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Is WWII Airsoft dead in Western Canada?


WW1, WW2

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Old July 7th, 2018, 18:13   #1
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: BC, eh?
Is WWII Airsoft dead in Western Canada?

I might just be bad at looking around, but I don't see any active groups, events, or anything...I'd love to get back into it and have plans to upgrade my Canadian impression to a Cdn Para impression...but there's no sense if I can't find any games to go to?

Anyone able to prove me otherwise and direct me to some BC and/or Alberta based groups?
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Old August 8th, 2018, 13:26   #2
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Location: Kelowna, BC
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Hey man,

It's not dead, but it's not very active. I attend a game or two a year in Kelowna in my kit, and there are a few others scattered around. No organization or specific games.

Alberta is better. The First Special Service Force Living History Association does public and private reenacting events, with the sister unit: 65th Infanterie Division (Heer). I'm a member of the latter, and airsoft games are organized here and there by the members. Airsoft events are still not entirely active though as the main draw is reenacting.

Capital Airsoft in Edmonton use to run a D-Day game, but that fell by the wayside two years ago I believe. Use to be a hell of a game.
I know the rare and obscure "Teufelhorne" Regiment handsignal.

Age Verifier - Kelowna, BC and Area
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Old September 12th, 2018, 21:45   #3
28th (BC) Armoured Regiment
Join Date: May 2018
Location: North Delta, BC
3 groups in Western Canada

There are only 3 re-enactment groups in Western Canada. I don't know if any do airsoft, but I do know they do regular reenacting.

1. 1st Special Service Force (mentioned above) in Alberta

2. Victoria-Esquimalt Military Re-enactors Association

These guys do all sorts of military impressions of Fort Rodd Hill, etc.

3. Greater Vancouver Military Re-enactment Association (VEMRA and GVMRA are not related).

I am the president of this budding society. Us few members are currently just trying to get our full impressions but if you live in the area you are welcome to join. We are doing all Vancouver regiments as well as other local ones and possibly German units.
Re-enacting British Columbia WWII units in the Lower Mainland
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Old September 20th, 2019, 17:17   #4
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Location: Edmonton, AB
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I know this thread has been dead for a while, but the best option I've found is get a few people in your area interested in a game where you wear your full kit. I'm an on/off member of the FSSF out of Edmonton, and for the most part, we don't really do airsoft events. AS was stated, we mostly do displays, and live camp reenactments at events in Calgary (Military museum) and Days of Yore in Olds (I think). Or, you can play a game, and see what interest there is in having a WW2 themed game. You'd probley be surprised on the interest.
1 First special service force SGT
C.A.T.S airsoft
M16- ICS
M4- walmart special
Ak-47- stunt studio
HK416 - G&G
1911tac - KJ Works - Green gas
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