante-Choate company, one of the early manufacturers of bulldozer blades.

Again, there are various claimants for the title of first to fit a power control to one of these bulldozer blades with Robert Gilmour Le Tourneau probably being the leading contender.

The name 'caterpillar' was coined by a photographer working for Benjamin Holt who was taking photos of one of Holt's track-laying or 'crawler' tractors. Looking at the machine's upside-down image through his camera lens, he commented that the top of the track undulating over its carrier rollers looked like a caterpillar. Benjamin Holt liked the comparison and adopted it as the name for his track-laying system. He was using it for some years before the formation of the Caterpillar Tractor Company.

The Caterpillar Tractor Company was formed by the merger of the Holt company and their major competitor, the C. L. Best Gas Tractor Co., in August, 1925.

It appears that the word 'bulldozer' came from the habit of stronger bulls pushing their lesser rivals backwards in not-so-serious contests of strength outside of the mating season. These contests take on a more serious note during the mating season."

Also according to "Bulldozers" written by Sam Sargent and Michael Alves:

"Around 1880, the common usage of 'bull-dose' in the United States meant administering a large and efficient dose of any sort of medicine or punishment. If you 'bull-dosed' someone, you gave him a severe whipping or coerced or intimidated him in some other way, such as by holding a gun to his head... In 1886, with a slight variation in spelling, a 'bulldozer' had come to mean both a large-caliber pistol and the person who wielded it... By the late 1800s, 'bulldozing' came to mean using brawny force to push over, or through, any obstacle." :nod:
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Old November 6th, 2005, 13:13   #40
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I cant believe you went and researched the topic. Of course i didnt invent it.
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Old November 6th, 2005, 13:18   #41
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I'm not that stupid, I just had to rain on your party with a huge post of Googled evidence, adding absolutely nothing to a thread about SpecArms.
But, you are right, there are sure some retarded people on this forum.
Funny how they are the ones that seem to find this forum.
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Old November 6th, 2005, 13:27   #42
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Just find comfort in the fact that that kid will never experience sex...
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Old November 6th, 2005, 14:15   #43
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Originally Posted by Dozer_01
I invented the Bulldozer.
I invented the colour blue.
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Old November 6th, 2005, 14:15   #44
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Originally Posted by yanhchan
Just find comfort in the fact that that kid will never experience sex...
I think masterbating to pr0n on teh Intarw3b is considered sex. Maybe someone should ask Droc.

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Liberals rely on emotion. Conservatives rely on evidence, and the Socialists rely on everyone else.
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Old November 6th, 2005, 17:19   #45
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That's nothing. North Korea invented outer space.

Kim Jong Il's livejournal:

Dear diary. Bush still doesn't 'get it. I tried making my feelings clear but he's too busy ignoring me, he is such a jerk. Everything in his life is just Saddam, Saddam, Saddam and I am sick of it.

On the plus side, I think my hair looked pretty good today. Also I went frolicking at Paektu Mountain and the rainbow came out again. After dinner some of my subjects sang me a song because I invented Outer Space.
My buy/sell rating.
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