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Matrix (S&T/AGM) MG42 - In-depth Look / Upgrade Blog



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Old December 27th, 2014, 03:55   #46
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Any diagrams for running the box mag off the power of the gun? I was thinking of soldering the activation wires to the trigger contacts. Bad idea?
Originally Posted by Jayne Finch View Post
Always man. Part of the deal here. We give you a good meal. Not a snack that makes you shit yourself.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 18:22   #47
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Originally Posted by Adamlxlx View Post
Any diagrams for running the box mag off the power of the gun? I was thinking of soldering the activation wires to the trigger contacts. Bad idea?
You only want to do that if you are running the box off the gun's main battery. You do that by running the box mag motor parallel to the gun's motor. That way, when the gun's motor runs, the box mag motor also run. The problem is the voltage supplied to the box mag will be same as the gun's, which could be too high.

This is essentially the same as what I've done, but I have a mosfet in there. You may experiment with resistors to slow the box mag down. I've bought some voltage regulators that I haven't played with yet. I'll report back when I do.

Having that said, I've heard from people running the box mag with the main battery at 7.4V and they haven't failed yet. I suppose you could do that until the box motor goes. They are pretty cheap to replace anyways.
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Old March 4th, 2015, 18:35   #48
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if i was considering buying an LMG and i was considering either the PKM or MG42, would you recommend the MG42?
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AKM (Cyma)
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Old March 4th, 2015, 20:30   #49
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Originally Posted by Evil_yd View Post
if i was considering buying an LMG and i was considering either the PKM or MG42, would you recommend the MG42?
It's hard to make a comparison when I don't own a PKM.

I've commented on the quality of this MG42 in the first post in a few places, it's by no means perfect, but if it is acceptable to you for the money, then go for it!

I'd say both replicas are pretty unique, perhaps the MG42 slight more so.
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Old March 12th, 2015, 23:18   #50
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well for me it comes down to being able to use it with a Vietcong Loadout, because we always lack LMG's.I haven't read anything that makes me thing A&K's are very reliable.
HK 416 10.5" (VFC)
HK G3A3 (CA)
HK45 (KWA)
AKM (Cyma)
SOG-68 (ECHO1)
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Old April 12th, 2015, 12:51   #51
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Having read the blog on your MG42 mods has encouraged me to go out and get one. So, I just picked mine up today. I was just wondering what kind of 7.4V lipo are you running in there. Something like a 7.4V 2000mah 15C perhaps? I am still in the process of learning about lipos.
Any input is appreciated.

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Old April 13th, 2015, 13:19   #52
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Originally Posted by Porkchop View Post
Having read the blog on your MG42 mods has encouraged me to go out and get one. So, I just picked mine up today. I was just wondering what kind of 7.4V lipo are you running in there. Something like a 7.4V 2000mah 15C perhaps? I am still in the process of learning about lipos.
Any input is appreciated.
I actually changed my previous plans and changed to a 11.1V lipo. I find that with the rate of fire that I wanted, it was more efficient to run a 11.1V.

I'm afraid I won't be much help here because I am running the battery outside of the gun, inside of a battery pouch, so I'm not restricted by the size.

If you're running 7.4V, that battery spec you posted should be fine for stock.

Voltage (7.4V vs 11.1V) - This depends on your rate of fire. If you plan to upgrade the rate of fire, the drum, and internals like I did, then I would suggest 11.1V. A 7.4V is good enough for a stock gun with normal rate of fire. Actually, most support players would might prefer a more moderate rate of fire to conserve ammo.

mAh rating - The larger this value is, the longer you can stay on the trigger and on the field. This is important as a support player, since your task is to suppress and provide sustained fire. You don't want to run your lipo completely dry. This is dangerous and bad for the lipo's life. With a 2000 mAh, I estimate you should be able to run it for about 5000 rounds on average before you should change it.

C rating - You need a sufficient C rating to give the gun the power it needs. mAh x C equals the maximum Amps. So in your example, 2000 x 15 = 30 Amps maximum. In this example, your stock gun will be absolutely fine. The higher this limit, the easier it is for your battery. You don't want to work your battery to the limit all the time. The more headroom, the better.
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Old April 14th, 2015, 00:55   #53
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Alrighty then. Cheers for the info. I think it'll be a while before I have a go at the drum.

Cry "Haddock" and let slip the hounds of Beer
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Old May 12th, 2015, 17:58   #54
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First off, sorry about the Necro.

Secondlly Google shows this thread with the most, if not All the Very detailed info for this. figured i'd toss my .02 cents in.

Anyhoo Picked on of these up in the US. (Wisconsinite here).

Pretty much can confirm the same issues with Ken.

However, My hop-up chamber was cast correctlly, and noticed if you used the stock cylinder, and positioned it, while closing the Gearbox (prior to cranking down the screws). it will align straight. Aftermarket Cylinders are .5mm too long and don't sit correctlly in the shell.

Also. Core Air-seal PTS Nozzles will work over the CNC'd Red Nozzles and Seal Well with many buckings. (using a Madbul Black bucking, with a Solid Plastic Nub). aside from shimming and regreasing the lower, Keeping the AGM Blue belled motor for now/Gearset. Its pulling 24 BPS on 15c Li-po Firefox Super Power 1250 mah Packs. and the Drum, once Fed. Keeps up without skipping a beat with 1.2v NIMH rechargable AA's. HOWEVER... i forsee the JST connector being a weak-point, Just like on my old Ares Stoner 96. Ill run it till the pins fail, then rewire it to bullet connectors. Oh.... and the Audio Report. Its unlike any other LMG out there. its not that Canvas tearing sound, but has a unique pitch to it.

Back off the topic of a X-mas land 42 (with the tolerances being right). Its quite simple to work on, and for those on the fence. Think of it more of a parts kit for what your getting. With a new nozzle, piston, and a field rated spring (for your area) and some TLC. It will offer quite a bit, where CA/A&K LMG's trail behind in the range department.
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Old June 7th, 2015, 14:08   #55
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Just curious, is it possible to fit a box mag to this for an MG3 look?
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Old June 8th, 2015, 13:44   #56
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Anything is possible with enough money.
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Old August 14th, 2015, 15:27   #57
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I picked up a boneyard MG42, turned out to have a broken tappet plate and is missing the stock (anyone have a spare?). After fixing it up it works fine, but one of the drive gears in the magazine has a few teeth shorn off. Has anyone run into this?

Ken, what did you use for a gearbox when you upgraded the motor?

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Old August 27th, 2015, 19:30   #58
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Originally Posted by fishmeok View Post

I picked up a boneyard MG42, turned out to have a broken tappet plate and is missing the stock (anyone have a spare?). After fixing it up it works fine, but one of the drive gears in the magazine has a few teeth shorn off. Has anyone run into this?

Ken, what did you use for a gearbox when you upgraded the motor?

Hi Mark, I'm not sure what you mean by gearbox. In either case of the gun gearbox and mag gearbox, I used stock gearbox shell. The internals of the mag's gearbox are stock.
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Old August 27th, 2015, 22:36   #59
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The mag gearbox- one of the little plastic gears has some stripped teeth that cause the magazine to stop feeding under load. I'm trying to figure out a way to fix...
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Old August 31st, 2015, 17:28   #60
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Originally Posted by fishmeok View Post

The mag gearbox- one of the little plastic gears has some stripped teeth that cause the magazine to stop feeding under load. I'm trying to figure out a way to fix...
I don't think there is an easy way as I don't think it'll be easy to find an exact replacement. You can try 3D printing or just buy a new magbox.
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