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Old June 30th, 2016, 17:31   #16
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Central/Southern Alberta
I think that the use of modern and advanced tech in airsoft can be molded together with the "respect and honour" situation to a degree...

I've noticed with some Baofeng radios that they have a "dual watch" function, which means you can monitor two frequencies at one time. On one hand that gives someone a humongous advantage over the opposing team, and could be deemed unfair, on the other it could be considered a legit combat tatic.

As ricochet covered, it's usually will be up to the event admins/holders etc. if a certain object is allowed on that game day or not. From that point it's up to the player (or players) to decide if it's appropriate to use it or not, thus bringing up the "respect and honour" ideaologies.

Now what "honourable" and "respectful" means IS going to vary from person to person, hands down. Peoples opinions about whether or not night vision should be used, or if someone should be allowed to listen to the other players, changes between different people.

It could also vary by the caliber of the game: is it a Milsim game? a game with all your buddies? The Local CQB/outdoor field?

It's up to the player on what he brings to the field and what he finds acceptable. On top of that, other players have the choice on whether or not they're gonna put up with tatics like that or not.

In the end, if it's within the rules, the choice is yours to make, However, assess the situation before making a decision. Consider the factors in the scenerio such as the other players and the type of game you're at. If everyone seems cool with it, have at 'er! Otherwise some choices might piss people off, make them leave and then you're sitting there tac'd out...plinking but a lonely tree!

This goes for anyone playing (or thinking of playing) airsoft.

On the other hand, I've been looking at getting a Baofeng BF series radio myself. The dual watch is a great idea for if you want to listen to the team channel and you own squad channel for example. They also seem to be fairly popular at the fields i've been to. I am guilty of using the cheap ass blister-pack walkie-talkies myself and no earpiece, so i figure it's time for a change!
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Old June 30th, 2016, 18:15   #17
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Originally Posted by Zeroroaster View Post
...or get more money...hehehe
Well, personal skill and teamwork is definately priority one. But BBs that are motion seeking wouldn't hurt either.
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Old June 30th, 2016, 19:05   #18
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Dual Band radios like the PX 888 are actually pretty useful. At our field, we will occasionally use channel "B" (listen only, not broadcast unless you actually go select that channel) for game command. Any issues or emergencies can be effectively broadcast to players that are capable of receiving it, and they pass the word along. Channel "A" would be our squad channel.

I have never once heard of teams spying on another team's channel. I guess my field does play with a lot of Honour though.

Originally Posted by Huddleston View Post
I think that the use of modern and advanced tech in airsoft can be molded together with the "respect and honour" situation to a degree...

I've noticed with some Baofeng radios that they have a "dual watch" function, which means you can monitor two frequencies at one time. On one hand that gives someone a humongous advantage over the opposing team, and could be deemed unfair, on the other it could be considered a legit combat tatic.
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Old June 30th, 2016, 19:36   #19
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Dual channel (not dual band, dual band would be like the 888K that uses VHF and UHF) is actually really not all that awesome with single transceiver radios at big games.
There are too many people that talk too much when they don't need to at the lower levels so that ties up your radio. You could end up listening to a 2 min long transmission of somebody's hot mic and miss out on all the good info being passed on the other channel.
If you hit your PTT at the wrong time you can end up on the wrong channel and not know, or you could be spending some fiddling with your radio every time you need to swap transmitting channels.
So its really only useful at the upper end of the command chain where there are less people on the nets.

At smaller games its cool, but often not needed since you can fit the whole team on one channel anyways.

Dual radio/PTT setup is the way to go for this function (aka more money! )

As for spying on comms, its not unheard of, usually does not happen, but even when it does its pretty hard to detect. This is what code words and nicknames are for, determine them before games and use them always.
There is also the option of switching to digital as well, but again, money.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; June 30th, 2016 at 19:40..
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Old June 30th, 2016, 23:14   #20
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yeah, i would find the dual channel to have it's pros and cons...

I personally don't know if any of the games i've been to used that function to spy on the opposing team, it's just one of the things that me and my father discussed about when he got his comm device.

Either way i'll keep shopping around, I got a few days or more knowing that Canada Post might go on strike in a couple days
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Old June 30th, 2016, 23:41   #21
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Originally Posted by daishi View Post
Not sure why anyone would pick up a 30-40 dollar pair of "radios" and think they would be good for comms..... cheaping out in airsoft is exactly like cheaping out in the rest of life. Except this time you annoy the fuck out of all the other players with open mics (I love listening to you breath) and cut/staticy/or otherwise garbled messages.

Puxing 888

Read the thread entitled "Radios and You".
Depends on range, honestly. There is no reason that a handheld GMRS radio can't operate effectively for less than a football field range, except that everyone around you is probably Txing at a full 5W and will likely overpower any transmission you make.

Be smart, don't keep your radio around your waist and you should be fine.
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Old July 1st, 2016, 08:06   #22
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I've only been to one game in over ten years where listening to enemy transmissions was allowed. Almost 100% of the time it's not an allowed tactic at all. That includes jamming enemy transmissions to, which can be down by keeping a radio keyed on an enemy channel. My Wouxun also has a encryption function, where only radios with a code will hear my messages.
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Old July 1st, 2016, 12:23   #23
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
That includes jamming enemy transmissions to, which can be down by keeping a radio keyed on an enemy channel.
ehhhh, thats only true if your radio is getting a stronger signal from the jamming radio than a team radio AND if it is transmitting a sound that overpowers the speech from your team.

Normally a jamming transmitter will end up being on the other side of the field, so anybody close to you will easily overpower that. The way our grade of radios work is to just look for a a signal to open squelch, once squelch is open anybody talking on that freq can be heard.

Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
My Wouxun also has a encryption function, where only radios with a code will hear my messages.
What radio do you have? I kinda doubt it does what you think it does.
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Old July 1st, 2016, 12:32   #24
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UVD1 I think. I'll have to look when I get home. I've seen many times were transmissions were disrupted by cheaters at games. Sure some of the comms may get through, but it makes it nearly futile to use them at times.
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Old July 1st, 2016, 12:40   #25
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The scrambling/encryption on just about all Chinese and blisterpack radios is simple voice inversion (AKA record played backwards satanic message)
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Old July 1st, 2016, 13:10   #26
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
The scrambling/encryption on just about all Chinese and blisterpack radios is simple voice inversion (AKA record played backwards satanic message)
Well, since he said "code" I'm thinking he is referring to CTCSS and DCS, neither of which are by no means encryption of any sort.
Until you move into digital radios, then there are codes that will use different encoding for that signal, but even then its not encryption.
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Old July 1st, 2016, 16:41   #27
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
Well, since he said "code" I'm thinking he is referring to CTCSS and DCS, neither of which are by no means encryption of any sort.
Until you move into digital radios, then there are codes that will use different encoding for that signal, but even then its not encryption.
That could be, but it does work.
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Old July 1st, 2016, 16:59   #28
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Any recommendations on base stations for command to work with Puxing or Baofeng handhleds. ideally in the sub $250 range?
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Old July 1st, 2016, 16:59   #29
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
I've only been to one game in over ten years where listening to enemy transmissions was allowed. Almost 100% of the time it's not an allowed tactic at all. That includes jamming enemy transmissions to, which can be down by keeping a radio keyed on an enemy channel. My Wouxun also has a encryption function, where only radios with a code will hear my messages.
Yeah that jamming/eavesdropping shit is about as welcome as a turd at the picnic; in there with shrugging hits because they hit your plate carrier, jumping boundaries because you're special forces and all that "Who Cheats Wins" stuff.

Sure it "happens" in real life but in the context of most organized games it's off the table. Why the newer players with a bright idea will ask? Because even with an admin channel the radio is also a safety feature in case of an injured player or if someone not in game wanders into the play area.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old July 1st, 2016, 17:12   #30
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Originally Posted by Rattleyah2 View Post
Any recommendations on base stations for command to work with Puxing or Baofeng handhleds. ideally in the sub $250 range?
None - just get a PA mic and better antennas for a hand held.
The hand helds we use are already way over powered for the FRS/GMRS frequencies, they are not even supposed to be in the country.
We barely sneak under ICs radar as it is (they are on here) so starting to use higher power, cheap china 'base stations' with poor filtering and spurious signals everywhere would start to get us noticed.

Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
That could be, but it does work.
small games where your not using all the channels sure, sometimes, depending what you are expecting from it.
But CTCSS and DCS certainly does not work, Anyone can hear you.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; July 1st, 2016 at 17:16..
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