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Can i wear a custom mask-goggle?


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Old November 15th, 2017, 09:07   #1
silent_lemon's Avatar
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Lightbulb Can i wear a custom mask-goggle?

I have an army of two mask with mesh for eye protection; so the mesh wont do but what if I JB welded some ballistic lenses in there instead, would that suffice for fields' liability?

Are most fields paintball approved only or has airsoft taken over and they now allow ballistic goggles across the board? It's been awhile so I dont know what's generally being worn or even allowed these days
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Old November 15th, 2017, 09:29   #2
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I don't think JB welded lenses will be covered under liability. Best to just stick with approved eyewear for the field, it gives both you and the field piece of mind.

I know some paintball fields here in Ontario allow a few "non-paintball" brands like Revision, ESS or Smith Optics, but besides that still probably want you to wear paintball goggles. Just check with the particular field in question to see what is or isnt kosher.
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Old November 15th, 2017, 09:33   #3
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Cool factor > Eye safety
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Old November 15th, 2017, 09:42   #4
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Those masks are awful anyways.. you have next to no visibility in them!
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Old November 15th, 2017, 09:50   #5
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i bought 2 masks as wallhangers but one of them is actually quite comfortable and has decent visibility.

i would be replacing the mesh with the replacement yellow tinted ballistic lenses from my ballistic shooting glasses that i cant wear for airsoft.
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Old November 15th, 2017, 09:56   #6
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sadly it won't do, maybe some private field might allow it but any paintball field would tell you no. as the liability and insurance states they must be full seal paintball goggles or ansi rated, no home made stuff.
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Old November 15th, 2017, 11:23   #7
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Do not risk it. you only got 2 eyes but can always spend money to get cooler masks. Find something that has proper protection.

I spent good $$ on military spec goggles. Because, my eyes matter more than my money or looking cool.

In your case, find a proper cool airsoft mask that can protect your eyes first.
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Old November 15th, 2017, 11:32   #8
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Everyone's wearing Micheal Myers Halloween masks now. But by the time you read this that'll be last year's news.
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Old November 15th, 2017, 18:36   #9
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Originally Posted by devbro View Post
Do not risk it. you only got 2 eyes but can always spend money to get cooler masks. Find something that has proper protection.

I spent good $$ on military spec goggles. Because, my eyes matter more than my money or looking cool.

In your case, find a proper cool airsoft mask that can protect your eyes first.
I have plenty to choose from but i figured since they would have the same ballistic properties they would suffice as i know JB weld is strong enough to hold them in place as a gasket and i very well could hang another pair of spare ballistic lenses like earrings for the admins to test fire upon instead of test firing upon my eyelets. Not really, but for liability's sake, it's definitely a no go

I have to admit im not worried about my eyes, they are probably the last thing im going to worry about for ears and teeth get wounded far more in airsoft than eyes ever have in the history of the sport; most eye protection is just fine(even mesh, but why take the chance for $50 savings)

Last edited by silent_lemon; November 15th, 2017 at 18:38..
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Old November 15th, 2017, 19:29   #10
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What if you got those Smith glasses with the kits that made them full seal and then wore those inside of the mask? It might be possible for that to fit?
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Old November 15th, 2017, 19:50   #11
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Wouldn’t fit, the mask fits like a diving mask or JT/ski goggles where the foam touches wraps around your face. The eye holes would be filled with ballistic lenses, the same stuff everyone else suggests, but the framing of said lenses is DIY which probably breaches most fields waivers. It’s no big deal, just an idea based upon logic, before insurance ha.

Good idea though freeze

The masks have made a great wall hanging piece and army of two is very dear to me because of reasons, never intended to wear because honestly I thought I would never play airsoft again during this super long hiatus; but looks like I can play after all. Maybe I could cut the lower half and make a bane style face cup on the underside of some worn out JTs. Meh

Last edited by silent_lemon; November 15th, 2017 at 20:05..
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Old November 15th, 2017, 21:58   #12
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Well JB weld is the wrong type of adhesive to begin with. The tensile strength of the adhesive means a lot to the uninformed consumer, which is why people think it's so good. But the real test of strength is in the shear strength between the glue and material.
How often do you see high strength glue fail in it's cross section? Never. It always releases from the material.
Testing the bond would do you no good. Even if it held under testing, you're just weakening it for it's eventual failure.

Rated goggles and glasses don't use such haphazard attachment methods, they all have mechanically interlocking designs. You'd need a backer plate to secure the lenses in place, or secure the lenses to the outside of the mask the same way.
Drilling holes through the lens to secure it with wire would weaken the lenses.

You're worried about ears and teeth, but here's the thing: You can replace teeth and get corrective surgery for any permanent ear damage. You can't get your eyes replaced.

The reason eyes are such a rare injury in airsoft is because most groups are really good about pushing rated eye protection. Although some near misses have occurred, a BB hasn't gone THROUGH a non-compromised rated lens just yet. But BBs have gone through mesh. Very specifically, the significantly weaker flat punched style mesh that is found on those masks.

I would recommend using goggles and just cutting a form fit of the goggles out of the mask. Full eye protection and full face protection.
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Old November 15th, 2017, 22:23   #13
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The lenses are way bigger than the mask’s eye sockets as well so flush inside the socket , there would be enough meat to even pop rivet or probably more like river around the eye socket biting through the excess meat of the lense. But then you’re dealing with drilling ballistic plastic which I wouldn’t want to do. A whole lot of work for naught.

JB weld is magic, people use it in their custom QED HPA guns to make custom fittings..among all the other uses.
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Old November 15th, 2017, 22:28   #14
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To get the jb weld to act as an adhesive you need it to bite into a surface with striations, just rip a patch where you’re going to glue with a dremel even 1/32 would be fine with that much meat all around the eyelet. PL premium would probably never let go, same as CA with baking soda glass fiber reinforcing, except it may fog the lenses.

Actually I just thought of something more traditional. I could cut out enough material on the inside of the mask so JT goggles flat plane radius can sit inside the mask making the mask an accessory over the goggles. The problem I foresee is that JT already sit super prowed and if not buried deep inside the mask, may look super goofy sitting that much more prowed due to JT bulkiness

^ps when i say i thought of something, i mean freezer thought of something and i developed the idea

Last edited by silent_lemon; November 15th, 2017 at 23:13..
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Old November 16th, 2017, 00:07   #15
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Can I wear <insert homemade safety related item here>?

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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I think that's the direction I should have gone with this one though.
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