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I want to build a DMR


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Old May 17th, 2015, 13:43   #1
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I want to build a DMR

Now, I'm pretty new to airsofting. Lots of fun and the such. Suits me a lot better than paintballing ever did too. Now I've been ripping around with a G&G Scar L. This thing is awesome as hell, and perfect for cqb. Downside being it's not very good once things start getting a little distanced. Short barrel could be 'fixed' with a supressor and a new barrel. But I like how compact it all is right now. So I want to build a DMR. Now, I see a lot of people rocking M16s. That's a bit of a turn off for me, so I want something else. So with that being said:

What would you recommend? I was looking at an Ares SL-9 or maybe a Cyma M14 EBR. Something cheap, because I know it will need to be upgraded anyways. I've seen mixed reviews on the M14 and the SL-9 is just tricky to find in general. Opinions or alternate suggestions?

As it's a DMR, when it comes to optics. Is it better to use something like an ACOG or a red dot scope and drop magnifier? Both are pretty cool imo so I was mostly curious.
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Old May 17th, 2015, 14:08   #2
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I know you don't like the M16s, and mine is, but to chime in, I use both a 4x32 scope and an aimpoint M2 with a FTS 3x magnifier, depending on the game. The scope is good for range (keeping in mind that it IS airsoft, so you've got a realistic range limit) and the M2 is good for distance with the magnifier, and flipped to side, good for closer ranges.

It's all in your play style, best is to hang out with guys who have the stuff you're looking for, ask if they'll let you fondle a bit, and see how it suits you. Sometimes its just trial and error.
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Old May 17th, 2015, 14:11   #3
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#1 thing you need to know about building a DMR: barrel length means nothing.
#2 run flat or Rhop and use the heaviest ammo possible. BB weight + hopup equals range and accuracy

The DMR thing is just a look. Long range and excellent accuracy can be achieved on a 10.5" MK18

Optics are all preference. I use a 4x spectreDR for both CQB and field games, it works for me.
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Old May 17th, 2015, 15:11   #4
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-If you are not spending the money and no offense but the brands your mentioning means your not. Do not buy a magnifier unless it's real steel.

-100% agree DMR is a look nothing to do with barrel length.

-Most DMR style rides outside of an m16 or MK18 have proprietary parts and mags that limit your ability to upgrade for distance and consistency.

Your better off buying a higher end M4 brand and upgrading the barrel to a high end tight bore and adding an Rhop then spending a bunch of numerous guns and accessories that will not help with accuracy or consistency.
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Old May 17th, 2015, 15:17   #5
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I dunno about RS optics, I'm willing to put up with the limitations of a $160 phantom gear spectreDR against dropping $2200 on a RS spectreDR =/
I do, however, really fucking want a leupold D-evo lol
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Old May 17th, 2015, 15:31   #6
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I dunno about RS optics, I'm willing to put up with the limitations of a $160 phantom gear spectreDR against dropping $2200 on a RS spectreDR =/
I do, however, really fucking want a leupold D-evo lol
Hence I said real steel if your using a flip to side ; )

Haha and see all my other posts the only optics I use for Airsoft is Vortex because of glass quality and warrenty.
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Old May 17th, 2015, 16:18   #7
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Well lets be real. A lot of Airsoft isn't about how practical it is. It is more about asthetics. Otherwise you'd see people ripping around with Barret M92s or something more often. But I didn't think these brands were anything special really. Cheap is cheap, and you get what you pay for. But I'm looking around my price range right now for a gun, a couple upgrades, an optic (or two in the case of an aimpoint magnified), all without needing to build it over the course of 4 months. And asthetically I like the look of the EBR and the SR-9 quite a bit. Hence why I was looking at them in particular. But perhaps building an M4 would be a good idea. Since most people have one, I'm sure when something goes weong I can get help easily.
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Old May 17th, 2015, 16:24   #8
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ohhhhhh yeah, definitely RS for the flip side optic lol
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Old May 17th, 2015, 18:01   #9
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DMR are long, and most players fail to operate them correctly. often players are sticking the barrel outside of cover giving away their positions, and or perched on a window with the barrel sticking several inches out of the building, not only giving away their positions but also their line of sight. The other issue, you can't snap shot with them when in cover and you typically have to change to a sidearm or close quarters weapon for closer engagements.

optics are all preference and mostly cosmetics in my opinion. At most all you need is a red dot / eotech / reflex sight. The thing with optics, they do not pickup where the bb's drop and due to the sight over reaching the effect bb range players typical forget this and think because they see a target they can hit said target.

m16's , ak's , m4 ' and g36 are the most popular because they are the best mid range weapon systems, they can be used in cqb and used at distances add in a hop up and tight bore barrel and they shoot lasers. Thus why you see everyone rocking the same weapons type.

I would suggest just upgrading your scar l add in a hop up and a tight bore barrel. The difference will be night and day.
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Old May 17th, 2015, 18:18   #10
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I agree that optics can make you mistake your reach, but they are still important for a dm as they grant vision of where the bb lands and allow making adjustments for environment.
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Old May 17th, 2015, 19:20   #11
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Originally Posted by DKD15 View Post
DMR are long, and most players fail to operate them correctly. [...] The other issue, you can't snap shot with them when in cover and you typically have to change to a sidearm or close quarters weapon for closer engagements.
I agree entirely. My DMR is pretty long, like a 24" barrel. With a 15" rail system - even a keymod - it's pretty hefty too. This means you're not going to be swinging it around like you would something smaller, like an MP7... hence why that's what I use for a backup.

Also +1 for barrel length meaning nothing. It's all in the ammo, hop, and TB barrel. I have mine long because that's what I wanted to go for as a preference.
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Old May 17th, 2015, 19:35   #12
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Google magic pointed me at some info saying that barrel length matters to a degree. Apparently around the 450mm mark is supposed to be the sweet spot. But in all cases it's less important than the tight bore and ammo. But again, that's google saying this more than me. It's not that I particularly want a long rifle either. I have a L96 for that. I kinda don't wanna mess with my scar either. I bought it used, and there's apparently a couple bolts stripped when the guy was trying to get into it to do a spring change. So I don't know how easy it will be to spring change it when I drop in a tight bore (as I understand it the tight bore can up your fps, as it did with my L96 from 450 to 510). So I was just thinking of a whole new platform altogether. I like odd platforms too though. Standing out is an odd preference of mine. I guess I'll keep hunting.
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Old May 17th, 2015, 21:01   #13
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My "DMR" is a 14.5" SR15 with a 4x scope lol
Doesn't matter what it's referred to as, the only thing that matters is that at 1.6j it's hitting people accurately at 250ft =p

As far as barrel length, 450 is the sweet spot for a full cylinder in terms of air volume. As for actual accuracy, the type and weight of BB you're using has a far greater effect on accuracy than the length of your barrel. My vector has a wee 5" barrel and it's almost as accurate as my SR15 at 250ft.
Likewise, my pistol has but a 3" barrel and it's deadly accurate at 160ft using .32s
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Old May 17th, 2015, 23:23   #14
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I've owned a few dMR's
TM M14
SR25 upgraded to the nuts (don't reccomend parts are a bitch to find
G&P custom built mk18 with real steal 1-4x

Yet my systema TW5 with 7.5" barrel outranged them all, only one that shot better was my PTW 14" and that was because Az tinkered with my hopup and has a real tackleberry motor.

If your going for look all the power to you same with a unique rifle just be aware you may not be able to upgrade it fully do to proprietary parts and depending on barrel cut Rhops and ERhops can because a chore.

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Old May 23rd, 2015, 00:28   #15
DICE Airsoft
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Get a higher end 14.5 inch carbine M4, like a Vfc or G&P, upgrade the inner barrel and hop up bucking, and add a variable zoom optic, or a decent red dot with a flip to side magnifier. I'd personally add a 12 or 13 inch rail instead of the standard handguard, but that's personal preference.
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