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Crye G3 Users and Experts Please Help: Tru-Spec vs Crye Precision G3 Combat Shirt


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Old September 26th, 2015, 06:46   #1
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Crye G3 Users and Experts Please Help: Tru-Spec vs Crye Precision G3 Combat Shirt

Hey everyone,

I'm planning to upgrade my combat shirt to either the Crye Precision G3 or the Tru-Spec. (Either this: or this: )
I know CP is practically known as "the best" out there as well as quality and of course the most expensive. On the other hand, I personally know Tru-Spec is the best compromise of economic and quality.

That being said though, what are the exact differences between both products aside from the price? What am I exactly missing out by not getting a CP? Some people say the quality in CP is a lot better, but how?

And finally, if I am to get a CP shirt, what size should I get? And how should the fitting be? I'm 174cm with 42inch chest and normally wears Medium for my other clothes. I originally thought I'd get a Medium like I always do, but when I tried on a Medium CP G3 lately, it's way too large for me. (even the sleeves are too long). I then tried the only other size that they have for the G3, a XS, and although a little bit tight, it practically fits perfectly. The XS fit my torso like Underarmour, which makes me wonder if it should be slightly looser and if a Small will be better. I'm shocked why the Medium for that sample is so large, or is there something I don't understand about the proper fitting of these shirts, or are they possibly prototype sizes that are this large in general. That said though, I checked the CP sizing charts and they recommended a Medium based on the width of my chest. So all this experience confuses me. Even more, there are no available real products of the G3 on sales at where I am so I can't test out for real of what I should be getting.

I hope someone with substantial experience or product knowledge on combat shirts or sells these can explain this to me how all this works. I've done some research online already but I haven't been getting any answers. Thanks again

Last edited by ravan318; September 26th, 2015 at 09:49..
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Old September 26th, 2015, 07:21   #2
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So, you were testing clones of Crye G3 for sizing?

I can't tell you much about Tru-Spec, as the last set I owned from them was many years ago and predated Crye or the TRU being on the market. But, I have owned every generation of Crye ever made. With the exception of the very first release of Gen 2, now called AC, and having the first set in Canada back in 2007, all sets have been bang-on for sizing. In fact, every set I have ordered since 2009 has been the exact same size, and all fit perfectly.

I currently have only Gen 3 in a couple patterns, plus some accessories pieces of Gen 1 that are sadly uber rare and out of production for a decade.
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Old September 26th, 2015, 09:50   #3
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
So, you were testing clones of Crye G3 for sizing?

I can't tell you much about Tru-Spec, as the last set I owned from them was many years ago and predated Crye or the TRU being on the market. But, I have owned every generation of Crye ever made. With the exception of the very first release of Gen 2, now called AC, and having the first set in Canada back in 2007, all sets have been bang-on for sizing. In fact, every set I have ordered since 2009 has been the exact same size, and all fit perfectly.

I currently have only Gen 3 in a couple patterns, plus some accessories pieces of Gen 1 that are sadly uber rare and out of production for a decade.
Actually I'm not sure if they are prototype sizes, but they have Crye Precision labels on the bottom right corner of the shirt. And what size do you wear for the combat shirt(as well as your height and regular clothing size)
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Old September 26th, 2015, 10:28   #4
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I am 5'8" and 215lbs. My normal pants size is 36-38" waist and 30" inseam. Milspec clothing as Large-regular is my size, and my Crye gear is 36-regular for pants and Large-regular shirt.
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Old September 26th, 2015, 11:02   #5
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
I am 5'8" and 215lbs. My normal pants size is 36-38" waist and 30" inseam. Milspec clothing as Large-regular is my size, and my Crye gear is 36-regular for pants and Large-regular shirt.
If you're 5'8" then that means you're the same height as me. When fitting a size L-R for yourself, is the torso supposed to fit like Underarmour? Or slightly little loose?
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Old September 26th, 2015, 11:23   #6
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The new style of Crye is supposed to be slightly loose, as they've moved away from a dry-wick style material to a modern sport t-shirt style material. The new material breathes better and is more comfortable when wet.

I'm fairly skinny and bought a large and although it's a little big on me, it's just fine. I could've gotten away with a medium. Crye sizing is simple for shirts; s,m,l,xl, etc, and you can get them in standard or long and I believe extra long. Pants are by waist size, and then if you're tall you can get long it extra long as well. Where did you try on genuine Crye BDUs? The only retailer I know of in Canada is CToms in Edmonton.

Cryes fit and work like an absolute dream. They have way more R&D than any other BDU on the market. My gen 1s lasted me 8 plus years and we're still in one piece when I sold them. I immediately bought a set of gen 3s and haven't looked back. You pay for it, but it's worth the investment.

As for Tru-Spec; there's nothing wrong with them, but nothing special either. Tru-Spec are quality made, but that's where the comparison stops. I'm sure you'd be perfectly happy with a Tru-Spec shirt if you don't want to drop the money on Crye. Crye pants are where the real magic happens though. Although I'd consider other brands of shirts if necessary, my Crye pants are amazing. I've also tried on pants from several companies, like VertX, 5.11, Tru-Spec, etc, and Crye annihilates them all.

Below Crye, but above Tru-Spec is UR Tactical. There stuff is nearly as good as Crye's, but for about 2/3 the price. Check them out as well. No matter what you decide to go with, make sure you get the Crye pads. Everyone I know who bought other brands has traded up for the Crye pads and says that they are far superior.
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Old September 26th, 2015, 11:53   #7
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What color are you looking for?

I'm a fan of neither Tru-Spec nor UR-Tactical. For shirts, the next best thing to Crye (which I had in AC cut and currently own in G3) is the 5.11 Rapid Assault Shirt. And they're fairly priced as well. I use one in tan as my go-to shirt for SAR work. If that means anything, I've seen them quite a bit in CANSOF use (alongside Crye and Arc'Teryx's excellent but expensive shirts). They have a more athletic (read: fitting) cut than Crye or Tru-Spec.

If you're looking for tan, there are a few Drifire on eBay at crazy prices - $20 brand new! - if that's your size.
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Old September 26th, 2015, 12:37   #8
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I'm getting multicam, and Ricohet I found it at eHobbyAsia in Hong Kong. That's also where I am currently lol, although I'm going back to Canada at the end of the year.
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Old September 26th, 2015, 19:21   #9
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Authentic Crye at ehobby? That's unlikely, though I guess not impossible. Is the price comparable to our prices? If so then I'd buy in country to avoid getting a knockoff. From Ctoms: Crye pants, shirt and airflex pads are about $500 even for a set.

Yes, the 5.11 shirts are also good.
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Old September 26th, 2015, 21:06   #10
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yeah ehobby carries select crye products
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Old September 26th, 2015, 23:43   #11
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Lots of real gear on some airsoft sites now.
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Old September 27th, 2015, 07:55   #12
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I have been thrilled with my Massif Combat Shirt. Comes in North American sizing so my 6'3" frame fits perfect in an XL even with my normal need for long sleeves on any dress shirts I buy.

The price is very attractive compared to CP as well.
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Old September 27th, 2015, 12:06   #13
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I can't talk about Crye but I recently did a blitz of trying on various brands of combat shirts.

In the end I opted for the first shirt you posted. The Tru-Spec 1/4 zip. I think the extreme version is intended for cold weather. So far I'm pretty happy with it. The obvious difference between the crye is the style of elbow pads. The Tru-Spec one only accepts soft, neoprene pads.

I tried the rothco branded combat shirts. Their sleeves are too short. The Propper brand ACU combat shirt felt too bulky with the padded shoulders and I hated the design of the sleeves; there's an outer sleeve that's some sort of nylon blend, and an inner cotton sleeve; not very functional for my use

I'm a different size than you. I'm 5' 7" 140lbs and a 31" waist. The small sized Tru-Spec shirt is the best fitting for me. I don't think I'd ever buy clothing blind without having tried on the exact size I'm interested in buying.
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Old September 27th, 2015, 12:21   #14
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Crye Gen 3 elbows are internal pads now. Massif are alright, but I don't find their pricing a lot better than Crye, maybe a little for the pants.
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Old September 27th, 2015, 19:44   #15
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Crye Gen 3 elbows are internal pads now. Massif are alright, but I don't find their pricing a lot better than Crye, maybe a little for the pants.
I picked up a brand new Massif for $75 CP G3 Combat shirts are typically over $200.

Not sure where you've been shopping.
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