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VFC Fighter accidental mag release


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Old July 30th, 2015, 11:05   #1
Rossco66's Avatar
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VFC Fighter accidental mag release

I am having a recurrent issue with the magazine dropping out of my VFC fighter. I have disassembled the mag release in attempt to stretch the spring to give me more retention but it doesn't seem to help. This doesn't happen every time but will occur several times in any given game.

Does anyone have a similar issue they've rectified or have any thoughts on how to mod the thing to avoid dropping magazines at inopportune times?
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Old July 30th, 2015, 13:58   #2
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Every magazine or just one?

If it's every mag replace the mag catch and spring. If it's just one replace that mag.
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Old July 30th, 2015, 14:14   #3
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Its with multiple magazines. Any thoughts as to who carries VFC mag catches? Mach 1?
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Old July 30th, 2015, 14:15   #4
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Any mag catch should work, think the King Arms one works well, think Toronto Airsoft might sell them, not sure if listed on site, try calling in.
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Old July 30th, 2015, 14:52   #5
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I found a thread on a US site describing this issue. Apparently the "e" series of VFC have in some cases too much play in the magwell. The result of this is that the mag moves off of the mag catch if the magazine is pushed toward the side of the magwell and it doesn't matter if you replace the catch or not.

The recommended fix was electrical tape on the far side of the magwell. I applied two layers and there is still play in the mag, particularly front to back, but I can no longer extract the magazine by simply pulling on it.

I'm hoping that this has rectified the problem. Seems kinda ghetto that I have to put electrical tape into a $400+ piece of equipment to get it to function properly.

While I'm shimming the inside of the magwell, should the mag be equal distance from the front and the back or should it cheat in either direction to get the best feeding into the hop up chamber?
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Old July 30th, 2015, 15:18   #6
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Mags will have play on AEG's even high end ones. The real thing even has some play (about 1.5-2mm, not sure if true across all manufacturers or not or all mags, I only fired 3 different guns with 1 or 2 mags in each) the better option is replace the mag catch, if it's an issue that has arisen after a decent amount of use.if it is relatively new then your best bet is to put some loop velcro on the opposite side of the mag catch in the mag well, not electrical tape, yes that's ghetto, like that's a good fix in field if yer in a spot but not the real fix. Unless it is in fact just an oversized mag well (it happens)
The real fix is a combo of 2 things.
1. Good mags that fit your gun correctly (just cause mag brand mags are pretty universal it doesn't mean they play nice with all brands of guns and mag releases)
Also note plastic mags will wear out over time and stop catching properly.
2. A good steel mag catch (that should never wear out unless you run mags just as hard as the catch, not gonna happen tho the spring can wear out a bit and need a stretch, heat, quench to "revive" it)
I personally don't mind plastic mags cause they are light but metal ones will tend to seat beter and don't tend to wear out but you gotta carry em lol.
big caps I find are often an issue. A lot of them tend to be a lil loose in most guns.
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Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Last edited by Hectic; July 30th, 2015 at 15:22..
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Old July 30th, 2015, 15:31   #7
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Originally Posted by Rossco66 View Post
Seems kinda ghetto that I have to put electrical tape into a $400+ piece of equipment to get it to function properly.
Welcome to the unfortunate world of airsoft.
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Old July 30th, 2015, 15:43   #8
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The rifle is relatively new and so are the mags (plastic and non) so wear isn't likely the culprit. I tried the velcro first but it's too thick and I can't insert the mags in period.

Two layers of electrical tape are a temporary fix but I would like to have something a bit more permanent if anyone has a suggestion.

Male and female sides of the velcro both gave the same result of an inability to get the magazine up into the well.

Obviously these kind of mass produced weapons, airsoft and RS alike, are not heavy on the precision side of things with less important tolerances like the exact dimension of the mag well as opposed to the actual pieces involved in firing and aiming the weapon.
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Old July 30th, 2015, 16:29   #9
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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A permanent solution would be to cut a thin price of plastic (like the type that a lot of stuff is sold in these days, "bubble packages" they call em)
And glue it in place as a shim and call it a day. If you have been using metal mags wear could be an issue. The mag catch could be rounded at the top just enough to allow the mag to start moving it out of the way. But yeah if the tape works then a plastic shim is likely gonna do ya just fine. Also as was stated above, airsoft, paticularly if you stick to the mid and low ranged stuff, will more often than not require a bit of tweaking to get it running smoothly, weather it be an issue like yours or some hop up mods and compression improvements, down to filing and grinding to make parts fit (rails grips etc..)
Buying higher end usually fit and finish are nice, but often the hop and compression systems still need a bit of love. Gas is about the same, some love and lube (yeah I said that) and some tweaking are often needed. As for bolt actions don't even get me going. 500+ for a rifle and 800+ for parts to make it gameable lol.
Hopefully the shim will solve your issue
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Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old July 30th, 2015, 16:51   #10
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Originally Posted by Hectic View Post
some love and lube (yeah I said that) and some tweaking are often needed.
That's what she said.

I had heard of the the Hectic turn of phrase but this is a keeper.

Thanks for the tip I will give the plastic shim a go.
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Old July 30th, 2015, 17:11   #11
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I've had the same issue with my VFC PDW using PMAGs M version and EMAGs and pretty much other brands like my Invader Magazines too.

The stock KAC PDW mags were fine did not fall out.

My issue was when I start shooting the mag would just drop after a few rounds.

I ended up shimming the magwell with Real Steel Grip Tape for pistols the rubber kind not the sand paper kind. Shimmed the rear and one of the sides inside the magwell. On top of that I replaced the spring as well with a stiffer spring. Believe it was a King Arms Spring.

Did both of these mods at once and never had a single issue again with dropping mags.

The only problem with shimming the magwell this way is that a lot of other standard M4 mag would not fit.

But I'm fine seeing how all I really use are PMAGs and EMAGs

edit: here are some pics
The grip tape is not going to come off... its on there pretty solid unless you peel it off.

Last edited by shelcoof; July 30th, 2015 at 17:34..
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Old July 30th, 2015, 17:39   #12
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That's extremely helpful thanks
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Old July 30th, 2015, 22:58   #13
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Mitch, when I read this post this was the first thing that came to mind...

...are you sure you aren't bumping the release accidentally while playing?
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Old July 30th, 2015, 23:25   #14
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No Pete but thanks for the vote of confidence. I can actually pull the magazine out quite easily without any shimming in place.
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Old July 30th, 2015, 23:29   #15
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M4 mags are drop free; being loose is normal.

Whatever you do; don't change the mag catch.
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