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Old October 18th, 2017, 13:10   #1
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Red Deer, AB
Classifieds Updates

FYI, I'm the admin who typically goes through the classifieds and cleans out the sold (aka "banana") ad's, cleans your sales threads so you don't have a huge amount of bumps and generally tries to keep things neat and clean so it's easier for everyone to browse. I originally cleaned up the classifieds last year as there were over a thousand ads that had not been "banana'd" or bumped in years. I trimmed that down to a very generous year from original start date to kind of reset the clock.

I've been noticing quite a few ads were the item hadn't been bumped in over 6 months and when contacted, the sellers, every single one, had "forgotten" to edit the original post to add the word "banana" so it could be easily and quickly archived so as not to clutter up the classifieds area.

I'd to ask nicely for everyone who has an ad running or who posts an new ad to read/reread the classified rules. Once all your items have sold, edit your original post to include the word "banana". This word was chosen as it's not likely to be used in an airsoft ad so it can be used in an automated search which pulls up all of the sold ads so they can be quickly and easily archived. Do not delete any text of your final ad. Just add the word "banana". Archived ads are saved intact so others can search and see what particular items were listed for to compare for their own buy/sell ads. They are also saved in case there is a dispute. Only use the word "banana". It does not matter if it's capitalized or not but it must be spelled correctly. If it's misspelled or some bastardized version of the word, it won't come up in the search and I have to waste my time to clean up your crap. Editing your ad with "sold" or bumping it with "sold" does not count. It's actually against the classifieds rules and is an infractable offence worth 2 points against your account for 12 months. That's per offence BTW. It only takes 5 points to earn a weeks "vacation" from the site. 10 points for a month and so on.

Also, you are not allowed to edit prices out of your ads once the item(s) are sold! also a 2 point infraction. So if you bump with "sold" and edit prices out of the ad, you've earned 4 points. A suggestion if you have multiple items and you've sold some. After you make your first post, make a second one (after the 7 day bump period), and remove the sold items from the first post and add them to the second, listing the second post as "SOLD". If I'm cleaning your sale thread of bumps, I'll keep the first, second and last posts intact then, deleting all the others.

I'm going to give everyone until Dec. 31/17 to address any active/inactive ads you have. Starting the New Year, I'm nuking every ad not bumped in three months and will continue on from there. Either you've sold it or you don't care enough about it to maintain your ad. I will also issue warnings for those who break the classifieds rules and infractions/bans for repeat offenders.
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta
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Old October 18th, 2017, 14:20   #2
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Unless it's a simple click to purge anything less then 6 months, it may not be worth your effort if Blood and the team will upgrade to Xenforo soon?
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Old October 18th, 2017, 15:09   #3
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Location: Red Deer, AB
It's quite easy, though takes a bit of time. If the forum info will be migrated over, it'll help as well.

BTW, you have 20 ads going but only 8 are actually active. The rest "SOLD" (x2), "Bananas", "Bananana" (x2), "Bananannana" (x2), "N/A", "FOUND", "Moved" (x2) and "Delete". This is the kind of shit that takes the time to clean up.
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Old October 18th, 2017, 17:27   #4
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Thank you. I actually have a hard time when assholes decide to just write sold or cross out the price or write "bananana" and the variants. Makes me waste that much more time sifting through people's shit finding an actual active ad.
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Old October 19th, 2017, 12:07   #5
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Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
Thank you. I actually have a hard time when assholes decide to just write sold or cross out the price or write "bananana" and the variants. Makes me waste that much more time sifting through people's shit finding an actual active ad.
So why do you not use the format in place to help this issue!!!!!
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Old October 19th, 2017, 12:23   #6
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Originally Posted by BloodSport View Post
So why do you not use the format in place to help this issue!!!!!
What do you mean? I thought you only use banana once all items you want gone are sold and you want to close the thread. I'm not going to write banana on a post if it means that my 2/3 items still on my thread waiting to be sold will get deleted as well if that's what you mean.

Most of my threads (I think) have banana in them and they've been deleted a while back.
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Old October 19th, 2017, 13:16   #7
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Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
What do you mean? I thought you only use banana once all items you want gone are sold and you want to close the thread. I'm not going to write banana on a post if it means that my 2/3 items still on my thread waiting to be sold will get deleted as well if that's what you mean.

Most of my threads (I think) have banana in them and they've been deleted a while back.
You replied to the what do I mean post already lol
Originally Posted by Darklen View Post
BTW, you have 20 ads going but only 8 are actually active. The rest "SOLD" (x2), "Bananas", "Bananana" (x2), "Bananannana" (x2), "N/A", "FOUND", "Moved" (x2) and "Delete". This is the kind of shit that takes the time to clean up.
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Old October 19th, 2017, 16:37   #8
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Just as in indicator of how bad old ad's are, there are currently 593 ads listed in just the AEG section. 347 of them haven't been updated since July 1. 58% or so old, unmaintained ads that have probably been sold or the poster doesn't give a crap about.
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Old October 19th, 2017, 17:04   #9
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Just did a quick check of something else. Ads that had "Sold" in the title:

AEG - 30
Spring/Gas: 35
Access: 29
Gear: 26

Ads that had "Delete" in the title:

AEG: 7
Spring/Gas: 2
Access: 1
Gear: 6

The "Delete" stuff is understandable provided it was something posted in the wrong section but if you do that, you should really just use the "report post" feature and simply ask for it's removal or to have it moved to the correct section. there is actually an infraction for posting in the incorrect section. I went so far as to check the actual ads and several had sold and the poster just edited the title to "Delete"

The "sold" stuff to total, lazy crap. While the rules do not specifically state NOT to post "Sold", Banana", "Delete" or the like in the titles, they do state, quite specifically, to edit your post to include the word "Banana" so you completed ad can be easily archived.
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta
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Old January 2nd, 2018, 15:40   #10
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I've just finished cleaning out the classified sections. All ads not bumped/banana'd/sold/remove since Oct. 1/17 have been removed. If you can't bump your ad at least once in three months, you've either sold it or don't want to.

As a reminder, please edit one post in your ad to include the word "banana", spelled just like that without the quotes. Don't bump with banana, edit prices out, delete info (including title info),etc. If you want your ad removed because you changed your mind or put it in the wrong place, use the report post feature and we can get it sorted out a lot faster. There were a few ads that just had the word "remove" in the title and I don't search for that word. One ad had been that way since August and if the OP had reported it to be removed, it would have been done months ago.
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta
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Old February 11th, 2018, 01:47   #11
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All ads not bumped/banana'd/sold/remove since Nov. 1/17 have been removed.
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