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Hey Carl, paintball copies airsoft



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Old October 23rd, 2005, 19:16   #16
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yes it was part of the joke and also because english is my second language...but I suck at my first language anyway...
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 19:23   #17
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I cant imaggine the kids on paintball feild (the main reason i left paintball) 15 years old kid shooting with propain marker and lighting up the tip of the cannon setting up his friend nerby on fire..Since its bigger then airsoft mean that there is more propain that get out of the cannon lighting this up could be dangerous i think.
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 19:32   #18
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More importantly - getting 50,000 shots per tank with paintballs means there's an insane number of airsoft bbs that could be propelled at useful velocities.

Of course, we already knew that...

So how come the internal reservoirs on gas rifles can't provide enough to fire more than a magazine worth of BBs?

Is it strictly because the blowback mechanisms of the guns require so much juice to operate?
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 20:27   #19
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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I measured a 30rnd SVI mag as being able to hold about 7g or propane which is able to propel about 55rnds if you don't fire too rapidly. Assuming no propane loss during filling, a 465g tank should be able to fire 3600rnds. I'm not sure if the Tippmann numbers are right, but 50,000rnds seems very hopeful. On the other hand, a Tippmann PEP has a significant expansion chamber and no slide to cycle.

Conversely, a GBB has a very small gas space which means that the propulsion cycle is probably a lot less efficient in comparison to the Tippmann gun. You get a pretty significant pressure drop when rapid evaporation is involved.
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 21:07   #20
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lol!!! looks like a nail gun with a mp5 forgrip.
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
How long would it take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 02:31   #21
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Point to clear up, the gun works by using the propane as a fuel source for a combustion chamber that drives a piston, compressing the air behind it to shoot the paintball. It's not using the propane to actually drive the ball out like regular paintball guns or a GBB.

Think of it as replacing the motors/gear of a AEG with a single piston engine to drive the compression cycle.

Word on the paintball forums is that this will allow people who have no access to CO2/air fills to play paintball.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 02:50   #22
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Where did you read about the combustion system? I'd love to get more details on this marker. It would certainly explain how they surmounted the combustion issues. I couldn't beat my problem with a reasonably sized chamber. I had to go with bigass can about the same size in the PEP if I were to keep things at a starting pressure of 1atm. I can see how they could promise consistent performance with temperature if they went with combustion.

I would think that they would just go with direct drive using the direct exhaust instead of driving a piston. The thermal impulse would be pretty short so I don't think the pellet would be damaged. Clanging around a piston works fine with a nail driver because the speeds aren't that high, but with projectile speeds, you end up putting a lot of energy into moving heavy metal parts instead of the projectile. Not very efficient.

I have reservations threading a tank rigidly onto a gun like the PEP. I've ripped off the fittings off of empty propane tanks (intentionally to examine the valve design). I chuck a propane adaptor in my lathe and thread the tank on. I don't have to push too hard on the tank to yield the metal around the valve fitting. A couple flexings and I can rip the fitting right off. A bottle threaded onto a rigid rifle could have the fitting ripped if a player falls on their gun and bends at the root of the fitting. An entire bottle of propane venting in one go is a fair bit of propane.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 03:12   #23
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that might make for quite the story down the road...

I'm keen to find out where you read about it using combustion too...
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Old October 24th, 2005, 03:15   #24
PTE. Pyle
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it would take off like a misile potencialy killing the shooter or somone else. i have seen this with o2 tanks that take off when their valve gets cracked.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 07:46   #25
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When I see the word combustion I immidately think of boom fire....BOOMSTICK
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Old October 24th, 2005, 23:26   #26
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Heheh, crusing a few paintball forums looking for more information:

It's like watching ... I don't know. People are fucking ignorant.

Anyhow, apparently the first real stumbling block is the fact that any significant rate of fire SEEMS to create heat (which makes sense).

I guess in the interest of safety, they've limited it to what you can manually fire (in terms of rate of fire), so the heat generated wouldn't cause a problem.

Being a revolutionary step, I guess problems are expected...

Me <--- stoked to see the next step...
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Old October 24th, 2005, 23:48   #27
Avenging Angel
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Sad to say, it does NOT run on any sort of combustion type theory. This gun is a pump paintball gun. You manually have to rack the gun after each shot and that is why it can get so many shots per tank. With this system, there is no gas wasted in the cocking of the bolt after each shot since it is done manually done by the user. It's more of a paintball shot gun if you think about it. If you still think that it's some sort of combustion type system, then why is the fore grip connected to a piston and why is the outer barrel notched to allow for what seems to be a sliding foregrip? I could be wrong but, this seems like a much more feesible theory than that of a combustion chamber.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 23:52   #28
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............. what?

Your convinced statements turned into shakey speculation.

Apparently the MANUAL for this C3 even states that the gun can get warm.

Oh. Oh yeah. Score one for research. (fingers crossed that this one don't bite me in the ass somehow )
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Old October 25th, 2005, 00:44   #29
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Originally Posted by PTE. Pyle
it would take off like a misile potencialy killing the shooter or somone else. i have seen this with o2 tanks that take off when their valve gets cracked.

Done your EMR or EMT at all?

Some people call them Terrorists. These boys have simply been...misguided.
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Old October 25th, 2005, 01:10   #30
made Man
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Originally Posted by Mysteryfish
............. what?

Your convinced statements turned into shakey speculation.

Apparently the MANUAL for this C3 even states that the gun can get warm.

Oh. Oh yeah. Score one for research. (fingers crossed that this one don't bite me in the ass somehow )

warm as in from friction of constantly pumping that thing?

yay for common sense
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