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Revolvers, just for the looks?


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Old March 20th, 2016, 08:41   #1
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Revolvers, just for the looks?

I want your thoughts on this matter. How do they rank compared to gbbp? I've never seen one in action. Born in 84 I grew up watching police academy and takleberry's .44 was my favourite until Vinnie Jones's .50 deagle in snatch lol. I'm not that much a wee man but my hands clearly wouldn't be able to handle the real steel versions but airsoft replicas shouldn't be a problem lol

So pistols. Range/accuracy? Pros and cons? Any advice on models and makers?
Please share your experience with me!
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Old March 20th, 2016, 09:02   #2
Skeletor's Avatar
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Many revolvers on the market now have three big problems with them:

1) They have no hop up. This will limit your range pretty badly.

2) They are usually CO2 powered and since they are NBB guns by design all that propellant pushes the bb out at incredibly hot velocities. Usually faster/harder than any field would allow a non-sniper.

3) Only six shots. Or seven in the case of the WG Nagant.

The good news is there are workarounds for at least the first two.

1) It's super easy to add a fixed hop up unit to a WG-style revolver. Just file a groove into the inner barrel near the shell and glue some decent rubber there. This will increase your range. There's also one new WG revolver that actually has an adjustable hop.

2) There are several ways to lower the velocity on a WG-style revolver, from low-power shells to hammer mods. Certain ones (the Webley, the Nagant, and the SAA) have different, low-power valves you can order from places like BB Dragon. The hop up mod above will also reduce power a bit, since the bb is hitting something in the barrel and some of its energy gets changed to a spin.

3) With WG revolvers, there is no way to get more than 6/7 shots. You can mod your shells into little shotgun loads essentially, firing 3-5 bbs per shot.

Now there are also Marui and Tanaka revolvers that don't use shells. The cylinder acts as a magazine and gas reservoir and depending on the model you can fill them with anywhere from 12-20 rounds or so. These can be a touch harder to find in Canada since they are Japanese and therefore designed to shoot at much lower velocities. I'm sure other members can comment on them more.

Revolvers look cool though, and some of them are pretty loud with the CO2 in them. If you don't mind the intentional handicap with the low round count and find some way to lower the velocity you can play with them. Many people do.
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Old March 20th, 2016, 11:14   #3
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old March 20th, 2016, 12:23   #4
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I've done the adjustable power mod for two Wingun revolvers, it's pretty easy. Skeletor basically hit the nail on the head: revolvers are fun but not terribly practical. The shells are fiddly and easy to lose. Most feel really solid but turn out to be made of shitty pot metal that will wear down and break: on one of the revolvers I modded the cylinder axis pin broke. I was able to replace it by tapping out the center of the cylinder and carefully filing down a machine screw that was about the right size and shape.
That said though, they are incredibly fun and though I wouldn't recommend one as a first pistol, they're definitely worth it for just messing around.
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Old March 20th, 2016, 16:09   #5
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Keep in mind 420 is field limits. Not a goal. Running 405 on a sidearm and shooting at "pistol" ranges is a dick move. For plinking go for it. For shooting in a game use a pistol with a magazine. This coming from someone who has owned and gamed several revolvers...
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old March 20th, 2016, 16:16   #6
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Solution to the revolvers low ammo count? New York reload!
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Old March 20th, 2016, 21:48   #7
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Great for zombie games with the powered down shells...
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Old March 21st, 2016, 09:54   #8
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Not INTO revolvers much, but I always wanted to be.

TM just announced spring revolvers, that should be under $50 each haha, looks nice! Going to grab a few when I can for shits and giggles.

Dan Wesson released a 715 recently? Only one that I know that has hopup adjustments, mach1 has em.
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Old March 21st, 2016, 17:02   #9
augherk's Avatar
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Revolvers are awesome for plinking, but unless youre using a tanaka you're stuck with six shots. Tanakas and the newest dan wesson by asg both have hop ups, giving them pretty impressive range!

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Old March 22nd, 2016, 13:46   #10
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Don't forget that there are still the KWC Colt Python .357 revolvers (2", 4", or 6" barrel) which use shells and hold 4 BBs per shell for a total of 24 shots. Basically NBBs that were pretty fun to play with that had fixed hopups iirc.
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