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Old June 11th, 2015, 13:38   #466
naminator's Avatar
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Get a KJW M4 NPAS. Works just fine and is cheap.

As for the stock AEG stocks should fit fine. If it doesn't work there is an adapter you can get. However I would rather go out and purchase a real 10/22 stock and modify it to fit the KC02.

The RA-Tech stuff if fine in the KC02. However not great. Honestly I would purchase the VSR hop up chamber upgrade from Shapeways. Just google "KC02 VSR SHapeways" and it should come up. The chamber is like 50$ landed in Canada, then you can you VSR10 compatible barrels/buckings which opens a whole new world up.

If you plan on going HPA one day, do yourself a favor and get the Rocket valve at the same time (another 50$). You can also purchase a barrel clip pack that allows the usage of standard KC02 barrels in the VSR chamber. All from the same guy.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?

Last edited by naminator; June 11th, 2015 at 13:40..
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Old June 11th, 2015, 14:11   #467
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@BioRage: Oh, I see. I've heard that the Falcon barrels are great, but some people say the rubber sucks balls, so they pair the RA-Tech rubber with the Falcon barrel. But I'd rather use the RA-Tech barrel because the length sits flush with the outer barrel, while the Falcon barrel needs an extender (V2 KC02's don't have threaded tips for suppressors).

@naminator: Thanks for your suggestions.

The NPAS I was getting is the same (works for both KJW M4 and KC02).

I actually don't like how real 10/22 stocks look so... I'll see with the PRS. Only ask because the PRS needs me to remove the buffer tube screw and replace it with the PRS one so the stock attaches.

Are VSR10 barrels and buckings that much higher quality than the RA-Tech barrel and rubber? Would the groupings be a lot tighter at range?

No HPA for me thanks; I don't really want to lug an air tank around. :P

Does anybody have SMG mags (MP5/MP7/MP9/UMP) that they are willing to do a size comparison with a long KC02 mag and take a photo of?

Many thanks again.
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Old June 13th, 2015, 11:59   #468
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I bought the VSR and Orga system.
It sucked.
It was straight and true, but didnt have the range that the ra tech and FE bucking had. The vsr chamber/barrel combo maxed out at 50 yards as measure with a laser range finder, where my ratech/fe bucking were flying true at 75 yards.
Stay away from falcon for the kc02, it is very poor quality.
For the regular mags, i use an m4 pouch and it fits two mags perfectly. and securely. I found the grenade pouches were a little top heavy and fell forward too much when threaded.
I have never used more than three mags during a day of gaming, so one m4 pouch was always great. Now that i have a drum mag, i dont even have a pouch anymore.
Also, in regards to hpa. A 13 ci tank with a 380 mm 6.03 only requires 60 psi to get 418 fps, so a very tiny tank will give you about two solid days of gaming.
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Old June 13th, 2015, 13:29   #469
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Problem is the FE bucking is obnoxiously hard to find. I want to test the widebore. If it doesn't perform how I want it to then I can always switch to a PDI or Prometheus or and Angel Custom or one of the dozen other barrels on the market that are VSR compatible.

HPA is a great option too. Greatly increases consistency.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old June 13th, 2015, 16:48   #470
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scopeand laser had the fe bucking last time i checked.
We tested three vsr chambers with barrels against the ra tech barrel and the ra tech destroyed the vsr system. The developer swears i got bad copies, and is doing three more, testing that he likes them to what he has observed and then sending me out more to test, so i shall see, but as it stands now, the vsr and orga was not a great combo in the three guns we tested.
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Old July 9th, 2015, 01:49   #471
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I was never really a fan of these, it seemed like it'd feel a little small and light in my hands. However, as of late, I find myself drawn to them more. Never realized how customizable they are, though, and that's a huge bonus.

What's going on with me, I even want a Glock lately, jeez...! :P
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Old July 9th, 2015, 22:58   #472
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Join the facebook group deejay; THEN you'll realize just how customizable they are.

Stock, they take AEG stocks and GBBR grips and any accessory you want to throw on it.

Aftermarket, some not bad support with parts like barrels, buckings, steel internals.

But the community support is INSANE; Kevin Forney makes must-have pistons for it, Aaron Logue makes CNC'd aluminum bolts that help efficiency and durability, someone makes custom hopup chambers for VSR buckings and barrels, there are lots of custom charging handles, and... coming soon, 3D printed bullpup bodies! Or... you can go and get a real-steel 10/22 stock and with only slight modification, fit it onto the Kaycee!

So... nothing wrong with you mate; just the Kaycee calling out to you like it did to a lot of us.
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Old January 4th, 2016, 08:44   #473
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Received my KC-02 ASG version, comes with flip sights, and threaded barrel, and of course a long mag.

Great rifle for my body size, compared to my other AEG's and GBBR's, this one is going to be my favourite.

Ordered some barrel spacers and looking at aftermarket charging handle. NPAS is next for CQB play .
M4 MK12 MOD0, SBR, KC02
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Old January 4th, 2016, 18:38   #474
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Welcome to the club Bigload!

Pop over on facebook and join the KC02 group; we got lots of parts, information, and support there. Just note, as yours is the ASG version, odds are good you'll have to do the hop screw mod. I still have to do it to mine... :/

But yeah! What are you planning on doing with it? DMR?
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Old January 12th, 2016, 09:26   #475
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Just joined that group today, looking forward to having another source for questions and research! Thank you, Datawraith!
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Old January 14th, 2016, 23:16   #476
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No plans yet Going to get it ready for cqb play at siege for now.
I dropped the mag already and I am looking to reinforce the baseplates a little bit.

Haven't received the barrel stabilizers yet. But I do want to swap out the charging handle. The prices are not attractive due to the poor exchange rates, if I want to buy Eatons printed ones.
M4 MK12 MOD0, SBR, KC02
(B. A. Level 2 Cert.)
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Old January 15th, 2016, 09:17   #477
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Hehehehe, I love running my KC at Siege. Use it like a shotgun in close quarters for rush games or sit back and plink at people from the upper levels; it's awesome.

Your barrel spacers might not really matter unless you get an aftermarket barrel. Reason being, the stock KC has a tiny pistol length barrel with an attached extender. For barrel spacers to matter (and you should do one of these upgrades), you have 2 routes; you can get a RA-Tech barrel for the KC and pair it with a FE 70 bucking (both are hard to find, but I think ehobby restocked recently on the bucking according to the group, although it may have already sold out knowing the members there :P), or you can get the VSR hopup chamber and use any VSR hopup and barrel (I don't know how good this is, but a lot of members swear by it...).

When you say baseplate, I'm assuming you're using CO2. Ehhhhh, if so, CO2 isn't really gonna work with the KC at Siege because it'll shoot too hot. My setup isn't the best for examples cause I've swapped out most of the guts, but I was shooting too hot with green gas and the NPAS turned off. Ofc, once I tuned my NPAS in, it shot alright. I don't know if the NPAS (I'm assuming you have one) can handle the pressure of CO2 and reduce the FPS enough for Siege though.

Yeah, the exchange rate sucks... But, why do you want to swap out the charging handle? Aesthetics?
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Old January 15th, 2016, 18:06   #478
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I would avoid the RA-Tech NPAS and get a Cradle Velocity reducer instead. The NPAS will creep/close, increasing the FPS. Even with teflon tape on the threads, or locktite, it will still work its way closed.

I have a cradle in my KC and it has zero chance of adjusting itself mid game. It is a minor annoyance to change the FPS, but it's worth it. It also seems to be more consistent than the NPAS from my experience.
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Old February 15th, 2016, 12:15   #479
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Have you guys tried removing the thread barrel adapter? I need to get inside the outer barrel as the sleeve / connector is in the way.
M4 MK12 MOD0, SBR, KC02
(B. A. Level 2 Cert.)
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Old February 15th, 2016, 21:21   #480
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Are you talking about the barrel extender for the stock barrel? Remove the barrel+hopup assembly from the receiver and just take a long screwdriver, poke it in through the front and pop the extender out the back. Takes a bit of force, but still quite easy to do.
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