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What all a basic airsoft bundle will consist of?



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Old March 30th, 2015, 12:56   #1
Join Date: Mar 2015
What all a basic airsoft bundle will consist of?

Hi, I'm planning to buy a combat bundle for my cousin and I need the list of gears that will be included in a basic combat bundle. How much does it cost and he being a beginner have the gears which are user friendly for a newbie. I guess buying it through airsoft online stores will be much cheaper than buying it from stores, what say? I would appreciate some good advices on this matter. Thank you!!
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Old March 30th, 2015, 13:24   #2
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What kind of airsoft are you doing? Where are you playing and whom are you playing with? What's your budget? There's a ridiculous amount of information on here, so try using the search bar and read, read, read.

Start with a reliable gun and proper ballistic eyewear.

- G&G Combat Machines are pretty cheap at around $150 - $300 (that doesn't include batteries, magazines, ammo, a charger, etc)

- Smith Optics Boogie Regulators are good ballistic protection. Or you can get a good set of paintball goggles.

- to get a decent set of camo, pouches, load eating gear, magazines, hat, gun and upgrades, sling, etc, etc, etc, you're looking at around $600 - $1,000.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old March 30th, 2015, 13:25   #3
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Originally Posted by Fredlight View Post
Hi, I'm planning to buy a combat bundle for my cousin and I need the list of gears that will be included in a basic combat bundle. How much does it cost and he being a beginner have the gears which are user friendly for a newbie. I guess buying it through airsoft online stores will be much cheaper than buying it from stores, what say? I would appreciate some good advices on this matter. Thank you!!
First, don't post links to stores outside of AV'd areas.

Second, there's no difference buying them from online stores or going to the physical storefront because if you'd taken 10 seconds to look at the site, they have both an online store AND a physical storefront. The prices are EXACTLY the same. An online store is still a store. Genius.

Your bundle can run from $500 and up depending on what you're looking for. Give more info.
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Old March 30th, 2015, 13:31   #4
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Some stores will give you a deal, and do cash cash deals. Some stores that are local in Toronto. Google will result in airsoft stores in your area.

There's also a ton of information using the search tool on ASC, specifically the newbie area of the forums.
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Old March 30th, 2015, 13:33   #5
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What is specifically needed to play?
Barebonesest version.
-Quality eye protection
Views are my own.

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Old March 30th, 2015, 14:52   #6
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Originally Posted by scottyfox View Post
What is specifically needed to play?
Barebonesest version.
-Quality eye protection

What he said. Same for gas, bring a propane torch tank and adapter; you're good to go.
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Old March 30th, 2015, 16:52   #7
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It will consist of:

MODT - tu fui ego eris
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Old March 30th, 2015, 19:23   #8
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I have spent less than 600 $ ( arround 400 $) like Ricochet said and I am happy with my kit. I guess it depend if you want to go top gear from the begining.

For example, Camo shirts from Truspec cost about 90 $. I paid 10 for a used woodland shirt. I bough new woodland camo pants for 45 $. The same goes for the rest of equipement. If you choose brand like Rothco and condor, it will still get the job done. The only thing I did not compromise was a smart charger and a lipo battery for my Cyma AK74U.

I know that many members here insist on getting expensives gears, my experience was good with entry level gears ( I must say that it was mainly CQB games).

Last edited by Enthusiast; March 30th, 2015 at 19:31..
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Old March 31st, 2015, 00:40   #9
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
What kind of airsoft are you doing? Where are you playing and whom are you playing with? What's your budget? There's a ridiculous amount of information on here, so try using the search bar and read, read, read.

Start with a reliable gun and proper ballistic eyewear.

- G&G Combat Machines are pretty cheap at around $150 - $300 (that doesn't include batteries, magazines, ammo, a charger, etc)

- Smith Optics Boogie Regulators are good ballistic protection. Or you can get a good set of paintball goggles.

- to get a decent set of camo, pouches, load eating gear, magazines, hat, gun and upgrades, sling, etc, etc, etc, you're looking at around $600 - $1,000.
Hi Ricochet, I appreciate the input you gave but to your queries I'm not sure what to say. I'm a toddler in the airsoft world and I'm here for info on which I can buy my cousin a basic combat bundle. He is a crazy fella about combat games and I thought of giving him much better option, going live. Would you mind explaining the types of airsofts are there? I guess you mean by CO2, gas etc. is that the types you meant? I don't mind about the budget, $1000 is affordable.
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Old March 31st, 2015, 00:46   #10
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Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
First, don't post links to stores outside of AV'd areas.

Second, there's no difference buying them from online stores or going to the physical storefront because if you'd taken 10 seconds to look at the site, they have both an online store AND a physical storefront. The prices are EXACTLY the same. An online store is still a store. Genius.

Your bundle can run from $500 and up depending on what you're looking for. Give more info.
Really, I thought onlines are cheaper and the one I gave was the one I found while browsing around. They have a store in a reachable distance from mine, so that was also an option I had. Anyways thanks for the info. I have a budget of around $1000 and I don't know what all basic gadgets would be in need. My thoughts, a primary weapon, a secondary weapon, magazines, batteries, protection etc. Will these cross my budget range and what about basic gears one would be needing?
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Old March 31st, 2015, 00:47   #11
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Some stores will give you a deal, and do cash cash deals. Some stores that are local in Toronto. Google will result in airsoft stores in your area.

There's also a ton of information using the search tool on ASC, specifically the newbie area of the forums.
Great! Thanks :tup:
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Old March 31st, 2015, 00:50   #12
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Originally Posted by siggypoo View Post
What he said. Same for gas, bring a propane torch tank and adapter; you're good to go.
That make sense.. Thanks
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Old March 31st, 2015, 00:51   #13
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by Enthusiast View Post
I have spent less than 600 $ ( arround 400 $) like Ricochet said and I am happy with my kit. I guess it depend if you want to go top gear from the begining.

For example, Camo shirts from Truspec cost about 90 $. I paid 10 for a used woodland shirt. I bough new woodland camo pants for 45 $. The same goes for the rest of equipement. If you choose brand like Rothco and condor, it will still get the job done. The only thing I did not compromise was a smart charger and a lipo battery for my Cyma AK74U.

I know that many members here insist on getting expensives gears, my experience was good with entry level gears ( I must say that it was mainly CQB games).
Thanks for the tip Enthusiast
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Old March 31st, 2015, 01:00   #14
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Pretty much this but it does need a lot of updating:

$1000 these days is perfect to start with. You could start as low as $600 but with more you get more/better stuff. It's like buying lighters, sure a Bic will work (your basic $600 kit) but even better might be the $10 jet lighters from Canadian Tire (what you could get for $1000) then even better than that might be a zippo or whatever (when you start to get into PTW's, Classic Airsoft, and tuned to the tits GBBR's and such).

My opinion, get a good primary. The King Arms Metal body I think can be found for like $260 on sale sometimes. Forego the secondary for now I rarely use mine. You probably get a hi-cap with the gun so you can use that for now or get a couple mid caps (probably like $12-15 each) and a speedloader ($10). Grab a couple of 7.4V Lipos from Hobbyking and one of the basic smart chargers note it doesn't have advanced features (like capability to charge different chemistries) but it will charge and balance your lipo battery and trickle charge when it's done. You'll want good boots with ankle protection to prevent injuries and of course you'll want either ballistic glasses with a mesh lower mask or a paintball mask (the JT Flex8 or ProFlex is the one that most people go with). Then whatever else you want to get, that could be a chestrig or a plate carrier or just going with a battlebelt and running super light/high speed.

BTW you don't need to quadruple post. Just multiquote or thank everyone once.
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Old April 9th, 2015, 14:07   #15
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Originally Posted by scottyfox View Post
What is specifically needed to play?
Barebonesest version.
-Quality eye protection
+1, extend that eye to face if you intend to cqb,
anything else is extra, you can play a mean terrorist with the above + jeans and a good scarf.
For everything else just go to some games and see what people are using. Get some opinions on things you like and only then buy
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