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I originally joined this site & have been chairsofting since 2002. Now I'm 25 and play (SK)


Newbie Tank

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Old January 3rd, 2018, 22:06   #1
Airsoft SJW - potential hazard on the streets beware......
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I originally joined this site & have been chairsofting since 2002. Now I'm 25 and play (SK)

Hey I originally.joined this forum when I was 11 years old. Back then ICS made the most realistic AR platforms be sure of their two piece gearbox allowing for realistic takedown. Similarly at the same time - back then TM, KSC/KWA, and KJW were the most popular brands for sidearms.
I remember Back when airsoftcanada had their own retail store and I ended up spending $630 on a CA M15a4. I've owned 3 different USP's, two Berettas, two glock 17s and a king arms aeg.

But now there are gbbr's. And since firing one - ill never go back to AEG, regardless of its magazine and battery capacity and cheaper prices. So I intend on buying an open bolt WETTI M4A1.but once I have my gun I'm gonna wanna meet the Saskatoon&area players (Legit, respectable and honourable members preferably) and see if I'm a good fit with them and if they'll let me play with them.

Will a load bearing vest, a WE M4 with 2 mags, gloves and a full facemask be all that is required for me to come to a game?
Also will I need the NPAS kit to be able to reduce its stock FPS? (Is it necessary before playing? [I know heavier bbs have more joule energy but they'll have a slower fps. Is this at all relevant in terms of field power limits? Like if .2bbs shoot at 450fps then .4g bbs would shoot alot harder but slower... Is this one way around fps limits or is joules of energy the thing Airsofters care about most?])

Thanks for the help. I'll be AV'd soon enough

Last edited by Activist; January 3rd, 2018 at 22:10..
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Old January 3rd, 2018, 22:17   #2
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For GBBS you will need quite a bit of mags, depending on the average game round, you will need 4-6+

For WE rifles you need a NPAS to reduce the FPS, unless SK allows 400+ FPS for their skirmishes.

If you have the budget for a reliable GBB, I would look into GHK or TM MWS rifles.
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Old January 3rd, 2018, 22:25   #3
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Old January 3rd, 2018, 22:29   #4
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When I use my GBBR's, I tend to find that 6 mags works, but it also depends on your playstyle. I reccomend carrying a speed loader with you just in case.

As for the joule and FPS limits, using a heavier bb is never the solution for reducing FPS. As you stated, the energy stays the same. So you have the power of 450 FPS behind a heavy BB, such as .40, shooting indoor. Not fun at all for the other guy. The best way to do it is with an NPAS.

As for brands, I'd highly reccomend KJW for an affordable but still good GBBR, but if you have the cash, go for GHK. I have 2 KJ M4's, and I love em both. I'm looking into GHK atm for another build, as it accepts real parts easily.

As for requirements for a game, unless its a Milsim of some sort, you don't really NEED a vest or anything like that, but I do reccomend them. As I was told a long time ago, all you need to play is a rifle and eye-pro. You could show up in shorts and flip flops. Not thats its reccomended, but you catch my drift :P
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Old January 3rd, 2018, 23:18   #5
Airsoft SJW - potential hazard on the streets beware......
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I chose my username because as an ex-drug addict I go around to schools and I am heavily involved in exposing big Pharma for what they are. So no I'm still active


Last edited by Activist; January 3rd, 2018 at 23:21..
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Old January 4th, 2018, 14:18   #6
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Originally Posted by Activist View Post
I chose my username because as an ex-drug addict I go around to schools and I am heavily involved in exposing big Pharma for what they are. So no I'm still active

I am also playing In Saskatoon, you can join the facebook page :saskatoon airsoft: Have you ever tried using An HPA build? you can use regular Mid caps, and have the same realism. oh and they are by far way more reliable.
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Old January 4th, 2018, 16:05   #7
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2 WE mags is only 60rds and that is not enough. Also *just* a GBBR as a primary is a bad idea as gas guns are finnicky, temperature-dependent, and require a lot more maintenance.

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Old January 4th, 2018, 16:45   #8
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
2 WE mags is only 60rds and that is not enough. Also *just* a GBBR as a primary is a bad idea as gas guns are finnicky, temperature-dependent, and require a lot more maintenance.
I would say they require "different" maintenance.

A GBBR vs. AEG scenario is going to have you opening up the gas rifle after games to wipe it down and relube. But since the gas rifles bear more than an a a passing resemblance to the real deal this task is caveman simple.

Contrast that to opening up an AEG and pulling the mechbox to tweak a spring or whatever and suddenly you've got a headache. You need to be part Jewler/electrician to work on most AEGs effectively.

For me I'll always take the few minutes after game day to get dirty vs. the once a season or so cracking open of an AEG and all that hassle.
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Old January 4th, 2018, 16:55   #9
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Contrast that to opening up an AEG and pulling the mechbox to tweak a spring or whatever and suddenly you've got a headache. You need to be part Jewler/electrician to work on most AEGs effectively.
You can go years and years without needing to do a thing to an AEG other than maybe running a cleaning rod down the barrel.

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Old January 4th, 2018, 17:10   #10
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
You can go years and years without needing to do a thing to an AEG other than maybe running a cleaning rod down the barrel.
I know, all I had to do to my VFC AKS74UN was rewire to deans and that's it. It has to be 10 years old but that's not typical, not a first gun, and not an only gun.

If I was a typical new user with my one AEG that I'd scraped up enough to buy It wouldn't be an AEG like that.

I've seen lots of local players drop out of the scene once their one gun breaks and they can't fix it.
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Old January 5th, 2018, 15:47   #11
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
You need to be part Jewler/electrician to work on most AEGs effectively.
:-D this is exactly what I thought when I used to use AEG's. Tiny little gears and shims akin to working on those high end analog watches.

Fast forward to exclusively using GBBR's, I don't see a foreseeable reason to go back to AEG's.
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Old January 6th, 2018, 13:10   #12
Airsoft SJW - potential hazard on the streets beware......
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Hey styrak thanks for the response - I appreciate your input, especially as a retailer and having the knowledge and skills to fix both types of guns but I'm pretty much set on having a GBBR - I so far only have a few real steel guns and one of them being an AR platform definitely is sparking my interest in getting this particular (we) gbbr. It'll be fun to have an exact air soft variant ha. And since you can only use the AR at the range and I want to reconnect with my initial interest (it was a passion when I was younger [but such a let down when I wasn't allowed to play]) in air soft and actually get into gaming.

As for two mags not being enough - I guess that is pretty true and should have been a bit more obvious to me but I don't know how close quarters the fields out here are and if I would have time (if I would stick to semi) to use a speed reloader on the field.
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Old January 6th, 2018, 15:36   #13
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For a gas gun, you're gonna want at least 5 magazines. One on the gun and four on your body. You can reload on the field but even with a speed loader a gas mag is very slow to top up. You're forcing tiny little BBs into stiff feed lips. It's in theory like a real gun but in practice much more of a hassle.

This is not even touching on needing spare mags for when one springs a leak or has some other issue. I tend to take 10 loaded and gassed mags to a game. I carry a few and leave a few to swap out during a lull. I usually tend to unload a couple of them when I get home at the end of game day but I find that less annoying than having to call myself out because I've run dry or dumped gas.
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