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Age Verification Suggestion...



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Old September 24th, 2005, 04:27   #16
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Originally Posted by FOX_111
and Why would a doctor autentifiate you. He don't even know what airsoft is.
Would be great if a doctor did know what airsoft was. He'd make a great medic. Unless he was a psychiatrist...and then he'd tell you that you got shot because you have issues with your mother.

It's creative. At least he's thinking in new ways.

But yes, in the end, it would be a pain in the ass.

Age Verifier - Lower Vancouver Island
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Old September 24th, 2005, 07:10   #17
Dirty Deeds
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I could pick up the yellow pages right now, pick out a doctors office, make some stationary on Microsoft Word, hand-write anything I want on it, and when you call the number you'll hear, "Good morning, Dr. Y's office, how may I help you?"

Nice try though.
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Old September 24th, 2005, 09:03   #18
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I dont know my family is really close to my doctor, i know i can get it done if i have to but whats the point im only 15.
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Old September 24th, 2005, 10:02   #19
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While you can go to your dr to have something noterized it's not free, plus there are other ways to get noterized, and they're not free either.

The system we have is pretty much free, and while sometimes it's a bit slow it's still working.
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Old September 24th, 2005, 10:49   #20
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Now I'm not saying this is the way it should go But. This is the way that our own country works. In order to get a passport in Canada you have to have your picture signed by your doctor verifieing that you are the person that the picture represents. Or you can have a lawyer do it or a pharmacist but it has to be some one that has known you for three years. That and the fact that we Do have to pay them for it. Doctors Do have to verify that athletes are capable of participating in a particular sport so they too have to sign and get paid to do so. Liam offers an awsome alternative and one that our own country accepts when it comes to the Law and Verification. The fact that some one could forge a document would take all resposibility away from the people here at ASC because for all they know it is a proper and legal document.
But the problem is kids, we don't want these things getting into the hands of irresposible kids who could take thier eye out with the damn thing, go flashing it around public, scareing the crap out of thier neighbours and generaly jeprodizing our beloved sport.
Hey they say that the people who took down the twin towers went in through Canada. While it is legaly binding it is not fool proof.
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Old September 24th, 2005, 11:00   #21
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Isn't it free to see ur family doctor in Ontario? like go their for a blood test (which im sure its also free) and then explain to him the situation.
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Old September 24th, 2005, 11:08   #22
Lord Jebus
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Originally Posted by [Avtomat]
Isn't it free to see ur family doctor in Ontario? like go their for a blood test (which im sure its also free) and then explain to him the situation.
It's free to see your doc... but it'll cost you $10 atleast(depending on the doctor) to sign any letter... be it for work or for anything else
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Old September 24th, 2005, 11:24   #23
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doctor to vouch for airsofting.....while were at it, we can get Tru to give us all plastic surgery
"Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant,'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. Such is the rule of honor."
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Old September 24th, 2005, 11:30   #24
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I am only trying to improve the system with more options; not replace what you have. My suggestion of using my doctor is simply based on the fact that I have been seeing him over 10 years and he is very proactive about keeping healthy. He would understand immeadiately the positive benefits of engaging in a vigorous social activity such as you engage in and would be happy to spend a minute of his time to help me out. He works out of a clinic, but his patients all make appointments - so sometimes I have to wait a couple of extra minutes for him to finish with another patient; sometimes I get in early. Emergencies are taken care of by the on-call doctor. For me it would be easy to match his signature to one of his prescriptions he writes for can only fake so much ( if you still don't believe all that evidence - you might as well tell me the tooth fairy isn't real...oh, yes a dentist might work as well, hmm?)

Basically, most of us know people in respected professions ( doctor, dentist, lawyer, policeman, teacher, *owners of business's who sell to member's of this community*) who would be willing to take a minute out of their day to help out.

I'm sorry, over 2 months to get to stage 1 (actually being contacted by your local rep) is not just slow - it is more like snail-like; and I believe there might, just possibly, perhaps, maybe, just a thought, don't want to shake the foundations of your system , be alternate ways to be Age Verified (heck, I could just send 3 forms of ID with my signature on it and my home phone #, sign it, fax it to my local rep - and he could have it verified in no time - now that he has replied to my email! Five minutes talking on the phone will give him just as much info as if we met in person - not to mention he might just possibly be able to guess that as an adult, I really don't sound 13 anymore...).

Cheers! :salute:
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Old September 24th, 2005, 11:35   #25
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Umm not it's not free to see your doctor in ontario..... Yes it is FREE TO YOU DIRECTLY, but the dotor bills OHIP and the money for OHIP comes from...wait for it.... DUH! Us the tax you would be wasting every ones money
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Old September 24th, 2005, 11:36   #26
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u may think it's free to get a blood test but in the end u are wasting money. some serveices that you don't charge for doesn't mean he's not getting paid. just means someone else is paying for it cause u are ...under 18 and going to school school or making less than 11000k a year or it's included in youn health care so the gov pays for it. in the end we all have to pay for it because it's our taxes that go towards healthcare.

try goin to a doctor and tell him you don't have medicare, bam! fifty bux please.
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Old September 24th, 2005, 11:37   #27
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Originally Posted by Digital_Assasin
Umm not it's not free to see your doctor in ontario..... Yes it is FREE TO YOU DIRECTLY, but the dotor bills OHIP and the money for OHIP comes from...wait for it.... DUH! Us the tax you would be wasting every ones money

Not to mention ..

Secretary- "reason for visit"

you- "age verification for airsoft"
"Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant,'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. Such is the rule of honor."
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Old September 24th, 2005, 12:22   #28
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Ah - did you notice all the other professions I mentioned, guys...? And what about the sellers of items to this community - isn't their word good enough for you? Isn't there a basis of trust with them that has been built up? If they will age verify someone - isn't that more than good enough...

And by the way - all my appointments with my doctor are health related and necessary - I was just suggesting during ONE of these visits that he take an extra 60 seconds to help out with the Age Verification process. If that offends anyone... :shock:
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Old September 24th, 2005, 12:38   #29
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Originally Posted by liam_995
....heck, I could just send 3 forms of ID with my signature on it and my home phone #, sign it, fax it to my local rep - and he could have it verified in no time - now that he has replied to my email! Five minutes talking on the phone will give him just as much info as if we met in person...).
Meeting someone in person and physically being able to handle Government Issued Photo ID eliminates the possibility that you are using someone elses documents 100%.

I could easily send 3 pices of ID from on of my buddies, claim they are mine, by fax. The Verifyer on the other end would have no way of knowing if they were actually mine. I could even lie over the phone or get the same buddy to talk for me.

There just isn't a subsitute for face to face verification.
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Old September 24th, 2005, 12:48   #30
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Originally Posted by liam_995
Ah - did you notice all the other professions I mentioned, guys...? And what about the sellers of items to this community - isn't their word good enough for you? Isn't there a basis of trust with them that has been built up? If they will age verify someone - isn't that more than good enough...

And by the way - all my appointments with my doctor are health related and necessary - I was just suggesting during ONE of these visits that he take an extra 60 seconds to help out with the Age Verification process. If that offends anyone... :shock:

i think using a public servant is an idea but the bottom line is that it's not their job. it's like asking you gardener to take a few minutes to wash your car.
as for sellers verifying may have built up trust between you and a buyer but how is that gonna verify your age? alot of players on here that do sell accessories but they are not age verified also.
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