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Age Verified....Why?



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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:19   #1
Join Date: May 2015
Age Verified....Why?

I just don't understand why it's a thing. I mean, for the sale of guns, I can see why some people MIGHT want to have it, but I mean, there's a huge number of people playing airsoft who aren't 18+ and limiting this forum (basically yes, that's what is happening) pushes them away from it.

I can see that some users may believe this keeps the forum from becoming immature and stupid, but after getting the views of many 18+ players at a milsim event, many of them see this forum as "a joke".

The need to drive out and meet someone in person, simply to have them 'age verify' you, seems unnecessary, unsafe, and just downright stupid.

Some of the largest and most influential forums in the Airsoft community (Airsoft Society, Airsoftsniperforum, AirsoftForum, Airsoftretreat, etc.) do not have this 'requirement' and they seem to get along fine. In no way do I ever see an irresponsible individual buying a airsoft gun from this site. If a little kid wanted to buy a gun, it would be much easier for him to get his parents to get him one from the local store than it would to pay electronically (paypal, emt, etc) and fill out shipping info.

Myself, and countless other Airsofters would like to know the purpose of this 'age verification' feature, and what benefits AirsoftCanada attributes to it. I for one, as a Canadian, do not enjoy being associated with a "joke" of a forum, that requires it members to jump through hoops to simply buy parts. Parts!!

That is the end of my rant, thank you for your consideration. What is your input Airsofters?
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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:21   #2
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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:23   #3
Rusty Lugnuts
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He should of stopped at " I just don't understand"
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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:27   #4
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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:29   #5
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You really should have posted this in the Newbie Tank.

One of the short answers is that under Canadian law airsoft guns are 'unregulated firearms'. That means sale and transfer of them is restricted to people who are 18+.
Putting the restriction on the forums is just a very simple, and sensible way for Airsoft Canada to avoid a whole hell of a lot of liability in a case where unregulated firearms were found to be sold to minors.

Good luck with the thread.
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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:35   #6
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I'd go so far as to say the "Age Verification" system is careless!!!!

Selling Airsoft guns to someone under 18 is ILLEGAL in Canada. If you sell a gun you should be verifying age at time of sale, not relying on an internet (internet!) forum with a little "Age Verified" tag under someone's name.

Seeing the "Age Verified" tag might make you less likely to verify age at the time of sale. In that case if the person you're selling to is under 18 you've broken our laws.

The age verification system probably started with good intentions (or possibly this was started by a retailer who wanted to make the classifieds more difficult to access ;>) but it's most certainly misguided.

Plus it's annoying - I want to see some Airsoft porn in the classifieds but I can't because some random kid hasn't checked my id

The funniest part for me is when I decided to buy a used Airsoft gun in Canada the kid I bought it from turned out to be 14 years old. I was expecting at least a 20-something but nope, I went to meet up and see this 14 year old kid. Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking the seller (he was a really good kid), but it kinda caught me off guard!
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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:40   #7
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Originally Posted by fretwire View Post
I'd go so far as to say the "Age Verification" system is careless!!!!

Selling Airsoft guns to someone under 18 is ILLEGAL in Canada. If you sell a gun you should be verifying age at time of sale, not relying on an internet (internet!) forum with a little "Age Verified" tag under someone's name.

Seeing the "Age Verified" tag might make you less likely to verify age at the time of sale. In that case if the person you're selling to is under 18 you've broken our laws.

The age verification system probably started with good intentions (or possibly this was started by a retailer who wanted to make the classifieds more difficult to access ;>) but it's most certainly misguided.

Plus it's annoying - I want to see some Airsoft porn in the classifieds but I can't because some random kid hasn't checked my id

The funniest part for me is when I decided to buy a used Airsoft gun in Canada the kid I bought it from turned out to be 14 years old. I was expecting at least a 20-something but nope, I went to meet up and see this 14 year old kid. Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking the seller (he was a really good kid), but it kinda caught me off guard!
You live in a city with the highest Age Verifier rate out of anywhere in Canada. You have literally no excuse.

Secondly, if you thinik it's "annoying" to get age verified once, how "annoying" do you think it's going to be to verify age for every single transaction. That makes literally no sense.

Go through the small hoop to get the tag, and then no longer worry about what age people may or may not be.

Besides, the age verification tag proves that the person is motivated enough to get off their ass and go and meet a real human being, and it keeps the classifieds a little more free of scammers due to the semi-anonymous nature of the internet.

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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:43   #8
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As other people said, it does save the forum owners and admins various legal headaches by using such a system.

Normally the only people I see complaining about it are people like you - the unverified. You're in Toronto. You should be able to find a verifier at a game pretty dang easily.

Moreover, the people verifying aren't "kids" but usually respected members of the community. You're willing to go out and play a game but you aren't willing to see if a verifier will be there, or if one might be available to take a quick peek at your driver's license down at Tim's? Are you lazy?

Another point is that they do verify the age of the account holder in question, making private transactions easier.

Sure, I can verify someone's age myself in person. But I am in Ontario. What if I am selling a gun to someone in BC? Do I Skype them and ask them to hold their license or health card up to the web cam? Seems like a good way to get your identity stolen. Seriously.

This has to be a troll account.
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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:45   #9
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I've PM'd two people and haven't heard back, but just I PM'd the second a couple of days ago.

PM me if you're offering to take care of it. I want to see pics in the classifieds!!!

Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
You live in a city with the highest Age Verifier rate out of anywhere in Canada. You have literally no excuse.

Secondly, if you thinik it's "annoying" to get age verified once, how "annoying" do you think it's going to be to verify age for every single transaction. That makes literally no sense.

Go through the small hoop to get the tag, and then no longer worry about what age people may or may not be.

Besides, the age verification tag proves that the person is motivated enough to get off their ass and go and meet a real human being, and it keeps the classifieds a little more free of scammers due to the semi-anonymous nature of the internet.
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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:49   #10
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Originally Posted by fretwire View Post
I've PM'd two people and haven't heard back, but just I PM'd the second a couple of days ago.

PM me if you're offering to take care of it. I want to see pics in the classifieds!!!
There are numerous retails that who are AVers as well, next time you go to a shop or a field for a game there is likely one there.
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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:49   #11
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Not to worry this internet thing is a fad I expect it to go away any day now, then all your issues will become non issues.
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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:50   #12
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Originally Posted by fretwire View Post
I've PM'd two people and haven't heard back, but just I PM'd the second a couple of days ago.

PM me if you're offering to take care of it. I want to see pics in the classifieds!!!
Do any of the retailers in Toronto do Age verification? It gives one a chance to check a out a store and browse, plus introduce themselves so they can get a handle on the community, like where and when games happen.

I kind of wish more retailers can do the A/V thing....
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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:52   #13
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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You live in toronto. Im prety sure both toronto airsoft and airsoft depot have av'ers on staff. Just call ahead to confirm. Or at Army issue in port credit The osner there can do it. Hes there if its open 90% of the time.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:55   #14
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Originally Posted by fretwire View Post
I've PM'd two people and haven't heard back, but just I PM'd the second a couple of days ago.

PM me if you're offering to take care of it. I want to see pics in the classifieds!!!

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Old May 24th, 2015, 21:56   #15
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Originally Posted by Chillyrabbit View Post
I kind of wish more retailers can do the A/V thing....
They just need to volunteer to do it and be vetted by some local known members.
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