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Back after a couple of years - Over 18 now and interested in GBB 1911's


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Old July 4th, 2015, 03:01   #1
knightoice's Avatar
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Back after a couple of years - Over 18 now and interested in GBB 1911's

Hey all,

I think it's been a pretty long time since I last posted on here. I was underage at the time, but followed everyone's advice and came back after a couple of years. So now that I'm interested in airsoft again, I wanted to grab a GBB 1911, but am honestly not sure where to start (I'll grab an AEG as well, but I haven't decided on a model yet).

I don't remember too many of the brands aside from TM, so I would need to do some research, but many of the reviews I've found seem to be quite old. In addition to that, it seems that a lot has changed (for the better). I don't remember nearly this much selection back in 09, and the prices seem to have fallen a lot since then.

So I guess this post is mostly to ask if anyone can give me a tl;dr of what's happened in the last 5 years (and if anything has happened in Vancouver/Richmond scene), and how I should go about picking a GBB 1911.

Thanks in advanced everyone!
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Old July 4th, 2015, 03:04   #2
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I can't offer much, but 2 things I must mention:
1) Prices have gone down; not much sense to import (case specific)
2) WE doesn't suck as much anymore (not sure how their 1911 are, however, their Glocks are beast)
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Old July 4th, 2015, 03:19   #3
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I'd say look into getting the AEG first before getting a pistol of any sort. I've found secondaries to be pretty limited in use for our fields, unless you make an actual effort to use them.

That said, if you're set on getting a 1911 straight off the bat, drop by one of the local shops in Richmond and get a feel for things (pistol and AEG). The guys over at Milsig and Trigger know their stuff and have a pretty large selection so hit them up and they'll point you in the right direction. There's also a couple of smaller shops here and there you can look into for selection, but I've found them to be generally meh.

Scene wise, not too much. Fields have changed a bit, RIP got shutdown for airsoft after someone messed up a new field proposal to Richmond city council, Panther seems to be improving, Ambush is the same, and North Shore seems to have a night game every month or so.

That's about it off the top of my head.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old July 4th, 2015, 04:02   #4
a.k.a. Greedy
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If you want a metal 1911 out of the box, get a KWA or KJW.
If you want the best performer with a shit-ton of aftermarket parts, but plastic in stock form, get a TM.

For polymer framed pistols such as Glock or S&W M&P, I would say get a TM because the cost of a metal slide and barrel isn't that much, and worth it for the added TM value. But a metal 1911 kit is much pricier and harder to install. At that point the ratio between what you pay and the added TM performance, for me, starts to not make much as sense. Especially if you're using it as back-up where it won't see quite so much use. Better to spend that cash on your primary IMO. Having a good primary is far better than having a pistol.

Last edited by Kozzie; August 6th, 2015 at 10:39..
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Old July 4th, 2015, 12:38   #5
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Get a primary, then a pistol.
TM's shoot well, but they're plastic.
If you want full metal, get a KJW; KP05 for a HiCapa, KP07 for a MEU.
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Old July 4th, 2015, 20:58   #6
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Originally Posted by knightoice View Post
Hey all,

I think it's been a pretty long time since I last posted on here. I was underage at the time, but followed everyone's advice and came back after a couple of years. So now that I'm interested in airsoft again, I wanted to grab a GBB 1911, but am honestly not sure where to start (I'll grab an AEG as well, but I haven't decided on a model yet).

I don't remember too many of the brands aside from TM, so I would need to do some research, but many of the reviews I've found seem to be quite old. In addition to that, it seems that a lot has changed (for the better). I don't remember nearly this much selection back in 09, and the prices seem to have fallen a lot since then.

So I guess this post is mostly to ask if anyone can give me a tl;dr of what's happened in the last 5 years (and if anything has happened in Vancouver/Richmond scene), and how I should go about picking a GBB 1911.

Thanks in advanced everyone!
tbh, you didn't have to wait till 18 to start this..sure airsoftcanada has it's rules..but if you go to any fields for drop in..I bet you kids everywhere..I feel like there are more kids than's 13+ or something like that

Although it's probably a good thing you waited because prices are down lol...go to trigger, badlands, warface, milsig to learn more about the hobby, they are retail stores. Although don't just listen to them and buy something because they said it's good. After getting the brand, model, price, go online to check them out too..

GBBS pistols in Vancouver is like useless..indoors is gone, so everything is outdoors now. So, AEG would be probably the best choice now for the 1st gun. Most rounds fired from my GBB pistol is in my basement and backyard after richmond indoors are down from airsoft lol -__________-
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Old July 5th, 2015, 01:25   #7
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Thanks for all the responses people! I've always been dead-set on getting a GBB 1911, I just think it's a gorgeous gun, but I understand the concern over picking a secondary over an AEG. I'll be picking up an AEG soon as well, but want a GBB to plunk around with till then.

Originally Posted by Slodin View Post
tbh, you didn't have to wait till 18 to start this..sure airsoftcanada has it's rules..but if you go to any fields for drop in..I bet you kids everywhere..I feel like there are more kids than's 13+ or something like that

Although it's probably a good thing you waited because prices are down lol...go to trigger, badlands, warface, milsig to learn more about the hobby, they are retail stores. Although don't just listen to them and buy something because they said it's good. After getting the brand, model, price, go online to check them out too..

GBBS pistols in Vancouver is like useless..indoors is gone, so everything is outdoors now. So, AEG would be probably the best choice now for the 1st gun. Most rounds fired from my GBB pistol is in my basement and backyard after richmond indoors are down from airsoft lol -__________-

And I'm actually in my early 20's at the moment haha. I got age verified a year or two ago, but couldn't buy any guns as I didn't have any income at the time. I also didn't start when I was a teenager as I had no access to the classifieds and as you said, prices were quite a bit higher back then.
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Old July 5th, 2015, 19:34   #8
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It also depends on the model of 1911 you want, are you into the classic 1911a1 style or the shorter commando look. Or want a more modern style like the meu with the under rail for laser or flashlight. I would stay away from WE 1911's in my experience, they are cheaper but the magazines fail really fast but are cheap. Around $20 each, the pistol is full Metal though. I upgraded to a TM 1911a1 and have not regretted it once. The pistol is $300 on canarmo but is much more accurate then any WE iv owned and magazines have dropped in price on redwolf from $50 each to $25. I also like the upgradeable factor of TM over other brands. Look at the 1911 thread for inspiration, that's what I did before I made my choice. The new full Metal KWA 1911's are really nice also from what I have seen on review videos and come full Metal. Not sure about performance in accuracy and gas efficiency though. Hope some of this helps.
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Old July 6th, 2015, 13:49   #9
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If you want a very accurate, very reliable, best performing 1911, get a TM.
If you absolutely have to have full metal, get a KJW (but it's not going to perform as well).

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Old July 9th, 2015, 01:36   #10
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I actually don't necessarily agree with the whole "get TM" stuff everyone throws around. I've had TM, KJW, and WE 1911 types, and I actually love my current WE one most.

Honestly, I think it's sort of up to your preferences most of all. If you don't mind plastic, get TM. If you need metal, I'd say KJW.
Current collection:
KJW SIG P226R -- WE 1911 Punisher -- KSC USP Tactical -- KWA USP Compact
KWA MP7A1 -- WE M4A1 -- WE KAC PDW -- WE G39K
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Old July 9th, 2015, 05:30   #11
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Originally Posted by knightoice View Post
Thanks for all the responses people! I've always been dead-set on getting a GBB 1911, I just think it's a gorgeous gun, but I understand the concern over picking a secondary over an AEG. I'll be picking up an AEG soon as well, but want a GBB to plunk around with till then.

And I'm actually in my early 20's at the moment haha. I got age verified a year or two ago, but couldn't buy any guns as I didn't have any income at the time. I also didn't start when I was a teenager as I had no access to the classifieds and as you said, prices were quite a bit higher back then.
There are new WE 1911s out there, that are almost Salient Arms type pistols. They are the new models, and are most likely TM compatible. KJW is a very safe buy, if you want a decent 1911. ARMY 1911s I heard are pretty good for the money, and the quality is similar to the KJW 1911s. For the new WE 1911s I am not sure of the different models, but I have heard that their Salient Arms 1911 slides are made of aluminum. As for the old WE 1911s, I heard they are euughh. In terms of TM 1911 designs, there is always a fix for poor gas efficiency.
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Old July 9th, 2015, 08:00   #12
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This is what you NEED to do:
1. Decide what model you like (classic ww2 1911 A1, MEU, Number, etc..)
2. Decide if it's going to be a skirmish or a collectors piece
3. Do you want a metal body ?
4. How much do you care about trademarks on the gun ?

Answer this, and it will be easier to help you !

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Old July 13th, 2015, 17:31   #13
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Originally Posted by Zeroroaster View Post
I can't speak for the TM's or WE's, but I do have a KJW M1911A1 in full metal, CO2 version. The gun kicks like a mule and sucks back the gas like a cowboy drinks whiskey at a rodeo. It's been a finicky bugger and I've been through a couple of nozzles, a couple of mag gaskets, and rarely get more than a mag on one powerlet, but DAMN it's fun to shoot!!! It took some polishing to get the rails to slide super smooth and prevent the slide from jamming full back on the recoil, but over time it's become a nice little sidearm with a fair bit of punch. Pretty accurate too.

In the near future I may try the Airsoft Surgeon super hard nozzle just to help with the whole cracking business, and maybe those nifty little purple silicone mag gaskets. In the meantime, it goes out every week, shoots a bunch of BB's, and even scores a hit from time to time. The feel is really solid and you can bang it around a fair bit (not intentionally of course). Overall, I still like it...
The KJW Les Baer's are up there with some of the best 1911's out of the box on the market.

My stock Les Baer is hitting head size targets at 150' with .28's.

Had no problems with the gun, ever. At least 100 mags through it. KJW MEU mags are also reliable as hell. Keep em stored with propane and you're gold.

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Old July 13th, 2015, 18:06   #14
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I tried out a C02 M1911 from KJW. If made my WE Hicapa look like a bitch.

Seriously, some of the new C02 guns are fantastic. That being said I am getting rid of my Gas pistols and have gone electric, with a Gas rifle...
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old July 13th, 2015, 18:35   #15
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Can't go wrong with KJW or TM.

I have both and they work well with minimal maintenance.
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