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Newb with a few Q's


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Old July 9th, 2015, 18:07   #1
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Calgary Alberta
Newb with a few Q's

Hey everyone my name is Rob and I live in Calgary AB. Up until a few days ago I never heard of the airsoft sport but I have been reading through a variety of topics on this forum and it's a very informative forum.

A bit more about me. I'm 37 years old, married to an awesome wife, have 2 great kids and I grew up with a father who was an RCMP marksman. At an early age my father taught me how to shoot just using a scoped .22 and I really took to it naturally. We only did target shooting which is what I love and I would like to start showing my kids. I recently bought a very entry level GFM4 and I know there are way better options out there but I'm just starting with this stuff and I will get more. I have been doing some reading here and have a question.

I only really bought this for target shooting. I have read the legal, legislation and policy info stickied on the site. I just want to know if I can shoot targets in my backyard without the cops showing up? I'm not interested in shooting other people yet, I just want to target practice and learn about these guns so when the time comes to do battle I'm not a complete newb.

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Old July 9th, 2015, 18:15   #2
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Shooting air guns within city limits is illegal unless the area is approved for that.

Firing a replica assault rifle in your back yard MAY result in the cops showing up, however this all depends on where you live. If you are in Forest lawn and you have a big yard, tall fence and quiet neighbors that keep to themselves then you probably won't have any problems.

Or if you live in the burbs with people everywhere you might get a visit from CPS. Regardless it is against the law.

What you could do is come out to Warpaint one Saturday for a game. The team I am with is always willing to help out new players.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old July 9th, 2015, 18:22   #3
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Location: Calgary Alberta
Originally Posted by naminator View Post
Shooting air guns within city limits is illegal unless the area is approved for that.

Firing a replica assault rifle in your back yard MAY result in the cops showing up, however this all depends on where you live. If you are in Forest lawn and you have a big yard, tall fence and quiet neighbors that keep to themselves then you probably won't have any problems.

Or if you live in the burbs with people everywhere you might get a visit from CPS. Regardless it is against the law.

What you could do is come out to Warpaint one Saturday for a game. The team I am with is always willing to help out new players.
Thanks naminator that's what I thought. I live in the SE in McKenzie town with a fenced in back yard. I only know one neighbour and he's cool but the others I don't know about.

I'll check out Warpaint and see what thats about. Can I just target shoot there?
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Old July 9th, 2015, 18:44   #4
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Airsoft is totally useless for target shooting, not accurate enough. A pellet gun would have been a much better choice, without the assault rifle lookalike stigma.

If all you plan to do is target shoot, return that gun ASAP. Otherwise just get some eye-pro and some mags and go find a game.

I did the exact same thing when I started airsoft - was interested in the guns and plinking and quickly realized there is no great place to do that other than airsoft fields. And if you're going to be there you may as well play.

Last edited by brock0; July 9th, 2015 at 18:48..
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Old July 9th, 2015, 18:46   #5
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They have a sudo range which isn't great.

They normally charge 20$ a day with lunch included. However it is a bit of a drive (I am in bridlewood). You could always come out and play. We are very new player friendly. We had a couple out about 4 or 5 weeks ago that only had a jumpsuit, paintball mask and used loaner guns. If you have a gun, some BB's and some safety goggles you can jump right in. You would be placed on a team of experienced players who can show you around a bit.

Nothing compares to shooting moving targets either lol.


What Brock said. You will get significantly better target shooting fun out of a .22 pellet rifle or whatever than airsoft.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old July 9th, 2015, 20:13   #6
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Set up a little shooting range in your basement! Airsoft guns are perfect for indoor target shooting and much safer than pellet guns for that purpose. Most out-of-the-box airsoft guns shoot under 2 joules (about 460fps with a .2g 6mm BB) so your backstop can be as simple as a cardboard box filled with more cardboard. At 25ft with a decent airsoft gun you can hit a quarter-inch to half-inch target every time.

Most pellet guns shoot over 2 joules (about 300fps with a 7.5 grain .177 pellet) and they go WAY up from there so they get out of toy territory pretty quick.

The only challenge is convincing your wife that shooting BB guns in your basement is acceptable behaviour for an adult!
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Old July 10th, 2015, 11:21   #7
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Location: Calgary Alberta
Originally Posted by fretwire View Post
Set up a little shooting range in your basement! Airsoft guns are perfect for indoor target shooting and much safer than pellet guns for that purpose. Most out-of-the-box airsoft guns shoot under 2 joules (about 460fps with a .2g 6mm BB) so your backstop can be as simple as a cardboard box filled with more cardboard. At 25ft with a decent airsoft gun you can hit a quarter-inch to half-inch target every time.

Most pellet guns shoot over 2 joules (about 300fps with a 7.5 grain .177 pellet) and they go WAY up from there so they get out of toy territory pretty quick.

The only challenge is convincing your wife that shooting BB guns in your basement is acceptable behaviour for an adult!
This is exactly what I set up last night. Had a great time. But the battery in this cheap gun ran out fast. I'm going to look at some better guns tonight with the wife and bother in law. What do you guys think of the brand Bolt or ICS or Kings Arms? I really like the M4 style rifle and I would like to get one that I can upgrade to be really accurate and reliable. I can't anywhere in Calgary that sells VFC brand. I have read the "M4" thread and I know there are many opinions but I'm looking for reliability, ability to upgrade. Any recommendations?
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Old July 10th, 2015, 11:37   #8
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Originally Posted by OutLaw77 View Post
This is exactly what I set up last night. Had a great time. But the battery in this cheap gun ran out fast. I'm going to look at some better guns tonight with the wife and bother in law. What do you guys think of the brand Bolt or ICS or Kings Arms? I really like the M4 style rifle and I would like to get one that I can upgrade to be really accurate and reliable. I can't anywhere in Calgary that sells VFC brand. I have read the "M4" thread and I know there are many opinions but I'm looking for reliability, ability to upgrade. Any recommendations?
All internals on AEG (Electric guns) are "meh." Depends what you want, if you want better trigger response, you'll need a mosfet, better gears, motor, etc. and run a 11.1v lipo.

VFC's are the best externals for the AR platform, and Real Sword / LCT have the best externals for AK's.


If you want an "ERG" which is an electric gun that has simulated recoil, info is here.

TM Recoil System - $$$
KWA ERG - $$
Bolt M4 - $


If you got a budget, and ultra realistic with recoil to similar to a .22, get a gas blow back rifle.


A lot of people "Plink" with gas blow back pistols and rifles, because of the kick. They do it more for the giggles and fun, they can also be called "chairsofters."


There's a big retailer in Calgary I think, starts with a "B" rest you can google, since it's illegal for us to post links to retailers for non age verified people. You can ask him to bring you in one, else most retailers ship free, after $299.99.

FYI east coast stores are cheaper then west coast (BC OVER PRICED AS ****)

Last edited by BioRage; July 10th, 2015 at 11:43..
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Old July 10th, 2015, 11:47   #9
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King Arms

In that order. King Arms is probably your best bet for an entry level full metal AEG. G&G has some decent enough rifles in the same price range. No matter what you get, make sure it is full metal. If you buy a plastic body M4 and want to go metal later you will be spending 100-200$ just to upgrade.

As for gas blow backs, I run a KJW KC02 that is currently in a modded Houge stock off a real 10/22. I love it but I am into the gun for about 700$ right now with all the upgrades, mags ect. I plan on sinking an additional 500$ into it before it is perfect in my eyes.

Nobody said this was a cheap hobby. You should join the Calgary Airsoft facebook group, now with 80% more drama. But seriously if you join the group you will be able to find out about games and such easily. For example there is a post apocalyptic game this weekend and not next week, but the week after there is a big game at warpaint.

Also if you manage to get out to warpaint when I am there, you can try out my KC02
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old July 10th, 2015, 11:57   #10
"bb bukakke" KING!
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<200 I would get the g&g combat machines... their gearbox is very friendly to techwork but a bit on the fragile side... the KA gearbox is stronger, but a pain in the ass if you want to put in faster gears. The KA externals are nicer than the CM line though.

The next price to even consider would be vfc at the high end. Most compatible, highest quality externally, strong gearbox that's easy to work in that takes mods very easily... without dremelling to make room etc, unless you want to put a mosfet INSIDE the gearbox, but that isn't even an option with KA.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old July 10th, 2015, 14:11   #11
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Calgary Alberta
Thanks for the tips. I will check out the Calgary airsoft FB page. I was reading through it yesterday actually.

I know the "B" place as well and I'm heading there today to check them out. I'm seeing that this is not a cheap hobby but I'm into muscle cars and that's stupid expensive!

I don't know much on modding the guns but I'm learning. The gas blow back option is interesting.
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Old July 10th, 2015, 14:13   #12
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Calgary Alberta
Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
All internals on AEG (Electric guns) are "meh." Depends what you want, if you want better trigger response, you'll need a mosfet, better gears, motor, etc. and run a 11.1v lipo.

VFC's are the best externals for the AR platform, and Real Sword / LCT have the best externals for AK's.


If you want an "ERG" which is an electric gun that has simulated recoil, info is here.

TM Recoil System - $$$
KWA ERG - $$
Bolt M4 - $


If you got a budget, and ultra realistic with recoil to similar to a .22, get a gas blow back rifle.


A lot of people "Plink" with gas blow back pistols and rifles, because of the kick. They do it more for the giggles and fun, they can also be called "chairsofters."


There's a big retailer in Calgary I think, starts with a "B" rest you can google, since it's illegal for us to post links to retailers for non age verified people. You can ask him to bring you in one, else most retailers ship free, after $299.99.

FYI east coast stores are cheaper then west coast (BC OVER PRICED AS ****)
Thanks for the info. Alberta has the least tax so that's a bonus. I think I would like to spend between $400 and $500 on the gun. Then upgrade/accessories. I need a case because I have kids around the house as well.
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