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Red dots from states


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Old October 19th, 2015, 13:35   #1
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Red dots from states

Just curious if you can order red dots or any kind of magnified optic from websites like evike or red wolf? I tried asking them and say they have no issues with accesories but we are also supposedly allowed to order airsoft guns ad we all know the gamble your taking doing that.
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Old October 19th, 2015, 13:43   #2
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Bought several from US and Asia over the past year with zero issues...
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Old October 19th, 2015, 14:24   #3
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for optics, it only applies to the real steel optics, like EoTech, Trijicon, Aim Sports etc
but with airsoft optics, you are good to go
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Old October 19th, 2015, 14:26   #4
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
for optics, it only applies to the real steel optics, like EoTech, Trijicon, Aim Sports etc
but with airsoft optics, you are good to go
OK that'd what I wasn't sure of. Coming from real steel I was told never buy or try and take optics across border. Just having a hard time finding stuff in stock in Canada.
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Old October 19th, 2015, 15:07   #5
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People in Canada have progressed away from airsoft optics.

With the surge in gas rifles and in recoil AEGs no one wants something the looks great but falls apart in one game.

Stuff like this has become more the norm.

In any case post specifics on what red dots you're looking for. Sometimes folks on here will have leads.
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Old October 19th, 2015, 15:23   #6
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I'm just looking for a short zoom optic like a 4x with good eye relief. Eye relief is key as I have crap eyes. Kinda looking at a barska 1-4x28 now since I can atleast try it out at local cabelas. Was looking at acog knock offs but really worried on eye relief. All our fields are outdoor med-long range and having troubles with my red dot seeing what my bbs doing past 30 yards.
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Old October 19th, 2015, 15:25   #7
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A better question would be why WOULD optics be iffy to import?
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Old October 19th, 2015, 15:35   #8
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Barska USA won't ship up here. I can't see any airsoft short dot being better and costing less (especially coming up from the US).

There are actually a few threads here about 1-4x choices.

If you're shopping at Cabelas then something like this would be my pick.
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Old October 19th, 2015, 16:01   #9
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Barska USA won't ship up here. I can't see any airsoft short dot being better and costing less (especially coming up from the US).

There are actually a few threads here about 1-4x choices.

If you're shopping at Cabelas then something like this would be my pick.
O no I wasn't going to order that from states. Just the acog knock offs only if I could find better/ if I can't find it up here. has the barska on a sale for just under 200 bus.
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Old October 19th, 2015, 16:35   #10
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I bought this UTG/Sniper Leapers 1-4x Long Eye Relief Scope off of Zack used and its been incredible! Great value for the money and I have a feeling it would hold its zero even with a real firearm (with a better mount*). Best eye relief I've see on any optic that I have had a view though while out on the airsoft field.

Last edited by localfreerider; October 20th, 2015 at 17:08..
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Old October 19th, 2015, 17:07   #11
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I find that I have moved from Iron -> Red Dots -> Magnified scope.

Now I premise this by saying I play outside field games. If I were playing indoor cqb type I would go iron or red dot.. but not scope.

For me.... I find that at about 150 ft I can no longer accurately tell where the bb is hitting. If it is on a contrasting background and the person is out in the open that helps, but I lose it in the woods.

I don't fire a stream of BB's for marking / aiming purposes.

I find the scope helps me with seeing exactly where my BB's go when shooting. Especially when trying to thread the needle for a window shot or whatever.

I also find the scope is useful for scanning and looking for players that are hiding. This is generally for people in the 100+ distance. A head camouflaged is hard to see if done right.

If you get a variable powered scope you can set the magnification to whatever YOUR eyes like.

My 2 cents
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Old October 20th, 2015, 03:11   #12
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For airsoft level sights, NC-Star and UTG/Leaper are very adequate. Not only will they take a beating but the mirrors are not likely going to move from GBBR punishment.

As for real steel, there are a few companies that won't ship to Canada, but an item has to be on the ITAR list to actually be banned from importing. That being said, most run of the mill sight companies, like Barska, won't be banned from coming across. Companies like Aimpoint or EoTech are far more likely to have ITAR restricted sights.
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Old October 20th, 2015, 10:07   #13
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
For airsoft level sights, NC-Star and UTG/Leaper are very adequate. Not only will they take a beating but the mirrors are not likely going to move from GBBR punishment.

As for real steel, there are a few companies that won't ship to Canada, but an item has to be on the ITAR list to actually be banned from importing. That being said, most run of the mill sight companies, like Barska, won't be banned from coming across. Companies like Aimpoint or EoTech are far more likely to have ITAR restricted sights.
Could you inform me on a point? Are ITAR items banned from import to canada. Or banned from Export out of the USA? Or both?
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Old October 20th, 2015, 10:43   #14
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Technically both. The main purpose, as far as the US is concerned, is that their top-tech doesn't leave their country. That being said, some businesses have been able to get certain items in other parts of the Western World. A common practice unfortunately is to just outright refuse to sell outside of the US, as it may be easier and safer for companies.

Here's some info:
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old October 20th, 2015, 11:10   #15
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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ITAR is a US export thing, you can import any NVG/optic stuff you want from europe
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