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help me get my first gun!



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Old February 7th, 2017, 15:51   #1
Stone Fox
Join Date: Feb 2017
help me get my first gun!

so I wanna restart doing airsoft (I was playing but a lot younger) and I stopped over some guns choices. Its all G&g because it's easier for me to get. so has a beginner, i've got the choice to invest more into full metal gun, so more durable ( i guess?) but more expensive, the ''high grade polymer reinforce with fiber glass'' but a lot more cheaper, or the polymer again but with ETU and mosfet, moderate price. So these are my choices:
-the advance TR4-18 light
*the CM-16 Raider
* the CM-16 SRS ( the one with ETU(is it worth it?))
*the CM-18 MOD1 ( the one i'll probably get, my best choice so far)
*GC16 Raider S ( i guess the full metal version of the cm-16 raider)
so thanks for you response, i'd like some pros and cons, maybe even some experiences, and i wanna know whats the real difference between full metal and polymer.
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Old February 7th, 2017, 20:47   #2
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cm raider, no etu. Their mosfet is crap.

Skip everything else if that's where your budget is, I don't find the g&gs worth more than the raider is.

a few upgrades on the raider make it a pretty reasonable budget gun to start. It has good off the shelf parts compatibility when things start breaking.

For a bit more money than the g&gs you can start getting into the vfc VR16 series which is a much better gun externally and internally. There are brands in between, but keeping things simple, you buy the raider, you can choose to throw a few upgrades into it and it will last a few years, or just ride it out till the gearbox shell cracks. All g&gs have this fault. The simple upgrades like cylinder head, sorbo pad and piston with steel tooth rack will make it reasonably reliable and prevent the gearbox from cracking. Add a robust mosfet like a irls 3034 based unit, even a gate unit is better than the stock g&g I think, but the 3034 is pretty cheap if you can find someone to make one for you. If you choose not to install a mosfet, you will probably get 2 years out of the contacts before they need replacing.

The vfc will shoot out of the box until you strip the piston or burn the contacts. VFCs take most important aftermarket upgrades very easily, are easy to work on and hold value much better than g&gs. They are also very easy to upgrade towards the high end performers vs a g&g where you will always worry about the gearbox shell, or if you buy a toptech, the blowback will shred the piston or cause some other issue or it just takes way too long to work on that stupid gearbox. (I've worked on too many already)
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 11th, 2017, 07:18   #3
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I just ordered a G&G CM16 SRL yesterday and the vendor also told me the MOSFET on the G&G are somehow bad and the gun might have issues shooting sometimes but it was easily fixed by replacing the MOSFET for a better one.

The vendor also told me that around March or April, G&G are supposed to show their revision 2 of their last CM series with a better stock MOSFET (prototype for now). Either you wait and see or buy and change it if it doesn't work properly.

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Old February 12th, 2017, 09:32   #4
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from personal experience don't touch the cm-16 series go with the cm-18. Permit me to pitch in my 2 cents. you should look into other brands G&G used to be the giant a few years back but it lost its dominance in terms of tech and innovation and quality but kept their price tag. my friend started with a cm-16 raider and a few weeks later he switched to vfc. really for 100$ 200$ more you get a machine that performs out of the box and that is built to last. out of his 13 guns now his vfc is his oldest and the only one that hasn't has issues yet. i personally started with a G&P RPK for 400$ solid performance built tough. any AK series from G&P is good and the price is reasonable. only downside with G&P is that techs want to kill you when you bring one in because the the protective shell around the gearbox... its hell to remove.

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Old February 12th, 2017, 10:38   #5
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My first gun was a G&G TR4-18 which I bought after a decent amount of research. I have to say it has been an absolute workhorse and I have never regretted going with it. With that said, it was a number of years ago and advances in tech may put it at a disadvantage. A lot of brands now carry integrated mosfets as well as updated hopup unit. In terms of metal vs polymer, I'm always leaning towards metal construction (aside from guns like scars and ACRs with inherent polymer parts). Also, I'm of the mindset to save a bit longer, spend a bit extra up front, and get something with a bit higher quality. It'll pay off in the long run.
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Old May 7th, 2019, 08:31   #6
Join Date: May 2019
Originally Posted by ForeRunner View Post
My first gun was a G&G TR4-18 which I bought after a decent amount of research. I have to say it has been an absolute workhorse and I have never regretted going with it. With that said, it was a number of years ago and advances in tech may put it at a disadvantage. A lot of brands now carry integrated mosfets as well as updated hopup unit. In terms of metal vs polymer, I'm always learning D bal Alvenda Review towards metal construction (aside from guns like scars and ACRs with inherent polymer parts). Also, I'm of the mindset to save a bit longer, spend a bit extra up front, and get something with a bit higher quality. It'll pay off in the long run.
Not my first, but I still have a G&G TR4-18, and it is the only one that hasn't given me a problem or two. But yes, today it really lags technologically.

Last edited by CalvinBouchard; June 13th, 2019 at 17:48..
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Old July 22nd, 2019, 06:21   #7
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Originally Posted by Dumblins View Post
I just ordered a G&G CM16 SRL yesterday and the vendor Agoc Travel also told me the MOSFET on the G&G are somehow bad and the gun might have issues shooting sometimes but it was easily fixed by replacing the MOSFET for a better one.

The vendor also told me that around March or April, G&G are supposed to show their revision 2 of their last CM series with a better stock MOSFET (prototype for now). Either you wait and see or buy and change it if it doesn't work properly.

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Hmmn, the same thing happened with me also. My Gun was also showing a lot of problems and it was not working properly. I wanted to replace it and it took a lot of time to be replaced. It was a tough experience for me.

Last edited by CharlesMedina; July 29th, 2019 at 08:49..
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Old July 30th, 2019, 00:44   #8
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... stop recommending G&G, they are shit.

Specna Edge
Maple Armories Marauder

Either of these is a great starter that not only are cheaper than the G&G CM's (which have raise din price) but they are better in quality and performance in every facet. G&G's are complete crap, I have repaired two broken gearboxes already (front end cracked) and multiple with defective selector plates brand new. They're trash... the internals are awful, almost no compression compared to either two I just mentioned. You can get vastly superior E&L's too for around the same price of a CM and they are better in every facet of the sense.

G&G's are trash. They are the cheapest damn made guns outside of plastic gearboxes, and people give them this undeserved hyper reputation.
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Old August 8th, 2019, 18:12   #9
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I'm liking the info peeps
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Old August 16th, 2019, 08:50   #10
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Originally Posted by ValaskaAirsoft View Post
... stop recommending G&G, they are shit.

Specna Edge
Maple Armories Marauder

Either of these is a great starter that not only are cheaper than the G&G CM's (which have raise din price) but they are better in quality and performance in every facet. G&G's are complete crap, I have repaired two broken gearboxes already (front end cracked) and multiple with defective selector plates brand new. They're trash... the internals are awful, almost no compression compared to either two I just ioned. You can get vastly superior E&L's too for around the same price of a CM and they are better in every facet of the sense.

G&G's are trash. They are the cheapest damn made guns outside of plastic gearboxes, and people give them this undeserved hyper reputation.

I respectfully disagree with you. My sister and nephew both own G&G rifles and they have not had any problems with it. I own a G&G pistol, and its accurate.
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Old August 16th, 2019, 10:27   #11
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Originally Posted by Stone Fox View Post
so I wanna restart doing airsoft (I was playing but a lot younger) and I stopped over some guns choices. Its all G&g because it's easier for me to get. so has a beginner, i've got the choice to invest more into full metal gun, so more durable ( i guess?) but more expensive, the ''high grade polymer reinforce with fiber glass'' but a lot more cheaper, or the polymer again but with ETU and mosfet, moderate price. So these are my choices:
-the advance TR4-18 light
*the CM-16 Raider
* the CM-16 SRS ( the one with ETU(is it worth it?))
*the CM-18 MOD1 ( the one i'll probably get, my best choice so far)
*GC16 Raider S ( i guess the full metal version of the cm-16 raider)
so thanks for you response, i'd like some pros and cons, maybe even some experiences, and i wanna know whats the real difference between full metal and polymer.
I would definitely pick up a Maple Armouries Marauder or save up a bit more and buy a VFC when they go on sale.
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Old August 16th, 2019, 14:16   #12
Join Date: Jul 2019
Originally Posted by Stone Fox View Post
so I wanna restart doing airsoft (I was playing but a lot younger) and I stopped over some guns choices. Its all G&g because it's easier for me to get. so has a beginner, i've got the choice to invest more into full metal gun, so more durable ( i guess?) but more expensive, the ''high grade polymer reinforce with fiber glass'' but a lot more cheaper, or the polymer again but with ETU and mosfet, moderate price. So these are my choices:
-the advance TR4-18 light
*the CM-16 Raider
* the CM-16 SRS ( the one with ETU(is it worth it?))
*the CM-18 MOD1 ( the one i'll probably get, my best choice so far)
*GC16 Raider S ( i guess the full metal version of the cm-16 raider)
so thanks for you response, i'd like some pros and cons, maybe even some experiences, and i wanna know whats the real difference between full metal and polymer.
I bought two G and G CM-16 Raiders three months ago and they have performed flawlessly. Accuracy and range is quite good for a $200 gun. Dropped one a few times no problems. Unless you are wiling to spend $400 or more , the CM-16 is they way to go.
If you have more than $400 to spend, the Krytac Trident 2 or VFC Avalon are the best choices.

If you google and research the G and G raider CM-16, they are the best beginner gun on the market hands down. When people say they are crap, they are comparing them to a $400+ gun. Obviously, if you are planning on playing airsoft every weekend with heavy use, a more expensive gun with better and more durable internals is the best option.

Last edited by john3302; August 16th, 2019 at 14:22..
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Old August 16th, 2019, 23:17   #13
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Originally Posted by ValaskaAirsoft View Post
... stop recommending G&G, they are shit.

Originally Posted by Desmodus View Post
I would definitely pick up a Maple Armouries Marauder or save up a bit more and buy a VFC when they go on sale.
If you can afford it these options are definitely the better long term investment.

Originally Posted by john3302 View Post
Unless you are wiling to spend $400 or more , the CM-16 is they way to go. If you have more than $400 to spend, the Krytac Trident 2 or VFC Avalon are the best choices.
If you google and research the G and G raider CM-16, they are the best beginner gun on the market hands down.
G&G has come a long way in terms of quality in the last several years and a CM-16 is a perfectly acceptable beginner gun. I think it's a fine strategy:

1. get into the sport cheap
2. play for a season or two
3. use that experience to make a more informed decision on how to spend your hard earned money on higher quality gear

Other brands certainly offer higher quality and are better upgrade platforms, but if you can't justify spending more than $200 on a gun (or maybe you're not sure if you're going to stick with the sport etc) just get a CM-16.

Don't feel peer pressured into buying something more expensive just to impress the online strangers harboring brand-resentment, they were probably molested by a G&G sales rep.
Stick to whatever your budget is and have fun.
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Old August 17th, 2019, 11:04   #14
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Seriously, you can have a hell of a lot of fun with a $200 entry-level starting gun, man. Don't worry about having a cheap gun or motherfuckers trying to Bobby Big Dick on you over the internet. The guys I've seen who have the best time on the field are the guys just breaking into the hobby and enjoying all their entry-level gear can offer, who haven't yet had the time to become jaded tryhards.

Here's a page with Toronto Airsoft's $150-$200 models.
Here're their $200-$250 ones.

Not that they're all available or necessarily any good, but that should give you an idea of what you can get for a low price as a nice starter platform. And there's enough variety, too, in case you don't want to be Yet Another White Boy With An M4.

Get what you like, love it, and have fun!
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Old August 20th, 2019, 01:58   #15
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My first gun was a G&G CM16 Raider and I have no regrets. Great bang for the buck. Sure it had a lot of plastic and the benefit of that was it was light. It was a great entry level gun that I abused for a solid year of consistent airsoft. The nice thing was in between that time you have an opportunity to learn the game, research guns, meet other airsofters and really make a good decision and purchase for your next up coming gun.
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