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Getting a airsoft "sniper" rifle as a backup


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Old May 7th, 2015, 23:12   #1
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Getting a airsoft "sniper" rifle as a backup


After a long ass semester of schooling, I start to wonder whether or not buying a bolt action is a good option for a backup weapon. I know it's a weapon that's meant for a shit ton of upgrades, but I'm just not going to upgrade it at all. Reason being I want to get one of my friends to play with us. I work at a hunting store, so I get crappy air rifle scopes for cheap or even free (not really that crappy actually, I just looked through one, really clear and good 3-9 zoom and 40mm)

my friend don't want to spend any money on gear or gun (nor rent, because panther became pretty darn expensive in 2015) I have to provide him something to play with. Most likely I will end up using the cheap $100 bolt action and giving him the AEG to play with and hoping he would buy some gear to play with us.

gonna buy the FN Herstal SPR A5M, probably the cheapest across Canada with free shipping..

Anyone think this is a good idea? :wink: I don't want to buy him an $200-$300 AEG LOL...

my friend (different one) who plays with me regularly is quiting airsoft just because he heard panther's drop-in fee is $25 now instead of $10 along with richmond not doing airsoft anymore...he said he is gonna buy a cheap ass clear soft shotgun to play with me once in in the end I might even have to give up because I like to play with friends

*Edit* Bought a IWI Tar-21 Eilte, not getting a bolt anymore. gonna install the 3-9x40mm scope on there to make it look stupid LOL but functional.

Last edited by Slodin; May 9th, 2015 at 15:59..
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Old May 7th, 2015, 23:26   #2
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find new friends. lol.

if you're going to buy a springer sniper at least get one that will have parts when it breaks.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old May 8th, 2015, 00:07   #3
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Drop-in at $25? You guys have it cheap there, in GTA, all fields decided to go ballistic and now drop-in on average is around ~35 - 40$... Talk about a hike from $15...
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Old May 8th, 2015, 00:26   #4
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
find new friends. lol.

if you're going to buy a springer sniper at least get one that will have parts when it breaks.
new friends..probably not. I found that after many years, it's really hard to make friends that stick anymore. We usually go out and play pool, that's more expensive than playing airsoft really hour for $15, usually stay for 3 hours..which is funny..

It says the rifle takes vsr-10 stuff aside from hopup and tigger (takes a bit of mod apparently for hopup unit)... those gas semi or bolt look so sweet in US, but a bit too expensive here. Rather not get myself blacklisted and nexus revoked just for an airsoft gun....

Originally Posted by GR View Post
Drop-in at $25? You guys have it cheap there, in GTA, all fields decided to go ballistic and now drop-in on average is around ~35 - 40$... Talk about a hike from $15...
yeah well, from $10, that's big increase. personally I like indoors, but we don't have them anymore..I mean to be fair, panther went ahead and renovated the place. I'm alright for $25 drop in, although $10-$15 would be sweet like last year..
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Old May 8th, 2015, 00:40   #5
a.k.a. Greedy
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I don't see him having much fun with that gun, he'll be horribly out gunned by everyone on the field. Probably not the best gun to give a beginner if your intent is to get him into airsoft.

My guess is that it won't be long before you're wanting your money back. Get a G&G Combat Machine, it's money well spent ($165) it's a great beginner/backup gun, great value for the price.

Last edited by Kozzie; May 8th, 2015 at 03:18..
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Old May 8th, 2015, 01:48   #6
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The SPR is a good gun, all trigger/cylinder parts are VSR compatible.
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Old May 8th, 2015, 02:59   #7
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A non-upgraded spring sniper? You'd be better off throwing BBs at people. I had a similar issue so I bought a couple extra AEGs, they are a much better loaner and backup. I've a had a fully upgraded TM L96, total cost would've put me at over $1,400 and it still wasn't precision enough to be worth my time. They are only fun if they are crack accurate and you want to be in the top 1% on the field for distance.

If you're set on buying a cheap one, then get one that is 100% TM VSR compatible. At least later on you can tinker with it and make it viable.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old May 8th, 2015, 03:04   #8
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First, read this and refer it to your friends:

Then, reread this:
Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
find new friends. lol.
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Old May 8th, 2015, 03:38   #9
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Originally Posted by Kozzie View Post
I don't see him having much fun with that gun, he'll be horribly out gunned by everyone on the field. Probably not the best gun to give a beginner. Especially if your intent is to get him into airsoft.

My guess is that it won't be long before you're wanting your money back. Get a G&G Combat Machine, it's money well spent ($175).
Oh no, I will be using it..although I see myself probably reaching for my pistol more than often...He will use my upgraded AEG..I don't think I can expect him to use a meh rifle. Only reason being I hate high cap, and I only have 1 set of vest and pouches for my AEG, so buying another AEG requires alot of accessories..although I see where you are coming from..I'm having that debate in my head too lol

Originally Posted by iKliiu View Post
The SPR is a good gun, all trigger/cylinder parts are VSR compatible.
Um..that's what I hear often

Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
A non-upgraded spring sniper? You'd be better off throwing BBs at people. I had a similar issue so I bought a couple extra AEGs, they are a much better loaner and backup. I've a had a fully upgraded TM L96, total cost would've put me at over $1,400 and it still wasn't precision enough to be worth my time. They are only fun if they are crack accurate and you want to be in the top 1% on the field for distance.

If you're set on buying a cheap one, then get one that is 100% TM VSR compatible. At least later on you can tinker with it and make it viable.
I did read your post on that sniper stuff. I'm fully aware I will be out gunned and even out ranged in most cases. Yeah, I messaged a guy on the forum earlier for a VSR, which would be good. Although I actually thinking about buying a Elite Force Tar-21 Elite off someone for a okay amount. If that works, I'd probably ditch the rifle idea..and just add the scope to the tar-21 ..just for the fact that if i get the VSR, its cost and shipping + mags and the price of sniper upgrades, it's just not worth it..whereas AEG upgrades seems a lot cheaper..(I'm new to the upgrading stuff)

Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
First, read this and refer it to your friends:

Then, reread this:
dude, i read the first one like long ago..and he made good points. However, the new friends is just no..if they come they come, I'm not a type of person to go out and make friends just for the sake of doing something with another person.
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Old May 8th, 2015, 04:13   #10
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Originally Posted by GR View Post
Drop-in at $25? You guys have it cheap there, in GTA, all fields decided to go ballistic and now drop-in on average is around ~35 - 40$... Talk about a hike from $15...
Lol... it's actually closer to $35 atm. $25 is entry, mandatory field bbs but free shitty bb's til end of the month. After that, shitty bb's are $15 per 1000, which jacks the price up closer to $45 after tax.

Mind you its an outdoor field that's barely had any changes in a decade (though they paved rhe driveway recently) and doubles as a paintball field. Gameplay is shitty as hell as of late after milsig's acquisition of the field and it's pretty much the ONLY field available at all, so they've got a bit of a monopoly going on...

Compared to you guys in the GTA, you've got a number of GOOD indoor and outdoor fields for pretty much the same price... with people who can actually run a decent game.

So yeah... bit of a rant.

Bit back on topic... you're really better off getting a cheap AEG for yourself and borrowing a couple of high caps for you buddy. First game, keep it simple. Don't recommend slapping a bunch of gear they're not used to on them. Most noobs run around with an AEG and a high cap and it works pretty well. BA's are fun for plinking but unless you upgrade them, they're fairly useless on the field, especially with the all the ignore MED full auto spray and pray attitude I've seen at that field lately...
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old May 8th, 2015, 09:10   #11
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Ifbyoubare going to get a bolt action i would suggest a tm. Sure there are alot of clones but the consistancy of them sucks. Even upgraded they lack compared to a TM
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old May 8th, 2015, 12:18   #12
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Just get a cheap AEG with a couple of hi cap Mags and your friend will have fun.

Instead of Panther, have you tried Ambush?
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Old May 8th, 2015, 17:55   #13
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
Lol... it's actually closer to $35 atm. $25 is entry, mandatory field bbs but free shitty bb's til end of the month. After that, shitty bb's are $15 per 1000, which jacks the price up closer to $45 after tax.

Mind you its an outdoor field that's barely had any changes in a decade (though they paved rhe driveway recently) and doubles as a paintball field. Gameplay is shitty as hell as of late after milsig's acquisition of the field and it's pretty much the ONLY field available at all, so they've got a bit of a monopoly going on...

Compared to you guys in the GTA, you've got a number of GOOD indoor and outdoor fields for pretty much the same price... with people who can actually run a decent game.

So yeah... bit of a rant.

Bit back on topic... you're really better off getting a cheap AEG for yourself and borrowing a couple of high caps for you buddy. First game, keep it simple. Don't recommend slapping a bunch of gear they're not used to on them. Most noobs run around with an AEG and a high cap and it works pretty well. BA's are fun for plinking but unless you upgrade them, they're fairly useless on the field, especially with the all the ignore MED full auto spray and pray attitude I've seen at that field lately...
HAHA, that's exactly the thought for me! They made it into a monopoly, being just a bit cheaper than ambush (not sure if ambush allow outside BBs), if yes, then I would just go to ambush since its just a few streets away from my house, thus reducing my gas usage. I still find it funny that people don't wear head protection in panther and only expose their head then expecting people not to shoot them in the face.

Really wish there is a field here that doesn't get paint all over my stuff, it's annoying sharing with paintball stuff, but that's how it is, and it's gonna stay probably. Yeah, I'm just gonna buy a IWI Tar-21 elite with some mid-cap mags from someone. Its about 130 bucks more than that stupid bolt sniper, but I'm sure he can have fun with this one...I just thought to myself last night..I work pretty hard, why not get something nice..just add it to my own collection..Although I have to disable the EBB function of that gun..(I always wanted a tar-21, but it seems that EBB is the best one)

Originally Posted by Hectic View Post
Ifbyoubare going to get a bolt action i would suggest a tm. Sure there are alot of clones but the consistancy of them sucks. Even upgraded they lack compared to a TM
Yeah, I think I'm scraping the idea...:wink: it will become too expensive. I might get it for my dad to shoot targets at home. We never have the time to go to the shooting range to let off steam cause of our work times.

Originally Posted by TurlteRaph View Post
Just get a cheap AEG with a couple of hi cap Mags and your friend will have fun.

Instead of Panther, have you tried Ambush?
I might try there if they allow our own BB..I don't know how there fields and games are..I go to panther alot because I started off playing paintball there. Then I noticed they were doing airsoft, switched in a heart beat.
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Old May 8th, 2015, 19:44   #14
a.k.a. Greedy
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Originally Posted by Slodin View Post
Oh no, I will be using it..although I see myself probably reaching for my pistol more than often...He will use my upgraded AEG..I don't think I can expect him to use a meh rifle. Only reason being I hate high cap, and I only have 1 set of vest and pouches for my AEG, so buying another AEG requires alot of accessories..although I see where you are coming from..I'm having that debate in my head too lol
What type of AEG do you have now? If it's an M4 (buying a G&G Combat Machine) you won't need extra mags or pouches to use it. If you don't like high-caps give your friend the Combat Machine w/a high-cap to use until he decides if he's into it or not, then he can buy his own gear/gun/mags etc. You could even sell him the Combat Machine. Outdoors, I think you'll find that you're really outgunned with a pistol as well.

But.. If you like it, and If you want to buy that gun, then buy it. If you're looking for people to tell you to get it, and that it's a good buy, you're not going to find what you're looking for. It's not going to be great out of the box, it's not a great platform to upgrade (if you decide to do that).
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Old May 8th, 2015, 23:52   #15
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Originally Posted by Kozzie View Post
What type of AEG do you have now? If it's an M4 (buying a G&G Combat Machine) you won't need extra mags or pouches to use it. If you don't like high-caps give your friend the Combat Machine w/a high-cap to use until he decides if he's into it or not, then he can buy his own gear/gun/mags etc. You could even sell him the Combat Machine. Outdoors, I think you'll find that you're really outgunned with a pistol as well.

But.. If you like it, and If you want to buy that gun, then buy it. If you're looking for people to tell you to get it, and that it's a good buy, you're not going to find what you're looking for. It's not going to be great out of the box, it's not a great platform to upgrade (if you decide to do that).
I have a upgraded P90, I just bought a I don't need to buy a bolt action anymore. Although I prefer the Tar-21 outdoors more. Now i just need to get a scope and i'm all set..I forgot my other friend still has some left over m4 pouches..since Tar-21 uses those mags..
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