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P90 mag feed issues requiring a smack down



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Old August 10th, 2019, 20:36   #1
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P90 mag feed issues requiring a smack down

Hi folks, this is a helpful solution i found that might work for you if you have experienced inconsistent feed issues. This is not about mags that simply feed like crap to begin with nor is it about mechanical failures such as a broken tappet plate or other internal unpleasantness.

Ever have those game days with a P90 with one finger on the trigger and the other hand holding your mag down so it feeds properly? Maybe you have and maybe you haven't but in any case please continue reading....

The height of the mag and how it sits on the gun is of vital importance for this top fed style to feed.

The plastic finger on the gun must interact with the spring loaded magazine bb retainer fully in order to let the magazine do its job efficiently.

What I have found while tinkering is this, The stock P90 magazine catch on my king Arms 90ug using MAG mids seem to leave a wobbly void between the gun and mag.

My solution was this.

1. find a not so thick plastic membership card that you or another family member don't use. in my circumstance it was an old Mountain Equipt. Co-op card.

2. take a look at the mag release on the gun and you will notice a small, square divot, one of the three contact points that centers and holds the magazine in place during use or hanging on your wall.

3. take some scissors and cut a square from the unused card, the same size as the bottom face of the square area on the mag release, center bottom basically.

4. use a dab of some thick gel super glue on the square being held by tweezers and place the square on the mag release. Press it on with the back of the tweezers, smoothing it out for a flat and flush fit.

LET it DRY.......scratch yer nuts.....check your pm's........scratch yer nuts again....

Trim off the excess overhanging plastic (flush to the edges of the original square), with a sharp razor blade so it doesn't contact the magazine bottom and try your mag.

Hopefully the first attempt is amazing and makes you say "nice"! BUT if it's too thick a fine nail file will bring it down until it's perfect and voila, a nice, flush, reliably feeding magazine and no gap.

I hope my shared and successful experience helps you out.
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Last edited by Ratters; August 10th, 2019 at 20:45.. Reason: corrections to spelling
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Old August 12th, 2019, 19:41   #2
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Good advice, thanks!

Also, uh, completely unrelated, but on the topic of "smack down," kindly refrain from literally giving your mags a smack down. I lost my temper with the sweet-ass smokey translucent mag my JG P90 came with, and smacked it down into place, and now my favourite mag doesn't feed at all. The spare mags I got are all solid black, and after contacting Toronto Airsoft, it seems they don't even sell the translucent mags on their own. Huh.

I'll just swap some parts around, so I'll have the internals of a solid black mag with the see-through body of the OEM mag. Make sure the mags click into place properly when swapping them. Push down on the round end; don't smack it like it owes you money and/or is an HK, you know?
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Old August 13th, 2019, 16:38   #3
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refrain from the smackdown

Yes, totally agreed. Switch the smack down to a "press down" good point Spengler.

I can agree with you that the mags and the round build up of the bb feed tube ON the magazines themselves can be brittle and the bodies themselves can also be brittle during disassembly and reassembly. I've had now TWO small triangular-like pieces of black plastic fall out of the thing during disassembly
But I put it back together and everything seems to keep on working. Is it the P90 version of an automotive throw away part? I don't know but if I ever find out where it came from I will share my findings.
Not your common all steel, bounce it off a tree and it will survive AK platform but still awesome in looks and function if you look after them
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Old August 13th, 2019, 18:56   #4
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Originally Posted by Ratters View Post
Yes, totally agreed. Switch the smack down to a "press down" good point Spengler.

I can agree with you that the mags and the round build up of the bb feed tube ON the magazines themselves can be brittle and the bodies themselves can also be brittle during disassembly and reassembly. I've had now TWO small triangular-like pieces of black plastic fall out of the thing during disassembly
But I put it back together and everything seems to keep on working. Is it the P90 version of an automotive throw away part? I don't know but if I ever find out where it came from I will share my findings.
Not your common all steel, bounce it off a tree and it will survive AK platform but still awesome in looks and function if you look after them
Agreed! I love the look and feel of them, and the top-loading is straight-up choice, brother. At the field I go to, I've only ever seen one other dude with a P90 (granted, a much nicer and more expensive one than my crappy JG but still), and both teammates and opponents give me props each game and ask to try it. It'd be nice if there decent ways to get high-cap translucent ones, though.

Could the triangular parts be tabs that maybe hold the halves of the body together, and snap off during disassembly? I haven't noticed those triangular parts when taking my mags apart but now I'm wondering if maybe I just didn't notice anything falling out!
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Old August 13th, 2019, 23:40   #5
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yeah, I'm not sure at all where they came from, body pieces from some so-far unknown areas.

One piece showed up when I bought the aeg used, brought it home and began resurrecting it from its 88fps grave.

The piece appeared to fall out of the gearbox and I thought tappet plate but it was fine.

The second piece happened last night during some additional gearbox mods and modification to a full length thru the suppressor inner barrel.

I said to my buddy, there's another piece, shrugged it off, reassembled it all and thought nothing of it.

I paused now during this message to check down inside the plastic lower receiver and all the taps look like they're there.

A couple of additional things i have done is to cut a small rectangular piece of high density foam, thinned it down, cut a slot in it and put it over the front lower receiver pin to offer some support and minimal extra tension against the receiver locking tap, basically eliminating some slop without compromising the fitment.

The second thing i did *read below, (now that the upper is railed out and extra heavy) it has the Ultra Grade King Arms rail and also the Nitro P90 ris on it.

I though it would be a good idea to support the lower receiver mounting slot with a piece of thin, nylon fiber industrial zap strap (not your regular zap strap, I found it in a lane on an old, discarded city works sign, I'm resourceful this way :P) super-glued it at the front edge (the edge away from you just forward and front of the rectangular slot the upper locks into) to keep the weight of the upper from twisting apart the lower receiver as it is two halves fused together.

Sorry if my description is hard to follow, I'm trying my best to be as detailed as possible.

I cut a thin strip, the width of the front edge. Then i pressed the halves together, applied a thin line of super-glue, applied the strip after i shaped it with scissors and stuck it down, smoothing it out with a flat screwdriver.

wiped off the residual glue, let it set and then filed it, test fit, filed and test fit until it was perfect.

This will reduce the strain in this area and offer better support and strength i believe.
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Last edited by Ratters; August 13th, 2019 at 23:50..
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Old October 4th, 2019, 09:31   #6
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Since this is apparently turning into a P90 users page, I'll add something.

I've always had that magazine feeding issue and I kind just adapted by either holding it down with hands or by using the most aggressive gun/cheek weld possible. I'm going to give this idea a try and hopefully it works.

I'm building my P90 mainly for traveling and night fighting. I have two daughters and a wife that brings way to much stuff with her when we travel, so space is at a premium for what she considers "non essentials". Its awesome for night fighting because your weapon getting stuck on shit you can't see is a giant pain in the ass.

Anywho, on to the tech experience. I've done just about everything to it minus a r-hop which I'm going to have done by Black Blitz whenever I get a chance to get out there. In the trials of setting up a MOSFET I went with the one in the link. There is a fair amount of room in the Kings Arms P90 body but I still wanted to save space. The point is, don't use this one. It got cooked after after a medium length burst on full auto from an 11.1 LiPo. Now the gun is either unplugged, or Armageddon speed full auto, a 11.1 LiPo, pushing a Tienly GT-45000, pulling a M110.
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Originally Posted by Barbaryn View Post
Ive eaten so many rations in my life that I've considered setting traps and eating dead squirrels as a viable alternative.
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Old March 26th, 2020, 01:08   #7
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Thanks "Ohm" let me know how it works. I also used a thin, shim size toothpick sized strip of industrial nylon strapping and super glued it to the front face of the upper body seam. Flat sanded so it would fit to the gap when the upper and lower are together.

I found that this was a flex point in the guns assembly and I didn't like it.

I also used strips of old mountain equip co-op card on both sides of the aeg.

The gaps on the sides that curve. I cut two strips "shims" and slid them in with some flat black 100mph tape and no flex anywhere.

Just avoid running into a tree with it . I can't guarantee it will not flex after that.
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