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Got any experience with/stories about airsoft cheaters?



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Old October 1st, 2017, 01:25   #1
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Got any experience with/stories about airsoft cheaters?

So yeah, if anyone has any stories or experience with airsoft cheaters, feel free to share yours.
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 12:25   #2
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Everyone has stories of they've been on a field. This isn't an off-topic discussion though. In fact it's very much on-topic. So I will move this to the general discussion area. What I would like to hear is INTELLIGENT ways that players, refs and admins have handled cheaters in the past and how enforcement of the rules works at your field. Cheaters are an unfortunate part of the game, but it's how we handle them that'll matter.

I'm not at this time going to share a specific story, but I will mention a conversation I had yesterday after playing at Panther. We were discussing some behaviours we saw on the field, when I said, "There's cheaters in every sport and maybe there's more avenues to cheat in Airsoft than in most games, but Airsoft also provides more ways of dealing with them as well".

How many times has a friend pointed out a player not calling his hits hiding behind a tree or something, and in response we all just turn our guns on that player and move in on them? The player gets showered by multiple guns before screaming, "HIT!" and we all move on with the game.
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Last edited by Ricochet; October 2nd, 2017 at 12:28..
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 13:00   #3
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everyone has experienced issues with "immortals", cheaters, no-no fields, even hot fps guns... Its everywhere. We even caught players swapping springs in the middle of a game.

The sad thing is this kind of players get banned in one spot and then u just find them around eventually in other fields. I love when there is players with cameras on the field because in those cases no one fucks around, or they do it less.
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 13:27   #4
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shoot them again until they call it or get salty. Then call them out on not calling it the first or second time for the benefit of the doubt shot.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 13:55   #5
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
shoot them again until they call it or get salty. Then call them out on not calling it the first or second time for the benefit of the doubt shot.
Yeah, that's a great idea and all, but my experience has most often been catching them as they transition from cover to cover and it's a single hit of opportunity. They've cheated and gained a better position out of it.

I've slung my rifle, walked across the field and explained calmly to the guy that he was hit and that shit cheater play wasn't welcome in our group.
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 15:36   #6
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First 6 seconds is relevant.
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 15:43   #7
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
First 6 seconds is relevant.
wasn't this the kid that burned a patch of a team or something? (ya now I watched the vid again and it even says, he burned my patch) . 5 months after, tadaaa...
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 16:33   #8
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I never understood the retards in that video defending his actions.

If someone full-auto's you in a safe zone, that's a fucking assault charge. That's not what you signed up for when you go to play airsoft.
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 16:43   #9
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Assault and blatantly breaking rules... yes. Cheating... no, not really. Should be banned from every local field... absolutely.
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 18:06   #10
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I did have an experience with a noobie. He was actually in my team and I was teaching him and his friends about the basics of community and the rules and tactics and blah blah. Overall it was an experience.

During the game I noticed that he would circle around and not count his lives during the game. As a mentor and role model, i talked to him quietly and told him to call his hit once he feels it because he may get lit. That is not a remedy to the problem he was facing: Dying too fast in the game. I encouraged him on not rushing at the beginning and switch corner if he though enemy has seen him. Those ideas made him more complaint to the rules.

To solve the issue with cheaters, I prefer to understand why they cheat and try to suggest ideas to remedy it. If they are plain a**hole then do not complain when I personally lit you.
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 18:29   #11
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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I like to mentor, but cheating comes down to one thing; choice.
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 18:35   #12
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Calling the Other's Hit is Even Worse

This is an interesting topic.

But I am more concern about those who called the other's hit by yelling " Hey I got you !", as this could easily escalated to an unpleasant situation, which would spoil the whole game day.

Some "cheaters" may not intentionally cheat e.g. when they are running, hiding behind dense bushes, thick gear,..... So I usually give them benefit of doubt.

Best way to deal with "real cheaters" is to shoot him again and again until he calls his hit. If he still does not call it, leave him alone and inform the ref. If no improvement, I just ignore him and encourage everyone do the same, leaving him to play by himself.

To me, it is just for fun, and I would not be upset by it.
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 23:40   #13
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I haven't seen this at any of our local groups. I will definitely attribute the lack of cheating to the fact that in the local area there are no established teams. Every game day the group lines up and gets split up. No way to tell if one week you're teammates and then the next you're shooting each other.

It's not a hard and fast rule for all teams of course but I really see that for some teams their whole identity is wrapped up in this high speed low drag premise that they're elite and can't loose. Then as a result they shrug hits and go outside boundaries to insure victory.
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Old October 3rd, 2017, 21:33   #14
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I've played a few games with an ironosaurus. Shakes every hit he can, but vehemently insists he hit you.
Incapable of understanding the idea that airsoft guns aren't laser guns and quite often people dodge BBs before they hit.
Ended up just being banned from every local club and field.
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Old October 3rd, 2017, 22:44   #15
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
I haven't seen this at any of our local groups. I will definitely attribute the lack of cheating to the fact that in the local area there are no established teams. Every game day the group lines up and gets split up. No way to tell if one week you're teammates and then the next you're shooting each other.

It's not a hard and fast rule for all teams of course but I really see that for some teams their whole identity is wrapped up in this high speed low drag premise that they're elite and can't loose. Then as a result they shrug hits and go outside boundaries to insure victory.
This is very well said.

The ones I saw who call others' hits are members from a "established" team, who thought they were more superior (in a sense that a few of them has communication equipments and refuse to be split to the other side,and only let the others fight hard and use up most of their respawn in the first half of the game). They then came out at the second half of the game to claim the final victory.
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