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ITAR Can someone explain it ?


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Old September 28th, 2016, 18:31   #1
dogtoy's Avatar
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ITAR Can someone explain it ?

Im a bit confused about the ITAR regulations ,..It seems to concern exporting out of the US ? I had a notice pop up when ordering some MBUS sights from china ,..they were real cheap ,..So I ordered them anyway & they came just fine ,.. Now I am looking at a red dot from china & getting the warning again , Was I lucky the first time ? Or does it not apply from china to canada ? there is certainly nothing special or secret about a red dot ,...
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Old September 28th, 2016, 18:42   #2
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ITAR doesnt apply to Canada period. It's a set of US regulations on import/export of defense related articles. If you try to import/export things to/from US to/from Canada than it's a different story. Import/export of stupid shit to/from states like wooden stocks, blank rounds, expired vests, helmets, some firearm parts etc. might get you in trouble.

Last edited by 666; September 28th, 2016 at 18:45..
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Old September 29th, 2016, 09:19   #3
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ITAR rules are confusing … I have a export licence from Lonewolf for the next 5 years…
I had to submit my order.
Inform why I wanted to export (personal use or commercial)
Communicate if foreign affaires will all the part number and description…foreign affairs gives me a official document informing that they acknowledges my request and makes sure I have the proper licence to have these items.
If it`s for buiness then need the number…
Then shit the paper to the merchant. The merchant sends it to the ITAR agents and they approve it…
If you dive to the US and buy Gun parts and travel out of the US with out ITAR approval papers, you can be banned from ever going back there and a very large fine..
Notes: in my past experience, the ITAR agent are really rude and ignorant but OUR CBSA and Foreign Affairs are very friendly and know more about the ITAR rules then any ITAR agents..
Most stores don`t want to shit out of the US because these are not the most burocratic people.
Stores like Brownells will allow shipping of items 500$ or less to Canada

I have parts from the Glocks store that ii have orders since January and they still have not the proper paperwork to ship across the border.

If you want only to import Form the US ... Out side like China... No problem

Hopes this helps.
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Old September 29th, 2016, 10:51   #4
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How it concerns you, Basically anything that is "weapon" or "arms industry" related may be export restricted.

If you are Canadian Items costing <$150 at wholesale are exempt from ITAR IF they have fair civilian use. If you are from the UK that exemption is $500. Some items are very strictly monitored and controlled IE Night vision, laser systems.

Many US retailers are aware of the exemption and file bulk paperwork for you as part of the sales agreement IE brownells,SKDtac if you are buying Rail systems, rifle mounts, mags,tactical nylon etc. In other cases US retailers are completely uneducated about ITAR and simply use it to block or not bother dealing with international customers

Some things are ITAR controlled and you wouldn't even know about it. I got nasty letter 8 years ago for buying O-rings total price (<20.00) that happen to be the correct size for AEG pistons, that just happen to also be used in ICBMs.

ITAR is not limited to guns, and gunfighting gear, software, computer hardware basically anything that can be used to support warfighting -CAN- be considered ITAR.

As far as recreational shooting sports go optics are the big ITAR no-no, even though their is legitimate civilian use for these items. If you want to buy yourself a REAL eotech/aimpoint. Look in country first unless you are willing to deal with paperwork.
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it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old September 29th, 2016, 16:16   #5
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Wow what a hassle ,..even rail systems & o rings ! I am ordering from China & its just a generic red dot clone ,..its the tube type ,..I have ordered a reflex type that came with no problems ,.. my mbus sights were just plastic flip ups for a few bucks ,..I did get the little pop up warning with those too but they did arrive fine ,... Any optics I order are just clone knockoffs only used for airsoft ..So I guess if its not genuine & its from China , you should usually be ok ? I want to get some 20mm to keymod adapter rails in the future I wonder if those will get the warning too ..

Last edited by dogtoy; September 29th, 2016 at 16:18..
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Old September 29th, 2016, 16:29   #6
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You shouldn't have any issue unless the item is real-steel, made in America and ordered from America.
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Old September 29th, 2016, 19:39   #7
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Thanks for all the info everyone You guys are awesome
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Old September 29th, 2016, 20:15   #8
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
You shouldn't have any issue unless the item is real-steel, made in America and ordered from America.
Or being shipped by a carrier that has transfer ir distribution hubs in the US. Avoid American carriers like UPS, Fedex, DHL, etc.
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Old September 29th, 2016, 20:45   #9
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Or being shipped by a carrier that has transfer ir distribution hubs in the US. Avoid American carriers like UPS, Fedex, DHL, etc.
That's actually a good point for another reason. Reason being - save your money on brokerage fees. I once ordered box of 6 plastic, disposable MAG MP7 mags from Evike. Needed it to have my STG hicaps to be converted to midcaps. Nobody else had those MAG packages in stock at the time. I ordered hicaps from Tiger111 or whatever it is and MP7 mags from Evike. As most of us know Evike only uses UPS to ship to Canada. Not only STG mags came in first but I also ended up paying tons of money in brokerage fees for package from states. Package crossed border no problem at one of their points (brokerage fees applied), than it crossed back to US again, got moved further East and crossed Canadian border once again in Windsor (brokerage fees applied again!!!). Imagine how much those mags ended up costing me...

Last edited by 666; September 29th, 2016 at 20:51..
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Old September 29th, 2016, 20:50   #10
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
As most of us know Evike only uses UPS to ship to Canada....(brokerage fees applied)....(brokerage fees applied again!!!)
but but but when evike switched to UPS only and started to push CAD shipping HARD and wanted banner ads on here they SWORE to us that UPS would not charge us brokerage.
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Old September 29th, 2016, 21:50   #11
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Its an option ups doesnt want people to know about, but you can clear packages yourself.
Although it makes for an awkward conversation with the customs agent when youve ordered ESS crossbow, ESS suppressor, and ESS camo frame kit.
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Old September 30th, 2016, 13:05   #12
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
but but but when evike switched to UPS only and started to push CAD shipping HARD and wanted banner ads on here they SWORE to us that UPS would not charge us brokerage.
That's just half of the story actually. Package was supposed to be delivered to a friend who lives outside of Toronto. He has the shop, all necessary tools and already converted couple of mags at that time. Anyways, I paid brokerage, told them to deliver to an address different from mine and also told them to leave it on the porch. I clearly stated: "I take full responsibility if it will go missing, willing to send you an email or fill out whatever form you want me to fill out". They said not to worry about it. I wasn't worried about package getting stolen because friend lives in a smaller town, quite area. He used to work long hours while UPS only delivers there once a day during the time he was away at work. Long story short, he received 3 notices stating that brokerage fee needs to be paid. I called them twice, both times they said not to worry about it, package will be dropped off next day. Third time final notice was left and I fucking snapped on them. Told them to locate the driver, turn him around and make him drop it off. After about 5 excuses such as "oh, we can't really contact the driver while they are on route" they ended up somehow magically contacting the driver and box was finally delivered. Freaking horror story.

Last edited by 666; September 30th, 2016 at 13:08..
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Old August 2nd, 2021, 06:27   #13
Pop Alexandra
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Its an option ups doesnt want people to know about, but you can clear packages yourself.
Although it makes for an awkward conversation with the customs agent when youve ordered ESS crossbow, ESS suppressor, and ESS camo frame kit.
I still prefer working with a broker, just not UPS. I mostly work with W2C, but clearing packages yourself is a viable alternative if you have the nerves for it.
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Old October 14th, 2021, 15:47   #14
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I have also been wondering on the issue a lot!
Its now well kept
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