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Help me finish my M4!


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Old March 29th, 2015, 11:51   #1
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Fredericton
Help me finish my M4!

Anyone wanna help me finish my M4?
It's a king arms Tanker mod originally.
Here's a little bit about it and what I had put into it.
-madbull 300mm 6.03 tb barrel
***-Modify S100 spring
-Prometheus air seal bucking (soft grey one)
-GATE PicoAAB AEG Mosfet Unit (wired into the rear switch assembly)
-Lonex V2 bearing spring guide
-ZCI Type 2 cylinder ("M4 hole" - 229-430mm)
-Low resistance silver wiring of some sort
-Lonex V2 Buttstock Switch Assembly
***-ZCI M4 Nozzle with internal O-ring
***-Sorbo buddy (can't remember what but it's too big anyways)
Now here is where the gun needs some tweaking...
The air nozzle is too long, mag won't feed.
Gun is shooting low when you can get it too feed @ about 350 fps
and I'm aiming for just under 380 fps.
I shaved some teeth on the stock piston to correct AOE
but with my current piston head problems with the sorbo being too big
I'm gonna just end up ordering a new piston head and piston.
I hear the King arms motor isn't that great, strongly considering getting a new one. Just not sure I'm ready to switch to lipo yet so what are my options while sticking to 9.6v nunchuck types?
Probably gonna grab a new cylinder head at the same time..
Also tried sanding the tappet plate as a mod, wondering if that could also be the reason my nozzle is too long.
Probably just gonna grab a new one considering they're like $5
I also hear that the particular hand-grip I have doesn't hold the motor at a great angle..
Possibly bought the wrong spring as well... looking at the modify s110 currently.
So, parts I'm mulling over are:
-new piston
-new piston head
-new motor
-new air nozzle
-new cylinder head
-new hand grip (something basic probably just an mk18 kinda deal with the
one finger grip bump thing)
Open to any other suggestions and advice. I'm new to the upgrading world.
Not looking to spend a fortune either but doing my best to get my gun to the bottom of the pretty decent pile.
My goals are:
375 fps (under 380 as thats my fields limit for full auto)
with a medium rof ~ 20 to 25 tops nothing crazy but want that upgraded feels.
Also worth mentioning is that I shoot a mix between semi and auto..
Trying to keep it balanced rather than for only auto or only semi.
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Old March 29th, 2015, 12:48   #2
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: The Shwa
did you replace the cheap spring guide?
also a 100 spring should net you around 350fps, you want just under 380 get a 110
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Old March 29th, 2015, 13:15   #3
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Dude could you have formatted the post a bit better? Newlines are great but it's easier to read with full linebreaks. But other than that here's my advice.

Can you make sure you have the right nozzle for the correct gun? Unless it's the stock one in which case either the tappet return spring isn't strong enough to return properly or you might need to get a sector gear delay chip.

Go with an M110 spring for the FPS you're trying to achieve. I think you should be able to hit it with the Modify S110+ or your choice of spring (BTW the S100 should theoretically only net you about 330 FPS but that said I do remember the Modify spring ratings tended to be on the higher side, I've heard of the Modify S120+ getting like 420 FPS, try something like a Guarder M110 or SystemA M110).

Get a new motor if you want. There's plenty of options out there but seems like everyones jumping onto the ZCI Balance motors lately. The battery chemistry you use is independent of the motor. Theoretically I could use a 7.4V on the stock KA motor or a 10.8V or whatever. Chemistry doesn't matter except for voltage and voltage is a measure of potential difference between the terminals (think of a hill vs a cliff, higher potential difference you get more speed from the pinion, lower difference and you get less speed). ZCI Balance motor on stock gears with a 9.6V should be around your target RPS wise.
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Old March 29th, 2015, 19:02   #4
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Fredericton
Yeah sorry for the format. I copied and pasted it from a post I made for Facebook.
It's not chemistry I was worried about it was either not being able to strongly power a motor if it was a neo and too high power or it just killing my batteries wayyy too fast.
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Old March 30th, 2015, 01:36   #5
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OK I was just wondering why it was formatted that way. It's still readable just I thought you would have used full linebreaks rather than just a newline.

To be honest, I run a 7.4V battery with a TM EG1000 (Ferrite motor although I just picked up a Neo Torque motor and I'll test it out at a game if I have time in the next couple weeks before I leave for a contract). The 7.4V will power your motor and should turn over the spring. Plus Neo motors will net you that extra torque to get it to turn over.

The only way to kill your battery is if you're an idiot and abuse the gun/battery. If you hear the ROF slowing down, then it's time to swap out batteries to a fresh one and charge them when you're finished with them. The thing you want to do is prevent undervolting (which BTW there kind of is a fix for it but not something you want to do too often).
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