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Old November 8th, 2015, 16:32   #31
Cobalt Caliber
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Originally Posted by 3rdbase8 View Post
Okay so I finally got to shoot this thing and I am having a lot of problems can you guys help me to get this thing to shoot better.
Problem 1. Stock keeps collapsing when only a little amount of pressure is applied

Problem 2. The charging handle pulls the bolt back and it only stays about 10 percent of the time.

Problem 3. If can't fully empty a mag it runs out of gas before it goes through all the bbs.

Problem 4. The mags are not feeding well they are getting stuck and not pushing the bbs up (i think it's because I'm using crappy bbs and I just need to clean the mag)

Problem 5. Its just not accurate I havnt really got a full clip off but it's not accurate or consistent. (might also be the bb)

Problem 6. Final problem is my auto doesnt fully work it's like the bolt isn't going back far enough to cycle another bb.

Thanks for the help!

where are you and what temperature is the gas? that can solve allot of the issues simply if your gas is too cold it wont provide allot of pressure.

Make sure your filling the mags upside down. it should take a few seconds between empty and full btw

are you firing a mag is rapid succession, beaware of gas cool down

your using propane i assume.

Make sure your using good BBs. I recommend bb bastard (not frag)
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old November 8th, 2015, 16:34   #32
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I think you've found out why it was so cheap.

I see this is why folks advocate new guns for new folks unless you're ready to troubleshoot and wrench. Good luck.
"...However, if preserving the integrity of the gun was the only factor at play then clearly the best option would be to run a 0.0v Lipo and run around shouting 'bang'."
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Old November 8th, 2015, 18:41   #33
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Originally Posted by Curo View Post

where are you and what temperature is the gas? that can solve allot of the issues simply if your gas is too cold it wont provide allot of pressure.

Make sure your filling the mags upside down. it should take a few seconds between empty and full btw

are you firing a mag is rapid succession, beaware of gas cool down

your using propane i assume.

Make sure your using good BBs. I recommend bb bastard (not frag)
I am filling it upside down. And I am using propane I'll try using better bbs. And i cleaned it out the tempature is like 70 degree in the house and I fill up everything in the house then take it outside and shoot it and take it back in. It is like 50 degree outside.
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Old November 8th, 2015, 18:42   #34
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Yea exactly why it was so cheap lol.
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Old November 8th, 2015, 20:30   #35
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Hey guys when I was shooting the gun earlier with .20 bbs it was obvious the hop up was on very high so do you think this could be some of the jamming and the reason why it wouldn't go on auto? And the reason why some bbs shot far and some just shot 6 feet
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Old November 9th, 2015, 16:35   #36
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Should I just return the gun if possi me Or try to fix it.
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Old November 9th, 2015, 16:51   #37
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Try new bb's first, Elite Force .20 for example.

Else fails, return it and buy new. You don't have the experience to fix this, unless you really take the time to understand it, but at the rate you are posting, you seem skeptical.
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Old November 9th, 2015, 17:54   #38
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1. The stock collapsing is a common issue. You will need to either modify the stock catch with a dremel or hand file, or order a replacement from WE, or a european retailer. Both would methods require a field strip+ some further disassembly.

2. I don't know for certain what could be causing this. Check to see if it occurs with each magazine. If it only happens with a specific magazine, then it is probably a worn out magazine follower. If it happens with each magazine, then either the bolt catch system, charging handle, or every magazine follower is worn down. To find out, you will need to do a field strip to inspect the charging handle, or a more detailed strip to look at the bolt catch assembly.

3. Make sure you are filling the mag up fully. Fill it upside down, and for about 10 seconds, then let the magazines warm up before you try to shoot the gun.
Look at the facebook link I posted earlier to ID what generation mag you have. The rubber seal at the top of the magazine could be different, 1st gen mags don't seal against the nozzle as well.

4. Buy some high quality bbs. Test the followers without any bbs in the mag to see if there are any areas that catch. Sometimes magazines just need to be cleaned or broken in.

5. Again, buy some high quality bbs.
The hop up is an area that you need to be careful with. If you torque the hop up adjustment bolt too much, you may break the tension arm. You mentioned that the gun was really greasy, so it could be that the hop up rubber is coated in oil+ isn't able to apply hop correctly. This could cause your fps/accuracy problems. A more detailed strip down to get to the hop up rubber would be required. Once you got to the hop up unit, you could try soaking the hopup rubber in warm dish soap+ water then drying fully to see if it helps. If the rubber is covered in grease, then you would probably want to fill+ empty the mags a few times to get rid of some of the silicon oil that is trapped in the mags/ nozzle.

6. What do you mean by "It won't go full auto"? There could be various things causing this, so clear pictures/video would help us help you.
When you cock the gun, set the gun to full auto, then pull the trigger, do you hear a click? Does the gun shoot well on semi auto?
Try looking at the loading nozzle for breaks or cracks too, you shouldn't need to take it apart to look at it, but a field strip would make it easier.

If you want to fix this, you will need to take it apart. That's just the way buying cheap used guns goes. If you are handy, you could probably figure it out. If you don't think you can do it, then see if the seller will take returns.

As far as guns to learn to tech on, the smg8 isn't a great choice. Replacement parts are almost non-existent, there are not very many guides or tutorials, and the gun itself has a few inherent problems. If you need replacement parts, WE is really the only source for every single part, and they have a significant wait time.

If you decide to keep it + see if you can fix it, watch all the youtube videos you can (regardless of language), and get familiar with the parts diagrams BEFORE you take anything apart. The diagrams are available on the WE website. Field stripping the gun isn't hard or complex, and even removing the internal frame isn't that difficult (there are a few pins to remove, and about 4 springs that you need to be aware of), but you need to go slow+ keep track of everything.

Please realize that we can't walk you through every single step, you have to be competent enough to know how to find the answers for yourself. The information is out there, you just need to take time to google and read through old threads.

Last edited by Caelum; November 9th, 2015 at 19:58..
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Old November 10th, 2015, 09:51   #39
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Thanks for the help man I really appreciate it. I did take the gun apart but only had enough time to clean the bolt and spring and that showed a little improvment. For the full auto like it works but the efficency is so bad it doesn't work well I will try new mags when I get the Chanse. I was wondering though. 1. Is it possible to make this gun run off hpa? I did some research and there is a website that sells adapter for WE guns (i'll put a link at the bottom of my post). It looks like you put it in the mag and it will run off hpa. I already have a hpa tank from paintball it's a 48/3000 steel tank (ik not the best). But do you think it would be worth going to hpa. It think it would solve a lot of my problems. And would make it so I can go through a full mag consistently.

Here is link.
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Old November 10th, 2015, 10:40   #40
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You might also consider looking into a gun doc. There are lots of good ones out there and the price is usually quite reasonable. They might even be able to take a look and tell you what may need to be fixed and give advice on what parts are needed. I believe the gun doc thread is in the general forum and chances are there is a doc near you.
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Old November 10th, 2015, 11:29   #41
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Originally Posted by brock0 View Post
You might also consider looking into a gun doc. There are lots of good ones out there and the price is usually quite reasonable. They might even be able to take a look and tell you what may need to be fixed and give advice on what parts are needed. I believe the gun doc thread is in the general forum and chances are there is a doc near you.
Okay I'll check into it but back to the hpa because I'm gonna wanna do this no matter what if it's worth it. Do you think it would make the gun shoot a lot better and be worth the money or no? And all I would need is a regulator and the taps for the mags and I'm guessing using hpa will make it shoot exactly the same as the first couple shots with propane and having 40 shots like that would be sick

Last edited by 3rdbase8; November 10th, 2015 at 11:33..
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Old November 10th, 2015, 11:40   #42
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Originally Posted by brock0 View Post
You might also consider looking into a gun doc. There are lots of good ones out there and the price is usually quite reasonable. They might even be able to take a look and tell you what may need to be fixed and give advice on what parts are needed. I believe the gun doc thread is in the general forum and chances are there is a doc near you.
No point, He's from america. He should be on

You'll need a regulator with the HPA tank, not a direct plug-in.
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Old November 10th, 2015, 12:16   #43
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Can it be any hpa tank? And yea I'm from America but I have a place that fixes guns near me
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Old November 10th, 2015, 13:48   #44
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Any HPA tank is fine, you'll need a regulator to adjust the PSI, like a palmsers, LPR, redline firebase.
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Old November 10th, 2015, 14:05   #45
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Any HPA tank is fine, you'll need a regulator to adjust the PSI, like a palmsers, LPR, redline firebase.
Alright thanks in your opinion do you think k it would be worth it or no?
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