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WE Glock Slide Stuck


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Old February 1st, 2016, 20:17   #16
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Yup, grabbing a hold of the recoil spring guide and yanking it all the way forward, then trying to manipulate the slide back and forth.

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Old February 1st, 2016, 21:30   #17
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The hammer is probably fouled in the BBU.

If you can slide a stiff metal shim under the nozzle to knock the hammer back down while you press the slide to the rear you may have some luck. You have to do this via the magwell.

You need to be very slow while doing this. No pounding on it or you'll be dealing with a lot of broken parts.
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Old February 2nd, 2016, 11:56   #18
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Are you able to wiggle the outer barrel slightly (with little force), or is the outer barrel stuck there solid?
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Old February 6th, 2016, 07:42   #19
Join Date: Jul 2011
Just throwing this out there if you haven't already fixed it.

First thing you want to try and do is rack the gun back. If you pulled the trigger and can't rack the gun back you won't be able to take down the gun due to the hammer not being reset

Step 1: Try and align the inner and outer barrel in place if you are able to. I do this by tapping the outer barrel back. If the nozzle is stuck pull it back manually

Step 2: Wiggle the recoil spring guide and set it in place. You'll know when it seated right when it slides right in

Step 3: Try racking the Gun back. If you pulled the trigger you'll have to reset the hammer. You rack the gun back your half way there to getting the slide off

It would also help if you took more pictures and possibly a video describing the issues.
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Old February 6th, 2016, 13:39   #20
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There's a resolution and here's what happened:

I was going home (London) for the week to visit my parents (as I live at Uni) so I brought my gun with me as there's an airsoft shop nearby. I took it in and the shopkeeper took a look saying he gets many gbb pistols coming in with stuck slides however never a gun with literally no movement of the slide 1-2mm wobble of the slide. He tried wobbling every part of the gun for the next 10 mins. Last option was the vice and hammer, I had no other options so I let him try with the warning that around 50% of guns will be ruined and need few to many major replacement parts. The wobble could actually reset the trigger so I wasn't to worried about the lower.

The frame was clamped to the table wrapped in a cloth and the slide was slowly and lightly knocked with a dead blow hammer under another cloth. After some knocking and fiddling with the recoil spring guide, the slide remained fixed as if frozen in time. We're half an hour in and nothing has changed, things were not looking good. But as he persevered on his supporting grip lost grip and accidentally caught his thumb into the ejection port, hitting the outer barrel.

HAZAR! There was movement, the outer barrel moved forwards a few millimeters with the consequence of the shop keeper bruising his thumb. He endured so he knocked the outer barrel through the ejection port and the outer barrel moved forwards freely. A second hit to the back of the slide knocked the slide clean off onto the floor.

Up to now it had been Schrodinger's cat, we didn't know if the gun was operable or not. All the parts were picked up and examined. There was a small chip at the end of the recoil spring and a tiny crack in the rear slide. He wiped down all the part, used his workshop air gun to blow out any residues and quickly oiled the moving parts before putting it all together. With a fresh mag, it fired flawlessly in semi and auto. He took it apart and examined it again then back together, he deemed it fit and worthy for action and didn't even charge me a penny for his hour of struggle and effort.

If you're wondering about the small crack, its in the rear of the slide, on the corner of the where the slide guides the rail of the lower. It's a diagonal crack so if it ever breaks, it'll just be a blunt corner. I've checked over it and fired a few mags through it and everything seems in order. So what was the issue, it was probably me being an idiot when installing the slide to the frame as the outer barrel and inner barrel, hop up did not seat properly, wedging everything together. Lesson learnt: check twice that everything is properly in place before reinstalling.

Thanks again for the help and advice, the quick responses helped me calm down during my first few stressful hours trying to fix it.

Last edited by Cassius!; February 7th, 2016 at 17:57..
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Old February 6th, 2016, 16:52   #21
Join Date: Jul 2011
I had two stark arms Glocks freeze up on me a similar way. To this day I have no clue what the heck went on.... all I know is that the slide was locked back and I have to cut the slide in half and even then it was still stuck on!

I managed to get it off but Stark Arms Glock don't mesh well with other parts so..... it ended up being a junk gun... sold it eventually for parts. BOTH of them
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Old February 9th, 2016, 21:01   #22
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Originally Posted by Cassius! View Post
Thanks for all the help.
Been working on it every now and then. Status hasn't changed, exactly in the same position as I started. I'm gonna keep trying for a day or two, if all fails, i'll take it to an airsoft specialist shop. I'll try keep y'all updated.
Thanks again, for all the quick replies and you've made me a fan and now user of this forum.
When it locks in spot is it almost all the way back?
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Old February 10th, 2016, 19:52   #23
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Originally Posted by ox56 View Post
When it locks in spot is it almost all the way back?
I posted an update, it is fixed now.
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Old February 11th, 2016, 00:16   #24
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Ah ok
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Old September 26th, 2016, 02:49   #25
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Originally Posted by Cassius! View Post

The frame was clamped to the table wrapped in a cloth and the slide was slowly and lightly knocked with a dead blow hammer under another cloth. After some knocking and fiddling with the recoil spring guide, the slide remained fixed as if frozen in time. We're half an hour in and nothing has changed, things were not looking good. But as he persevered on his supporting grip lost grip and accidentally caught his thumb into the ejection port, hitting the outer barrel.

Hi! Can't really picture how were you able to take off the slide. I think I have the same problem as yours. Stuck. Won't slide backwards nor forward.
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Old September 26th, 2016, 03:06   #26
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Originally Posted by Cassius! View Post

The frame was clamped to the table wrapped in a cloth and the slide was slowly and lightly knocked with a dead blow hammer under another cloth. After some knocking and fiddling with the recoil spring guide, the slide remained fixed as if frozen in time. We're half an hour in and nothing has changed, things were not looking good. But as he persevered on his supporting grip lost grip and accidentally caught his thumb into the ejection port, hitting the outer barrel.

Hi! Can't really picture how were you able to take off the slide. I think I have the same problem as yours. Stuck. Won't slide backwards nor forward.
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Old September 26th, 2016, 03:48   #27
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Any wiggle in the outer barrel? A stuck slide is often caused by an outer barrel which has seized up and can't drop down into the frame freely.

Try pushing the outer barrel rearwards and push the top of the chamber cover portion of the barrel downwards through the window cutout in the top of the slide.
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Old September 28th, 2016, 11:50   #28
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Was able to take the slide out. Been wiggling every part the whole day yesterday. Got frustrated and hammered the outerbarrel. Next thing i know, i was able to slide it back.

A bb got stuck inside the nozzle which locked in the inner barrel. Probably because my first thought it was just a regular jammed bullet. Tried pounding it until it went inside.

Now, i'm dealing with distorted nozzle. Not sure if I could get a part for this.

Not really sure why was the slide locked in the first place.
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