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A&K svd dragunov double feeding ULTIMATE SOLUTION!


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Old April 22nd, 2011, 12:54   #1
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Quebec, Qc
Cool A&K svd dragunov double feeding ULTIMATE SOLUTION!

Hi there!

I bought a nice A&K svd dragunov from another guy on ASC 3 weeks ago and after I adjusted the hop-up, it begins double-feeding.

So I tried MANY MANY things and I just invented a real way to make it stop double-feeding.

First: Make sure your hop-up screw didn't broke the little silicone tube under it. This white tube is really fragile and if you put to much stress on it, it will tear. If it's broken (like mine was) just take an old Wiimote silicone cover, cut a tube, insert it in the hole. Also, take another mini piece and place it right under the screw so the metal won't eat your brand new homemade silicone nub!

Second: Use a 6mm drill to increase the gap that is supposed to maintain the BB in the chamber before the nozzle comes back and pushes it in the bucking.

Third: Insert a little bag wrap under your bucking just like in this picture so it will put a little more pressure on the front of the BB before it enters the bucking.

Fourth: Put some black tape over the wrap part that's coming out and also over the o-ring. It should increase your fps in the same way.

VOILA! From now your svd dragunov should be perfect! I tested it again and again and it never misfeeded. I must warn you that your bucking will probably have to be changed more frequently because of the nozzle pushing harder on it. If so, I suggest you choose a tougher one.

I hope it helped you and if it worked for you too, share with others!

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Old May 14th, 2015, 17:40   #2
Join Date: May 2015
I have The same issue with my ASG SVD, i did the little hole with 5mm, but The problem wasnt solved. The doublefeed persist. I see that The hop has space to put more than 1 BB inside in same time, i believe that it is The problem. My question is: The bucking shouldn t hold just 1 BB per time?
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Old May 31st, 2015, 10:57   #3
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Quebec, Qc
yep it shouldn't allow more than 1 bb at the time.

The magazine is pushing hard on bbs. The lips of the bucking are supposed to block the bb before it is chambered. I never understood why a bolt action like this doesn't have a magazine with lips just like the Gbbr version has.

I've upgraded my svd chamber since this post with the red one from Airsoftpro and the double feed was still going. It seems to me that to stop completely the double feed, it would need a completely different bucking setup or magazine. The bag wrap mod is really the best solution I've come across.

I think too that the whole barrel assembly tends to move upfront when you release the bolt. The Bbs are then pushed with a little forward angle and are chambered with a "stairs" patern increasing the double feed risk. I'll try this week to keep the airsoftpro chamber and put a washer or another oring to fix the barrel further back.
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Old June 13th, 2015, 22:11   #4
Join Date: May 2015
Originally Posted by Bozzytactiks View Post
yep it shouldn't allow more than 1 bb at the time.

The magazine is pushing hard on bbs. The lips of the bucking are supposed to block the bb before it is chambered. I never understood why a bolt action like this doesn't have a magazine with lips just like the Gbbr version has.

I've upgraded my svd chamber since this post with the red one from Airsoftpro and the double feed was still going. It seems to me that to stop completely the double feed, it would need a completely different bucking setup or magazine. The bag wrap mod is really the best solution I've come across.

I think too that the whole barrel assembly tends to move upfront when you release the bolt. The Bbs are then pushed with a little forward angle and are chambered with a "stairs" patern increasing the double feed risk. I'll try this week to keep the airsoftpro chamber and put a washer or another oring to fix the barrel further back.
Do you still have the doublefeed issue?

I want to compare my hop up with another sniper. My hop up is like the image bellow:

Do you know what hop up model is compatible with this gun?
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Old February 5th, 2016, 12:20   #5
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Originally Posted by Winchester View Post
Do you still have the doublefeed issue?

I want to compare my hop up with another sniper. My hop up is like the image bellow:

Do you know what hop up model is compatible with this gun?
After all this time, all I can say that is a piece of shit! Comparing with another models, it doesn't have any mechanism to "hold" only a bb per time. Even worse, that side hole that enter the nozzle to make the shot, allows the bb's escape from there, causing some bb's stays stuck there and keeps the nozzle to complete its entire course when you trigger. Take a look in the A&K new hopup models, it's completely different.

Sorry, but I'm starting to believe that it's a terrible design flaw and there is no way to solve 100%. Worst of all, the models that use this hopup in the picture above (ARES-SVD, for example), there isn't compatible models. I tried to use the A&K ones, didn't work.

Last edited by Winchester; February 5th, 2016 at 12:28..
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Old June 6th, 2016, 20:24   #6
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Location: Quebec, Qc
Yes still having double feed issues. I'm not using it anymore. Just a nice wall hanger. The double feed happen 1 out of 5 shots but this is really a bad thing when every bullet counts.

The front assembly keeps wobbling even after I've added strong screws and lock tight. Bad design unfortunately. The Bag Wrap still did the job with the old chamber hahaha
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Old June 6th, 2016, 20:59   #7
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Buy this….


Enjoy non-double feeding game play.

Thank me.

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Old June 6th, 2016, 22:34   #8
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Comme Boche a dit , vas-y avec la chambre hop up airsoftpro et tu aura plus de trouble .J'en ai mis dans mes 4 mécanique svd A&K et c'est nickel .A+ l'ami.

Sniper level 2 ( 8 august 2015 )
ww2Qué axis scharfschützen.
A&K svt40 (2),A&K svd , A&K svd Lynx part custom, pps kar98k .
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