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Tippmann M4 Leaking - Anyone else? SOLVED!


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Old April 29th, 2015, 22:48   #1
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Tippmann M4 Leaking - Anyone else? SOLVED!

(EDIT - Issue has been solved. I finally narrowed down the leak to a bad Input Fitting. It's the silver piece that feeds into the top receiver and connects to the black internal air line. It's attached to the puncture valve. I checked my seals before use, oiled them, everything you should do. Tried Teflon tape etc... Seems as if my Input Fitting was over machined as it fits loosely where it attaches to the brass gas line. Tippmann sent the new part free of charge and it fits much tighter. Thanks all for your Input! ...No pun intended..)


First time poster, longtime reader. If this is breaking any rules, please let me know and I'll fix whatever needs fixing. Haven't found any other threads about this particular issue...

Does anyone else have experience with a leaking Tippmann M4?


So...recently got a Tippmann M4. Out of the box it leaks unfortunately when I use a 12g. I have only used 12g carts and plan to stick with these. Can't test with anything else.

The leak begins when I first push the mag in. Leaks quietly for a few seconds and usually stops. Sometimes it only stops after the first shot or two. Airing up?

After about 20-40 shots (takes less if shot fast), the quiet leak comes back and doesn't go away.

I've been in contact with Tippmann for the past couple weeks as well as the Tippmann Airsoft Owner's group on facebook, yet can't figure it out. They're super helpful though.

Things I've tried...

-Putting some tape under the 12g to keep it against the seal, hasn't worked.
-Put Teflon tape around the top of the 12g to keep the seal, no luck.
-Put Telfon tape on many places to stop leaking, no luck there.
-Made sure to oil/grease every o-ring and spring that requires it, no luck.
-Found only one seal with some damage (ROF screw seal) and replaced it, leak appeared to be less after this, but I've been told this seal should not affect the's the closest I've thought to have been finding the issue...
-Taken the entire thing apart and back together again looking for problems, but everything looks good.

I'm still in contact with Tippmann, but I'm pretty down about this. Really want to get this thing game ready!

Anyway, I should mention that there is some plastic worn away where the ROF seal sits--it was also the seal I found missing a chunk out of it. I've been told this seal shouldn't have anything to do with a leak, but I'm curious why it's there?

I'm going to either fix this or send it back, I'm just stumped! Any thoughts and ideas are very much appreciated.

At this point, I would really like to know if anyone else has had such an issue?

Thanks again

Last edited by shreddybear; May 12th, 2015 at 19:57.. Reason: SOLVED-GO TO PAGE 2!!!
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Old April 30th, 2015, 03:39   #2
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A couple of people have them on the forum so hopefully they can chime in but in the meantime I recommend trying the Airsoft Mechanics forum for answers, much more technical overall in that forum.
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Old April 30th, 2015, 08:41   #3
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ASM is more of an AEG tech haven, you probably won't find help for a tippman there
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old April 30th, 2015, 08:44   #4
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Originally Posted by shreddybear View Post

Things I've tried...

-Putting some tape under the 12g to keep it against the seal, hasn't worked.
-Put Teflon tape around the top of the 12g to keep the seal, no luck.
-Put Telfon tape on many places to stop leaking, no luck there.
-Made sure to oil/grease every o-ring and spring that requires it, no luck.
-Found only one seal with some damage (ROF screw seal) and replaced it, leak appeared to be less after this, but I've been told this seal should not affect the's the closest I've thought to have been finding the issue...
-Taken the entire thing apart and back together again looking for problems, but everything looks good.

I'm still in contact with Tippmann, but I'm pretty down about this. Really want to get this thing game ready!
It is a paintball gun. Just change the seals where it leaks.
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Old April 30th, 2015, 09:40   #5
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O-rings probably dried up while it was sitting or during shipping, you may need to ask Tippmann to send you a whole new set - they are good on the RMA part,. Just call them.

I would of just got a refund from the retailer you bought it from when you noticed problems ASAP.
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Old April 30th, 2015, 11:39   #6
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Yeah if it was leaking/broken out of the box, why not take it back or ask the retailer about it?

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Old April 30th, 2015, 17:50   #7
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Thanks all.

I'm actually in contact with Tippmann and the Shop I got it from. Thing is, I got it online and shipping to send it back would likely cost about 50-60 bucks.

Checked all the o-rings many times, they seem good to go, it's hard to say. I'm waiting on Tippmann to hopefully send me some seals and whatnot, so we'll see.

Anyway, I've checked and re-checked the seals, they are all good. I have tried many different things, but no luck. At this point I'm just curious if anyone else is having issues.

Thanks again, all replies and info help. I'm going to keep trying to figure this thing out, but it's strange. I've fixed many airgun leaks before, don't know why this is beyond me.

Thanks all

Last edited by shreddybear; May 13th, 2015 at 17:25.. Reason: SOLVED
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Old May 6th, 2015, 19:51   #8
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In case anyone was wondering...

Received a new puncture valve from Tippmann, but no luck. I actually got one full mag off with no leaks (first attempt using the new and lubed valve). Second mag, leak problem is back. Rings are still good, everything is lubed.

I'm thinking it might be the Input Fitting. I was hoping I would've received one of these with the valve, but no biggy. I'm seeing if they're willing to send me one.

The Input Fitting sits on the internal gas line. It has no seal on the internal gas line where it sits. I'm thinking the leak could be happening here. That and the fact that my input fitting sits on the brass gas line (the one attached to the puncture valve, not the black internal gas line the input fitting sits on) a little loosely--comes off without much effort.

Thanks again for any and all info. Might have to send it back if the Input Fitting doesn't do the trick. Inspected this gun many times, no luck.
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Old May 6th, 2015, 20:33   #9
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The upside is Tippmanns waranty is great so you'll be taken care of. The downside, almost everybody runs them with HPA lines so few have experience to help you. Myself and 5 other teammates have them and I think only one of us ever even tested the CO2 before switching it over to HPA.
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Old May 6th, 2015, 21:32   #10
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For sure

Thanks for posting! Yeah, I know CO2 isn't the popular choice here. Love the thing aside from the leak.

I think it's the Input Fitting losing it's seal (sits on the internal gas line). I actually got two mags off today with no leak, and this was after inspecting the inside of the Input Fitting again and finding small plastic/metal shavings between the oring and metal wall (inside of the fitting). Seems as if it's not staying secure after a few shots. Shooting fast also causes the leak to come back faster. Maybe something to do with cool down shrinking the oring or the dropped pressure.

I think there must be some shaved or cracked metal on the fitting which would explain why the seal isn't as good as it could be despite the good oring. Oring is lubed and looks good at the base of the fitting, but it's also a bit loose fitting on the brass gas line of the puncture valve.

Hopefully I can get a new one and this will be the end of the problem.

Anyway, thanks everyone for posting. Main reason I'm still posting this is for anyone else who might experience a similar issue. Might as well be a problem with your Input Fitting if you do!

...Then again, maybe not. When it's all resolved I'll post back.

Thanks again!
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Old May 6th, 2015, 22:13   #11
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soapy water and a spray bottle can't help you pin down exactly where it's coming from?
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old May 7th, 2015, 07:17   #12
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I have one and out of the box i think i had to oil up the O rings (as to be expected), adjust the rate of fire and fps. other than that no issues. When i ran into problems i found a complete teardown, inspection, and reassemble would fix the problem. Have a look on facebook for the tippmann airsoft owners group they have a ton of knowledge and others might have ran into a similar problem.

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Old May 7th, 2015, 10:14   #13
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Where does the leak sound like its coming from exactly??

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Old May 10th, 2015, 01:54   #14
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Thanks everyone.

I'm pretty sure the leak is coming from the Input Fitting. Soapy water trick is a bit tough here because it seems to be happening where I wouldn't be able to see it as I can't open it up while gassed. Can't feel the leak anywhere, so I don't think I'd be able to see it with that method. Thanks tho.

Did a complete oiling and tear down a few times. Oiled and greased it before I used it (not a complete tear down before the first time it was used, just a bit of oil here and there).

I think the issue is that I'm not getting a good enough seal where the Input Fitting sits (silver fitting that sits on the black internal gas line). Oring is good, but leak persists. Seems it somehow manages to slide up a wee bit, really hard to say. I think the oring might be shrinking slightly under the cold temps b/c of the CO2. Tried Teflon tape but it didn't seem to help.

Been in contact with Tippman and have been on the Owners FB page for awhile, great little site there!

I'll post back with any updates, thanks again for sharing your experiences so far.

Last edited by shreddybear; May 13th, 2015 at 17:26.. Reason: SOLVED
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Old May 10th, 2015, 01:56   #15
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Leak sounds like it's coming from the centre area behind the magwell. Around where the ROF adjustment and silver Input Fitting are located.

Last edited by shreddybear; May 13th, 2015 at 17:26.. Reason: SOLVED
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