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Alternative silicone? help


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Old August 21st, 2016, 10:21   #1
Join Date: Aug 2016
Alternative silicone? help

hi im new to airsoft and also to this forum and i apologize if im posting this in the wrong section because im unsure where i should post this..

so i just bought a silicone from a DIY store that is wayyy cheaper than the airsoft silicones.. it does not have the flammable logo on the can unlike the others, so i assumed it wasnt flammable...after i got home, i saw this:

can someone experienced pleaseeee tell me if this is safe to use for my WE G17.. thank you!!
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Old August 22nd, 2016, 12:04   #2
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As long as it doesn't contain petroleum, it's fine.
Silicones aren't flammable, what the warning means is to keep the CAN away from heat since its contents are pressurized.

Besides, you're running PROPANE in your pistol, are you really worried about silicone being flammable? lol
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Old August 22nd, 2016, 12:13   #3
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
As long as it doesn't contain petroleum, it's fine.
Silicones aren't flammable, what the warning means is to keep the CAN away from heat since its contents are pressurized.

Besides, you're running PROPANE in your pistol, are you really worried about silicone being flammable? lol
but it doesnt state its 100% silicone.. everyone is saying make sure the silicone is 100% silicone. Also, some say ALL sprays will have some kind of solvent in it which can harm your gun. And also whats being used as a propellant may damage the gun too... can you confirm this?
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Old August 22nd, 2016, 13:11   #4
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Well if you're using MAPP gas in 28 degrees, then yeah it's probably gonna break stuff.
Use propane instead of green gas, because green gas is retarded.
GREASE the slide, don't use silicone.
And you only actually need to lubricate the gas system every 500 shots or so. You don't need to add silicone to the mags every single time you use the pistol.
Had my USP compact for 3 years, and I think I only ever added a drop of silicone to the mags maybe 3 or 4 times. Has zero problems with the O-rings.

If your silicone has petroleum in it (the stuff that eats natural rubber), you'll find out when it eats the shitty natural rubber seals in your pistol. Order new, way better buna nitrile Orings, and problem solved.

Or just go to Canadian tire and buy 100% silicone oil in a spray can for like $7.
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Old August 22nd, 2016, 13:26   #5
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no idea what MAPP gas is, never heard of it...

im very very new to airsoft, i dont know how to make or use propane and im afraid i might screw up something.. so i think for now ill just stick to green gas.. why is it retarded though??

i thought people use silicone to grease the slides? no? isnt grease and lubricate the same thing? sorry if its a dumb question.

you havent answered my previous question though.. my silicone (from hardware store) doesnt state its 100% silicone.. is it still safe to use it? many people suggest to buy 100% silicone from hobby stores n stuff..
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Old August 22nd, 2016, 14:15   #6
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I use Getsome 1000 as my lube. It's hella liquidy. Not sure if reliable but it's what I use.
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Old August 22nd, 2016, 14:35   #7
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You want light synthetic grease on the slides because silicone runs off and needs to be re-applied frequently. That silicone spray is extremely light weight, and so applied to the slide it won't really lubricate anything at all. It will just make your pistol all oily and a pain to clean.
MAPP is just a slightly higher pressure, more temperature stable gas that can be used in airsoft guns. Good to use in -5 to 5 degrees, where propane loses most of it's performance. If you use it in cold weather, be sure to vent the mags before storing them. If you fill them up cold then move them into warm storage, they'll bow out the mags and cause them to leak.

Green gas IS propane with silicone added to it for 5-10x the cost.
So if you're already using green gas, there's no reason at all to be using silicone in the gas system.

Buy an AI propane adapter for $15, go buy a 3pack of coleman propane for $18, and that will be equivalent to about 6-9 cans of green gas. And also much safer since the canisters have blowoff valves. If you leave a full can of green gas in the sun in your car, it can potentially blow up.

If you're worried about the silicone, just go buy a $7 100% silicone can from Canadian Tire.
But like I said before, IF your silicone eats through all the terrible rubber Orings, you can just get superior high quality Orings that won't be eaten by it and you'll probably gain 10fps as well.

Last edited by ThunderCactus; August 22nd, 2016 at 14:38..
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Old August 22nd, 2016, 23:33   #8
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any synthetic grease will do? what about white lithium grease?

im actually from Malaysia which is a very hot country.. any idea where i can find the propane? do hardware store sells them?

in malaysia, i've been to many hardware stores and none of them sells 100% silicone... the silicone i bought can still be used without damaging my gun, right? although its not 100% silicone?

to sum this up, silicone is used for the mag and grease is only used for the slider?
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Old August 23rd, 2016, 00:14   #9
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Yes, no
most hardware or camping or general outfitter stores have propane. Same stuff you use for propane grills
just use it and see what happens, you can always fix your pistol
yes, and yes
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Old August 23rd, 2016, 00:39   #10
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on youtube, many users use white lithium grease.. o.o

is there any specific propane i should get? or is there only 1 type of propane lol.

airsoft is illegal in Malaysia, so its hard for me to get spare parts
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Old August 23rd, 2016, 00:48   #11
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also i did a bb test for the silicone i bought.. i place 3 bb's into a coke bottle cap, spray the silicone till it fills up half of the cap (the cap got frozen lol) and leave it for like 1 day.. the results? 1 of the 3 bb's got smaller.. the other 2 got a little bit out of shape and sticks together with the bb.. so this proves my silicone isnt safe?
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Old August 23rd, 2016, 11:06   #12
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Well your O-rings aren't made of BBs, And you're not soaking your BBs in silicone when you shoot, so that test proves nothing.

Like I've said twice, if there's petroleum in the silicone and it eats your O-rings, you can just buy new and better O-rings that are petroleum resistant. They're not airsoft parts, they're O-rings, so there should be no problem importing them.
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Old August 23rd, 2016, 12:42   #13
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ok!! so now all i need is that grease u mentioned...

btw, silicone is only used for the o-rings or is there someplace else for the mag? like the valve or smth?
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