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First Airsoft gun mainly for CQB


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Old February 4th, 2017, 23:23   #16
BrendanL's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Feels View Post
So do you think this is a good deal or what. Im actually on Jane and St Clair but I dont drive so I hoping to get someone nearby unfortunately I havent gotten a reply from any of the 3 guys I messaged

Why not take the TTC to a local airsoft shop in Toronto and get AV'd there, I was under the impression some stores in the city offer this. This can be easier than trying to track down other users to line something up.
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Old February 4th, 2017, 23:26   #17
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
Classic army ca4a1 ec2
-red/green dot scope from my actual real rifle worth 150 is the rifle real or the scope is real? What is real? Get Jaden Smith in here. Seriously though show me the paperwork to show it's a real steel scope to justify a $150 price tag and not a ACM repro. Idgaf if his rifle is real or imaginary we're talking about the scope
-3 mags no price quote here? Are they midcap, highcap, etc?
-tracer unit (looks like supressor) flashes light to make certain bb's glow $100 bag of bb's that glow $30 tracer units are worth something but I wouldn't buy a used one at full like-new price
-shoulder strap if it's a 3 point sling throw it in the trash
-foregrip $10 tops MSRP used as a bargaining chip to sweeten the deal. No monetary value.
-bb's roughly 3-4000 rounds in total $20 depending on the brand
-rifle bag that holds 2 guns plus a lot of storage
-3x lipo batteries $30 each plus charger which is another $30 and also the factory battery and charger
-mask $25 this is MSRP you can get it cheaper for ACM versions
-goggles $80 what brand and model? Anti fog? Vented? Fans? Real-steel? Last goggles I bought were $25 six years ago and they were vented.
-2x vests $100 each in stores no more than $60 used and depending on the condition and the design
-gloves $25

That's just the rifle now the glock
-we tech g18c it's second hand. Used or gamed? No proof. 100 bucks tops.
-3 magazines 1 of which is extended and it was worth $60 ikc how much the MSRP was if the owner was a tard and it's scratches speaks damaged dropped that thing is worth $20 tops. Price differs by brand though.
-holster $40 unless it's a real steel holster w/ paperwork it's half price
-lazer $35 you can't use lasers in most fields that thing belongs in the trash or a classroom. $10 tops.
-case $25
Rifle bag $100 in stores maybe 80 are you for real? Maybe at TA where they mark it up but princess auto sells it for half the price. You can get a Canadian tire hard rifle case for under $40. Better be a good plano lined one
And 1 and a half cans of green gas for the glock throw it in the garbage he's giving you half a can of something?
There it is. So hes selling me all this for $400.

For all that I would only pay 150 for the Glock and 3 mags and $150 for the CA rifle w/ 3 mags. Your total is 300 and now you have the remaining stuff like bb's holster and stuff.

It sounds like a good deal assuming everything is in working order and not in shambles. Gotta ask for details and specifics.
Thanks a lot for your input, it really helps. Again, im new and really dont know what Im dealing with. I guess I was just excited since he has everything I would need to start and more. His rifle is even approved for UAC already. I asked him for a detailed list of the items. Ill post it when he replies. Thanks again. EDIT: Heres some pictures of the stuff. EDIT EDIT lmao: Also, he did say he used all the stuff 4 or 5 times.

Last edited by Feels; February 4th, 2017 at 23:36..
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Old February 4th, 2017, 23:37   #18
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Originally Posted by BrendanL View Post
Why not take the TTC to a local airsoft shop in Toronto and get AV'd there, I was under the impression some stores in the city offer this. This can be easier than trying to track down other users to line something up.
Im not 100% sure which ones do to be honest
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Old February 4th, 2017, 23:42   #19
"bb bukakke" KING!
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I'm not a huge fan of CA m4s. The last one that ended up on my workbench had 4 different sized screws holding the grip on in the gearbox. They were really poorly made screws, some had larger threads than others, like the dyes that cut them were newer. What ended up happening and the only reason I found out was that somehow all 4 screw holes at the bottom of the gearbox stripped and none of the screws were able to hold the grip in. The only fix to that is replace the shell or find screws that are slightly larger and rethread the holes.

I was lucky, I had stainless steel screws that had deeper threads than all of the screws that came from factory and they cut new threads into the gearbox.

Aside from that, the gear axle holes are slightly offspec in CA gearboxes, some gearsets have issues fitting without binding.

CA nozzle lengths can sometimes be weird too, causing issues with feeding if you use a nozzle with more proper specced lengths. The hopup unit is cast to fit the nozzle, so if you replace the nozzle the hopup unit doesn't fit right and can cause feeding issues.

Replacing any of those 3 things, gearbox shell, nozzle, hopup unit without knowing which part is offspec vs what you're replacing it with can cause all sorts of headaches, and you may never figure it out either. The only one you can know for sure is nozzle length since you can measure the exact length with calipers. You can't measure the depth of the hopup unit, where the rubber sits in relation to the nozzle or the gearbox shell and how it mounts into the receiver, where it's offspec in relation to this part or that.

This is why I like the g&g combat machine, it has VERY good tolerances to existing aftermarket parts and you can put just about anything into it and it will work. You can even put lonex gearbox shells and parts into it when the shell breaks. I've had aftermarket shells not fit into CA guns before as well.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 5th, 2017, 00:10   #20
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
I'm not a huge fan of CA m4s. The last one that ended up on my workbench had 4 different sized screws holding the grip on in the gearbox. They were really poorly made screws, some had larger threads than others, like the dyes that cut them were newer. What ended up happening and the only reason I found out was that somehow all 4 screw holes at the bottom of the gearbox stripped and none of the screws were able to hold the grip in. The only fix to that is replace the shell or find screws that are slightly larger and rethread the holes.

I was lucky, I had stainless steel screws that had deeper threads than all of the screws that came from factory and they cut new threads into the gearbox.

Aside from that, the gear axle holes are slightly offspec in CA gearboxes, some gearsets have issues fitting without binding.

CA nozzle lengths can sometimes be weird too, causing issues with feeding if you use a nozzle with more proper specced lengths. The hopup unit is cast to fit the nozzle, so if you replace the nozzle the hopup unit doesn't fit right and can cause feeding issues.

Replacing any of those 3 things, gearbox shell, nozzle, hopup unit without knowing which part is offspec vs what you're replacing it with can cause all sorts of headaches, and you may never figure it out either. The only one you can know for sure is nozzle length since you can measure the exact length with calipers. You can't measure the depth of the hopup unit, where the rubber sits in relation to the nozzle or the gearbox shell and how it mounts into the receiver, where it's offspec in relation to this part or that.

This is why I like the g&g combat machine, it has VERY good tolerances to existing aftermarket parts and you can put just about anything into it and it will work. You can even put lonex gearbox shells and parts into it when the shell breaks. I've had aftermarket shells not fit into CA guns before as well.
Well that sucks. Hopefully it was a one time thing. I also like the looks on the Combat machine rifles
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Old February 5th, 2017, 00:36   #21
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So Im really debating on whether im taking this deal or not. Actually dont know what to do. Seems like a good price for that amount of stuff but I cant be certain since Im new to the sport.
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Old February 5th, 2017, 01:56   #22
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Toronto
I'm assuming the field you're talking about is Ultimate Airsoft, if so hope to see you there sometimes (I'll be the guy with the tan vest and lightsaber). Anyways I'm a new airsofter (6 months) and this is what I did:

-Bought a G&G cm16 raider at badlands paintball on a sale ($160) and batteries
-Bought 2 midcaps, a valken m90sp spring, sling, smart charger, and a reflex sight all on amazon/aliexpress
-looked at youtube and gearbox animation and did the spring change following a tutorial

I recommend you buy a new gun, more pew pew and less tinkering, over time you'll learn how the guns work and you'll me more confident to tinker with a used one.
If you are not mechanically inclined, a gun with quick spring change or split gear box (i.e. ICS) would be good.
You don't need to buy everything now you can build it over time when you find out what gear you really want. I guarantee half of the stuff from that deal will end up under your bed collecting dust a few months in.

Last edited by Pocky; February 5th, 2017 at 02:01..
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Old February 5th, 2017, 02:17   #23
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Originally Posted by Pocky View Post
I'm assuming the field you're talking about is Ultimate Airsoft, if so hope to see you there sometimes (I'll be the guy with the tan vest and lightsaber). Anyways I'm a new airsofter (6 months) and this is what I did:

-Bought a G&G cm16 raider at badlands paintball on a sale ($160) and batteries
-Bought 2 midcaps, a valken m90sp spring, sling, smart charger, and a reflex sight all on amazon/aliexpress
-looked at youtube and gearbox animation and did the spring change following a tutorial

I recommend you buy a new gun, more pew pew and less tinkering, over time you'll learn how the guns work and you'll me more confident to tinker with a used one.
If you are not mechanically inclined, a gun with quick spring change or split gear box (i.e. ICS) would be good.
You don't need to buy everything now you can build it over time when you find out what gear you really want. I guarantee half of the stuff from that deal will end up under your bed collecting dust a few months in.
Or you could do what I did and paid $150 for a g&g mp5 w/ Cobra sight and 8 mags from someone off ASC...

Damn thing came with 2 grips and wires to deals already. The only thing I had to do was rewire it which can be a big problem for beginners.

In airsoft there's no such thing as tinker-free. You have to downgrade the spring on a gun new out of the box if it's shooting hot. Best thing to do is buy a lightly gamed package for under $300 off ASC and spend the remaining $100 on eye protection and maybe a vest. Either way with your considered budget of $400 I'd recommend you get quality and not quantity.

CA isn't the best top quality gun but with your WE g18 it can last you a good year of airsoft before both break. Best to get your money's worth paying for something lightly used already upgraded to save you the headache that will last you at least 2x longer.

Unless you're into teching then go nuts.
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Old February 5th, 2017, 12:03   #24
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Originally Posted by Pocky View Post
I'm assuming the field you're talking about is Ultimate Airsoft, if so hope to see you there sometimes (I'll be the guy with the tan vest and lightsaber). Anyways I'm a new airsofter (6 months) and this is what I did:

-Bought a G&G cm16 raider at badlands paintball on a sale ($160) and batteries
-Bought 2 midcaps, a valken m90sp spring, sling, smart charger, and a reflex sight all on amazon/aliexpress
-looked at youtube and gearbox animation and did the spring change following a tutorial

I recommend you buy a new gun, more pew pew and less tinkering, over time you'll learn how the guns work and you'll me more confident to tinker with a used one.
If you are not mechanically inclined, a gun with quick spring change or split gear box (i.e. ICS) would be good.
You don't need to buy everything now you can build it over time when you find out what gear you really want. I guarantee half of the stuff from that deal will end up under your bed collecting dust a few months in.
For sure, ill be looking for the guy with the lightsaber lol. And I do like the looks on the Cm16.
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