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Siege Airsoft - Review and Thoughts



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Old January 10th, 2016, 00:52   #1
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Siege Airsoft - Review and Thoughts

I couldn't find another thread to latch on to so I'm going to leave my thoughts and recommendations here, feel free to leave yours.

I've been to Siege a few times, and feel there are a few areas that could use some work. I'm sure everyone's experience is different, so I'll leave it at that and say what I have to say.

I feel like they could benefit from improved organization. Things got a bit hectic the 4th game in a row where the ref had to spend time explaining the safety rules. I'm not undermining the importance of safety, but I'm confident there's a better solution than having the ref yell at everyone and no one listen. ie) once new people arrive have them wait in a separate briefing room where one of the employees can go over the safety rules and answer questions, or better yet, loop a video with safety rules and force people to sit and watch it. This will result in less wasted time between games.

Weekend games are hectic. Maybe this is just me, but 25+ people per team gets to be too many for the field. This all plays back into organization. I find there end up being big pile-ups in the “prime” shooting locations, and I get trapped unable to move where I want too. I played paintball once many years ago, and I remember they split players into A and B groups and rotated them out each game. All things considered, 15 minutes per game is not too far off from the amount of time people spend reloading, plus the time it takes for the ref to go over the game rules. Have two refs, one for each group, divide the teams, be efficient, and go over the rules of the game inside the staging area while waiting for the game to end. Sounds like a good idea to me now, I'll probably feel differently in a month.

Run more games with unlimited lives. Just my personal preference. I hate playing knowing I only have 3 respawns. I find there's more shooting/action when games are objective-based with a time-limit. Some game modes are confusing, especially when boundaries are explained over the muffled PA.

I don't understand how they're chronographing guns, or maybe I'm doing my tests at home wrong. When I did my chrono test they had it set to 0.25g on the crono while I was shooting 0.2g BBs. I pointed this out and was told it was correct. At home I read ~330fps, but on theirs it was 280fps. Something is not right here.
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Old January 10th, 2016, 02:01   #2
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My 5 cents:

I feel like teams should be scrambled more often. Not complaining, but just a suggestion. Example: December 30 game night. I think there were over 50 people there (more than half being first time renters). It somehow ended up that close to 90% of them were on the same team. The ref ran push-the-button game and another game mode that I do not remember at this moment. First time renters, as usual, tend to stick back and just take their shots from afar, not being really active (understandable, as almost everybody's first game went in that manner, I know mine did for sure). However, our team, which was made up of more or less casual or more experienced players, absolutely massacred the opposing side. First time we pushed up straight to their spawn (the mansion) while controlling all entrances and exits completely (at one point, getting 5 kills on renters within 5 seconds just felt wrong). Props to the ref for having our team fall back to spawn to give the other team some breathing room. However, within not even 2 minutes, we were back at their spawn. Another fall back later, not much changed. Next game wasn't much different.

IMO, if one of the teams are doing significantly worse (or maybe just cause), it would be good to switch around players from team to team. This way, it would potentially balance the sides, while giving others an opportunity to also having fun.
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Old January 10th, 2016, 02:19   #3
Cobalt Caliber
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Originally Posted by AnthonyG View Post

I don't understand how they're chronographing guns, or maybe I'm doing my tests at home wrong. When I did my chrono test they had it set to 0.25g on the crono while I was shooting 0.2g BBs. I pointed this out and was told it was correct. At home I read ~330fps, but on theirs it was 280fps. Something is not right here.
shooting 330FPS w/ .20 is relatively equal to shooting 280 w/ .25 and your so far below the limits there is no point in resetting the chrono when the line could keep moving.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old January 11th, 2016, 12:09   #4
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I think it's obvious that weekends are a cluster fuck, that's why I avoid it.

Weekdays are better, but obviously the best bang for buck is weekend, ($10 more, and you get to play from 1:00 -> close, vs weekdays, 5:30 - 11:00) (If you think it's bad now, wait till schools out!)
- Rotations work well, just haven't seen any fields do it here.
- I don't see how they could not do it, since their are several refs, each one is responsible for a group.

Scrambled teams are good, but lots of people go with groups of friends, thus wanting them to play on the same team... usually the case is random people there vs a pre-made group, and that one random group gets rekt. Which has happened, and then the ref is forced to scramble the teams.

This is my personal preference - I dislike unlimited lives, I rather just 1-2 lives. When everyone dies, the round restarts and you switch sides, this makes it have more games. This should hopefully force players to play more cautious, especially when you don't have more then one re-spawn. Making the right moves is crucial, versus run/gun/die/re-spawn.

I haven't been since the summer, so hopefully these things have been looked into
- Cheaters being booted for the day
- Second floor more in play
- Having lights dim at certain rounds
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Old January 11th, 2016, 13:39   #5
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One thing they definitely need to do is identify the absolute beginners (jackets, rental gear, sitting in the back doing a somali squat smack in the middle of the field with no cover without the rifle shouldered) and distribute them evenly between the teams.

I went with a small group of about 5-7 a small while ago, and we had 10+ of these beginners on our side while the other side was more or less fully kitted up. Needless to say, we got roflstomped to heck despite the few guys on our team who actually played really well. I screamed at the scrubs to push forward till I lost my voice in vain... Ref saw this, but didn't scramble the teams despite repeated requests. Dunno why.

Siege did listen to the floor requests and the second floor is indeed more in play now thank goodness.

The thing I'd most like to see is maybe one evening a week where it's no beginners (marked by no rentals I suppose). Although they'd lose the newb revenue, I think more vets would show up on the day simply so they don't have to deal with the newbs that don't listen. (Hell, I tried showing one of those guys how to properly shoulder a rifle, and he went and charlie-fox'd the stance to hell and back... couldn't fix it despite several other guys trying to explain and correct it. No helping some people I guess...)
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Old January 11th, 2016, 13:42   #6
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I actually dress like a beginner, but oh well, maybe I still am? :]

Blue sweater, black walmart carpenter jeans, 5'10 boots, helmet, and newest addition.. a condor PC..


Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
One thing they definitely need to do is identify the absolute beginners (jackets, rental gear, sitting in the back doing a somali squat smack in the middle of the field with no cover without the rifle shouldered) and distribute them evenly between the teams.

I went with a small group of about 5-7 a small while ago, and we had 10+ of these beginners on our side while the other side was more or less fully kitted up. Needless to say, we got roflstomped to heck despite the few guys on our team who actually played really well. I screamed at the scrubs to push forward till I lost my voice in vain... Ref saw this, but didn't scramble the teams despite repeated requests. Dunno why.


The thing I'd most like to see is maybe one evening a week where it's no beginners (marked by no rentals I suppose). Although they'd lose the newb revenue, I think more vets would show up on the day simply so they don't have to deal with the newbs that don't listen. (Hell, I tried showing one of those guys how to properly shoulder a rifle, and he went and charlie-fox'd the stance to hell and back... couldn't fix it despite several other guys trying to explain and correct it. No helping some people I guess...)
I don't think they would do that - however, they have on facebook tons of events that I noticed.. so maybe those ones where it's like "Operation trigger storm" or more milsim style, might be up your alley.

*shrugs* newbs will be newbs m8.

Last edited by BioRage; January 11th, 2016 at 13:50..
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Old January 11th, 2016, 15:00   #7
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
I actually dress like a beginner, but oh well, maybe I still am? :]

Blue sweater, black walmart carpenter jeans, 5'10 boots, helmet, and newest addition.. a condor PC..



I don't think they would do that - however, they have on facebook tons of events that I noticed.. so maybe those ones where it's like "Operation trigger storm" or more milsim style, might be up your alley.

*shrugs* newbs will be newbs m8.
Nothing wrong with dressing like that :P A few of my buds are too lazy to go out and get bdus and wear that type of clothes. It's the ones don't know how to aim and don't listen, them's the guys that annoy me.

I've seen those events, and went to 2, but they're even more crowded then on weekends, and still attract plenty of newbs. They're still good fun, just very very crowded (they need a registration page for those with an event cap; 40 is pushing it, 60+ is insane on some of the events...)

Just want a normal scrim day where it's slightly less crowded, don't have to worry about a bunch of guys sitting in the back that don't know how to aim and don't listen when you tell them to push up, and have to worry about hit calling a lot less. (Now that I think about it... that might be a bit too much to ask for lol)
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Old January 11th, 2016, 15:09   #8
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Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
Just want a normal scrim day where it's slightly less crowded, don't have to worry about a bunch of guys sitting in the back that don't know how to aim and don't listen when you tell them to push up, and have to worry about hit calling a lot less. (Now that I think about it... that might be a bit too much to ask for lol)
I usually go weds or Thursdays, but hard to know when which day will be busier.. max I like is 10-15 on 10-15. You ask to much, even "experienced" players are afraid to push up :P

Haha, just avoid china force, those guys don't call their hits.
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Old January 11th, 2016, 19:44   #9
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Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
I went with a small group of about 5-7 a small while ago, and we had 10+ of these beginners on our side while the other side was more or less fully kitted up. Needless to say, we got roflstomped to heck despite the few guys on our team who actually played really well. I screamed at the scrubs to push forward till I lost my voice in vain... Ref saw this, but didn't scramble the teams despite repeated requests. Dunno why.
This is where you show your true leadership skills. Newbies are what we call "canon fodder" and they rush the line and provide a distraction while you take the objective

I've been there, and done that, nothing you can do but just play the game and try to enjoy yourself as best as you can.

I feel like the "staging area rules" is missing something, especially for the beginners. Stuff like things related to sportsmanship and calling your hits. Not asking for an essay but for newbies it would really help especially if they aren't familiar to the terminology or rules of engagement.
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Old January 11th, 2016, 23:02   #10
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Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
One thing they definitely need to do is identify the absolute beginners (jackets, rental gear, sitting in the back doing a somali squat smack in the middle of the field with no cover without the rifle shouldered) and distribute them evenly between the teams.

I went with a small group of about 5-7 a small while ago, and we had 10+ of these beginners on our side while the other side was more or less fully kitted up. Needless to say, we got roflstomped to heck despite the few guys on our team who actually played really well. I screamed at the scrubs to push forward till I lost my voice in vain... Ref saw this, but didn't scramble the teams despite repeated requests. Dunno why.

Siege did listen to the floor requests and the second floor is indeed more in play now thank goodness.

The thing I'd most like to see is maybe one evening a week where it's no beginners (marked by no rentals I suppose). Although they'd lose the newb revenue, I think more vets would show up on the day simply so they don't have to deal with the newbs that don't listen. (Hell, I tried showing one of those guys how to properly shoulder a rifle, and he went and charlie-fox'd the stance to hell and back... couldn't fix it despite several other guys trying to explain and correct it. No helping some people I guess...)
I'm definitely no pro, only been playing for a year now... But If I see someone who's not sure what to do or where to go, I'll usually try to help them; get them to follow me, try to take an objective together. Sometimes they give me a twisted look, but most of the time I can get them to cooperate. Blind leading the blind I guess...

Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
I've seen those events, and went to 2, but they're even more crowded then on weekends, and still attract plenty of newbs. They're still good fun, just very very crowded (they need a registration page for those with an event cap; 40 is pushing it, 60+ is insane on some of the events...])
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Old January 12th, 2016, 13:36   #11
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Honestly, I am pretty impressed with Siege, even putting aside all the hype from the TA crowd.

The times I've been there, staff has always been courteous and polite, and always worked with us to ensure we were comfortable and content. Letting us lock up rooms while we got lunch, etc.

Referees were on-top of things, although I am always leery of centralized reffing (refs stay in one central place, tower. Ya'll move around!). Most importantly, they take everything seriously. We had a game delayed while everyone was ushered into a room to deal with a missing tornado grenade that it was quite clear that one player was trying to steal (it was "hidden" in a corner under some gear in a ready-room). Once the situation was dealt with and the item returned, the players were released back to being able to ready up for the next game.

The only complaints I have are overcrowding (choo choo hype-train) and linear layout of some areas (long shooting corridors basically dividing the field) but all-in-all, a fantastic indoor experience.

Oh, one complaint, get a debit machine ya damn cavemen, its 2016, we're not fighting the Kaiser anymore.
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Old January 12th, 2016, 13:45   #12
EOD Steve
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Originally Posted by Reddwulf View Post
Oh, one complaint, get a debit machine ya damn cavemen, its 2016, we're not fighting the Kaiser anymore.
People still use debit these days?

The Steve has spoken.

Last edited by EOD Steve; January 12th, 2016 at 13:55..
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Old January 12th, 2016, 14:09   #13
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Originally Posted by EOD Steve View Post
People still use debit these days?
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Old January 12th, 2016, 14:21   #14
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1+ Get a debit machine its 2016 people.
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Old January 12th, 2016, 15:32   #15
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I have only been able to get out 2 times most recently in december and i have to say it is a great group of people who play there and the owners are very nice.

My only 2 complaints though are as stated before get a debit machine i hate going into places with a butt load of cash on me specially when i know i need to buy bbs there and take an extra 100 to buy for the next 3 months.

My only other complaint is that there is WAY to much cover and buildings in the middle of the field for how big the area we play in is. Especially when the objectives are in the middle of the field i find there are so many blind corners and drop shot abilities, (paintball term look it up) that it is very difficult to move up and clear and check all your corners.

Other than that it is a great venue and i love playing there.

Ps. allow more games where the upper levels are in play it makes for much more interesting gameplay when you are constantly trying to make sure you are covered so as not to get shot from the upper level. This will both slow gameplay at points but can also blow a game wide open for the team that utilizes the upper levels properly.
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