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Old June 22nd, 2016, 09:16   #31
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Collingwood, Ontario
Oh awesome ! That's good to know that they're a bit cheaper on Amazon because they're a lot more in store. So I did it. I bought my first gun last night. I got a G&G cm16 srl and so far it's pretty sweet. I was amazed at the weight even the polymer gun have!! The gun came with an 11.1 Lipo so I'm using that and auto is insane with it! I do want to get more batteries because my guns supposed to be nunchuck batteries but the battery it came with isn't a nunchuck so the stock doesn't retract all the way so I'll def be buying some new batteries.

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The biggest newb with the biggest passion...that's gotta count for something?

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Old June 22nd, 2016, 10:08   #32
"bb bukakke" KING!
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if you stay with lipos make sure you have the proper balance charger.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old June 22nd, 2016, 10:18   #33
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Location: Collingwood, Ontario
Yea the battery I got with my gun comes with a smart charger. Honestly it's nothing too high end though so I'll probably end up buying a nice imax b6 in the future

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The biggest newb with the biggest passion...that's gotta count for something?

Please don't invite me to a threesome....if I wanted to disappoint two people in the same room, i'd just have dinner with my parents.

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Old June 22nd, 2016, 10:57   #34
"bb bukakke" KING!
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Location: Ottawa
smart charger is not a balance charger. it can't equalize the voltage in the individual cells that make up the pack, that makes it dangerous because if you over drain one cell, you can damage it and start a fire. If you think you can overcharge to compensate, the cell that overcharges can be damaged and start a fire.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old June 22nd, 2016, 11:22   #35
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Location: Owen Sound, Ontario
for all my lipo balancing needs (I do r/c), I just got the great planes CellMatch with my Triton charger from Great Hobbies, works a treat. Can handle 2-6 cell, just plug it in the balancing port (observing proper orientation) and you're good to go.
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Old June 22nd, 2016, 18:02   #36
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Since this thread is already up here, I'll take the chance to ask some questions as well.

I'm also just getting into airsoft and after a bunch of research it seems like the G&G SG550 is a great gun right out of the box. That being said, the quality seems to come at a cost.

Would paying $420 be too much for this or is that a decent deal? It's kind of hard to go off the prices from the classifieds since only a handful of these have been listed there before.
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Old June 22nd, 2016, 18:59   #37
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Originally Posted by Naien View Post
Since this thread is already up here, I'll take the chance to ask some questions as well.

I'm also just getting into airsoft and after a bunch of research it seems like the G&G SG550 is a great gun right out of the box. That being said, the quality seems to come at a cost.

Would paying $420 be too much for this or is that a decent deal? It's kind of hard to go off the prices from the classifieds since only a handful of these have been listed there before.

Welcome to the world of airsoft!! A fun but endless money pit!

I'm not familiar with the SG550 but once you're in the $400 range VFC is usually the brand of choice. They are top notch.

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Old June 22nd, 2016, 19:08   #38
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Originally Posted by Naien View Post
Since this thread is already up here, I'll take the chance to ask some questions as well.

I'm also just getting into airsoft and after a bunch of research it seems like the G&G SG550 is a great gun right out of the box. That being said, the quality seems to come at a cost.

Would paying $420 be too much for this or is that a decent deal? It's kind of hard to go off the prices from the classifieds since only a handful of these have been listed there before.
I wouldn't pay more than $420 new for a G&G sig 550. The biggest issue I would have is that it's "non-standard" in that it won't have a wealth of cool spare parts, add-ons, external bits available with it unlike ar15 styled guns. Plus having to use SIG magazines, which seem bulker than stanag magazines so you might need bigger mag pouches for them.

Otherwise I think its a standard V3 gearbox with non proprietary parts so decently good for upgrading.

Last edited by Chillyrabbit; June 22nd, 2016 at 19:15.. Reason: wrong info
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Old June 22nd, 2016, 19:08   #39
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Originally Posted by Peakyblinders18 View Post
Oh awesome ! That's good to know that they're a bit cheaper on Amazon because they're a lot more in store. So I did it. I bought my first gun last night. I got a G&G cm16 srl and so far it's pretty sweet. I was amazed at the weight even the polymer gun have!! The gun came with an 11.1 Lipo so I'm using that and auto is insane with it! I do want to get more batteries because my guns supposed to be nunchuck batteries but the battery it came with isn't a nunchuck so the stock doesn't retract all the way so I'll def be buying some new batteries.

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So you got the SRL model with a mosfet, fantastic!! It will keep your internals safe when using that 11.1 lipo!

My model doesn't have one so even though it shoots beatifully fast on a 11.1 I stick with the 7.4s so I don't fry the internals

Knights advice is the way to go in terms of chargers. It's worth getting a good one to make sure your lipos are charged and balanced properly. I have a Turnigy Accucell-6 from hobby king and it's awesome. The only drawback is that I had to find an old laptop power source that was compatible since it doesn't come with one.

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Old June 22nd, 2016, 21:27   #40
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Location: Collingwood, Ontario
Originally Posted by Flavio View Post
Welcome to the world of airsoft!! A fun but endless money pit!

I'm not familiar with the SG550 but once you're in the $400 range VFC is usually the brand of choice. They are top notch.

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I'll agree with this. I've been doing A LOT of research and around the $400 mark, vfc seems to be one of the best lines. Of course there is no perfect gun or brand but a lot of finger point to vfc above the $400 mark

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The biggest newb with the biggest passion...that's gotta count for something?

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Old June 22nd, 2016, 22:06   #41
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Location: Collingwood, Ontario
Originally Posted by Flavio View Post
So you got the SRL model with a mosfet, fantastic!! It will keep your internals safe when using that 11.1 lipo!

My model doesn't have one so even though it shoots beatifully fast on a 11.1 I stick with the 7.4s so I don't fry the internals

Knights advice is the way to go in terms of chargers. It's worth getting a good one to make sure your lipos are charged and balanced properly. I have a Turnigy Accucell-6 from hobby king and it's awesome. The only drawback is that I had to find an old laptop power source that was compatible since it doesn't come with one.

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Yea I plan on getting a better charger asap to avoid that. Lipos are too scary not to spend the decent money on a good charger ahahaha

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The biggest newb with the biggest passion...that's gotta count for something?

Please don't invite me to a threesome....if I wanted to disappoint two people in the same room, i'd just have dinner with my parents.

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Old June 28th, 2016, 20:52   #42
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Location: Nowhere near you, B.C.
this is all good advice i love my cm16 cause i got it new for under 200 but if i were to get something over 300 it wouldnt be from G&G...unless it were the pink one
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